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Everything posted by Slicker

  1. me too. That's sad. In vanilla, it works right.
  2. found several times in different versions including 4.3
  3. you're kidding. To warn you that the world is dangerous at every turn? It's survival. be a man Jax wrote
  4. I do not have Denser Cities in my mod folder. 4.3 installed via launcher
  5. I still have. But for the solution with a bunch of grass thank you!!!
  6. It also happens in the areas where I'm leaving home. Where I haven't traveled yet. There is still the problem of an excessive number of parts of weapons in loot - I just have nowhere to put such a number now - - - Updated - - - Yes, it is true
  7. Survival 4.3 Is a great fight for life. There are problems - 1. minibike on any road moves more slowly than on biome (forest steppe destroyed burned) 2. too often in loot books with rare recipes of weapons, tools 3. when you turn off the respawn loot after a while again appear disassembled earlier cars that can be searched again and again to disassemble and so on - Maybe it's a vanilla problem. 4. if you play for a long time without exit to the menu - stops spawn animals and zombies - Maybe it's a vanilla problem too.
  8. are extracted from lamps
  9. The best thing about this design is used to make the antenna - circle with radiating rays in 2 directions. Even sometimes placed on the ground in the yard of the gas station
  10. Please make the night monsters as scary as before in 3. Now this is an elementary school for a walk...
  11. I have the infection did not pass within 7 days. It's definitely not working right. I was taking medicine, taking a bath and resting on the bed
  12. I believe that the infection is not fully thought out. The permanent inscription is confusing. If you take the medicine there is no idea whether the process of recovery has begun or not. The infection as was and is. There is no information about slowing it down or healing it. For example on my 7th day the infection had not gone at all, no matter what I did - took a bath, took medicines, rested in bed. NOTHING helps. It's annoying. And tell me where I can fix the loot time in the different blocks? closed Cabinet loot time2sec, box 5 sec and shelves 8 seconds this is not correct. What file is this?
  13. YES! I do not understand. To the same bowl it is impossible to produce in any class other than survival. It's an incomprehensible complication
  14. 3 types of drinks require the skill of hunger instead of thirst - vegetable juices, carrot and tomato The scavenging skills seem to have been put away incorrectly. I find things only level from 30-80 with the skill quality joe 3 level, player level 25 What's the point of having 100 levels of study skill? all conditions are met by level 10.
  15. Level 3 ADVANCED BOW requires character level 45 and 60 at the same time. Level 4 does not require at all. Is it wrong? BLACKSMITH FORGE icons have the wrong name
  16. I don't know if the problem is with version 4 or not, but in my world, more than half the roads end up going nowhere. I found only 1 merchant having examined more than 20 cities and did not find any library in these cities. This is the wrong balance, guys.
  17. There are issues with the loot the remains of the zombies. Sometimes it is possible sometimes not. A few times the corpse would disappear instantly... Thanks for the survival
  18. I hope the reward is in the experience points for them will be greater than in this version
  19. Hey. First, thank you very much for your work! This is a great adventure, unlike vanilla. Now a few comments and questions. 1. Constantly burning advanced forge and blacksmithing. 2. Hang on the text input window when i use the customize box solve only the dual esc. 3. Not quite clear is the amount of remuneration for nightmares - it looks like they are in glasses a little experience, and this is wrong. In the configuration file I could not find (tell me where?). 4. A terrible imbalance in the chances of a rare loot-on the 80 day of the game I could not find MP443, Benelli, HK G3, Boomstick. The rest of the rare weapons could only be found in the radioactive zone (using a cheat). And I've already killed to day 70 and 98 of the character level more than 8,500 zombies. Even in the rare nightmares falls absolutely standard weapons as a prize. In a normal game it is possible to get there only after the player reaches level 120, a full set of Hazmat armor and a trioxin recipe. That very long... 5. Found a huge store As it is a pity that there are only boxes with food. This place should have all the goods. And it is a pity that this building is not decorated and absolutely faceless outside. Thanks again for your hard work and looking forward to the new version.
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