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Posts posted by Lonestarcanuck

  1. Good Morning.


    My thoughts after almost 10K hours in 7DTD., this applies to all levels of the game to MAX Difficulty:


    1. once you get food under control - good garden you pretty much have won the game - this can be achieved between level 25-50 depending on when you get 3/3 in Living off the Land and 1 or 2 points in Chef or find the recipe for Veg Stew.


    2. Ammo - again like food, eventually you will have endless Ammo, I find 3/5 in gunslinger with SMG and stacks of 9MM and you are set for the game - the odd DEMO can be a pain without 1 in Penetrator and AP ammo but I have 10K rounds of 9mm on me almost all the time and kits to fix.

    3. 3/5 in Lucky Looter + Looting glasses (4 or 5 perk) and impact driver you can loot like crazy and get a lot of dukes fast.

    IMO the game needs quest and task for those level 50+.

    I have run many servers and play with many players who get to level 50-100 and drop off until a server is reset or they move on.

    Doing "rinse and repeat" tier 5 quest become boring. you need multi-part questing and stages and task. Add quest that allow you to get parts to build epic items of some sort.


  2. I am bummed Nitrogen is not being supported :(
    is there any reason I should not use the last Nitrogen (501?) to build my A19.4 maps?


    I have heard of servers not finding any zombies on a map after X days and the only diff was Nitrogen vs RWG map.  


    The biggest issue with RWG is no skyscrapers - if that could be fixed I would be OK with the long gen times.

  3. I have a server owner who does not want to use Nitrogen (V0.501?) because he believes it does not have all the A19.x prefabs.  

    is this true? I generated a map using the A19 Vanilla prefabs and I think I see all or most of them.



  4. I love the plus pack  and I have a question and a request...


    1. the drones - they don't do anything like attack, they just fly around.


    A.  is it possible to have a zombie like the demolisher that when explodes does massive radiation damage over time in stead of exploding? just a thought :)

  5. @Slawa and @Robeloto 


    I understand you have  a mod similar to Snukfins?  


    any chance you can look at adding a new version of Grace the Boss Boar?  maybe something like Grace Boar with lightning when hit and acid puke is well within their capabilities. maybe she could be given lots of attachments to make her look like a battle boar.


    if you have your own threads or Discord please share!


  6. Question(s) - sorry if they have been asked.


    1. Do the zombies difficulty scale?  so on day 1-21 with players level 1-30 the zombies are easier?  lower XP and lower HP?

    2. if, how hard would it be to add a scaling feature based on the games gate system?


    Bonus if  you could make a new NPC/Trader that I can drop on a server that would rock.  in RUST I had a trader walking a path back and forth and if you tried to kill him he would one-shot you.  he would sell stuff. 

  7. have you tested your starter quest mod on a server with other mods?

    for example your last update (few weeks back) would not work with this combination:

    these are the mods I am using: -- 1CSMM_Patrons -- Allocs_CommandExtensions -- Allocs_CommonFunc -- Allocs_WebAndMapRendering -- BCManager -- DeepPockets -- GrassCutter -- ServerTools -- War3zuk ReGrow Vehicles


    clicking the note would give an object out of reference scrolling like crazy in the player console.  


  8. I trying out Nitrogen for the first time for my server, I am tired of seeing awesome Nitro maps everywhere  but my server :)

    So a couple of questions:


    1. I normally use 8192 for my maps (8K)  if I go to 10K will A19 be ok with that?  seems like an odd size


    2. anyone test CPM commands with Nitrogen?  specifically "cpm-getprefab reset"


    other than that - I am excited to test tonight


  9. Question(s)


    1. if I generate my map locally (PC) and want to put it on my server.  how do I do that?  I know the path for the server saved games  but how does serverconfig.xml know to use that and no generate a map?  what do I need to set in serverconfig.xml?


    2.  why are all the 8K maps generated as a bottom LEFT quad and the rest is all water?



  10. Question for Server owners. since serverconfig.xml has RWG and a seed name.

    do I just replace what was generated with the files from Nitrogen? and if so, how will that work if I delete a region file - the game usually regens.


    the simple question is how do I use this with a server :)

  11. so I created a modlet and have a new item I appended to items.xml. I want to create an icon for it.


    1. is there an icon tutorial? like size, file type, location it goes, etc.


    2. will a player need to install anything or can I just put the mod and icon on the server?

  12. anyone use the ST-RPP command? it is the Server Tools reset player profile tool.


    not sure how it works and if the server needs to be restarted.

  13. Could it be as simple as not having your home machine access setup through your DMZ? I had that before.


    when you say you can see http://serverip:port but not publicIP:port I found that was the issue.


    maybe doing a trace route from public to see where it times out.


    worse case call my wife, she is a veteran network administrator who wrote the book on TCP/IP (search for Kelli Adam and TCP/IP on Amazon) but she will charge you $100s in starbucks gift cards for 5 minutes of work :)

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