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Posts posted by faatal

  1. 44 minutes ago, Vintorez said:

    Made a thread in Pimp Dreams but figured I'd mention it here since it's a pretty small thing; Should there always be at least one thing in sealed crates and treasure chests when playing with reduced loot settings? When I set loot to say 50%, I expect such containers to have half as much stuff, not for half of them to be empty. I normally enjoy survival games with reduced loot but that one quirk kinda turns me off from it in this game.

    It depends. A container with 10 feathers would reduce to 5, but if there was going to be 1 item in the chest, then you now have a 50% chance of it being there. The system does not try to replace your 1 item, with a crappier 1 item.

  2. 8 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Good man, I sort of assumed that but you know….

    Is it true the server client generates worlds slower because they don’t use the graphics card memory? Makes sense to me in my admittedly amateur understanding of Hardware.

    RWG has not done processing on the GPU for a year or two, so the server generation should be similar and with a21 also faster.

    7 hours ago, beHypE said:

    Since faatal reads everything, do you guys hire, and if so do you do any Java? 😆


    I guess I can get used to .NET if I have to. 😝


    Jokes aside, release the krakeeeeen

    Most everything in this thread, the rest, not much.


    No Java. 7dtd is C# in Unity.



    The kraken is still awakening.

  3. 5 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    Have you tried them? the vehicle changes I mean. Do they feel satisfying to you or are they a bit of a survival chore to the player?


    I would say they sound ok, but it is a hard system to imagine vs "feeling" it as opposed to the water changes, hence the question.

    Well, I tested them as I was the one making the changes, but not yet as far as a long term play session goes. That is what Joel is doing.

    4 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    For context are we talking one minute forty five seconds or one hour forty five minutes?

    The short one!

  4. 17 hours ago, Games'n'Grumble said:

    Hi @faatal! How were your holidays? Tell us about what you are working on now? Maybe you could show some new screenshot?
    And I have a big request for you - could you please add to StatCompareMax parameters that are applied to vehicles through passive effects (LightIntensity, VehicleVelocityMaxPer and others)? :)

    Holidays were good. I did a lot of game playing of around half a dozen games.


    I mostly worked on bugs and tweaks this week. Not the type of stuff that makes for interesting pictures.


    Sorry, I have no time for feature requests in the near future.

  5. On 1/7/2023 at 3:38 AM, Roland said:

    Three big attempts but.....three big misses. Sorry Poptard, your guesses are completely off tonight. 


    I do agree and I think most would agree that having more perks in each attribute would be a welcome additon. I've got nothing against that suggestion. Here's to hoping the devs will agree when I or more likely Crater Creator (who is our new Super Moderator) relays your feedback to the dev team. Or maybe @faatal who frequents the forums quite regularly will see your analysis and consider it along with the team.


    I can't believe you forgot about poor @faatal 

    Yes, I am reading this stuff.

    I actually generated an 8K RWG (in 1:45!) yesterday and played a few hours. Feels pretty good to me. After 2 days, I'm close to making my first dew collector, but need a bit more coin to buy the filter. My biggest complaint was that combat hits feel bland, probably by comparison to some of the games I played over the holidays.

    On 1/7/2023 at 7:29 AM, meganoth said:

    I think Joel is not involved much in 7D2D anymore because he was working as designer for the game and the design part is practically finished. They have made a list of necessary features the game still needs and programmers and graphics designers are mostly working on those. If testing and feedback shows there are adjustments to be done they will surely do that, but most of the game is largely fixed by now. 


    I.e. we can assume that perks that don't work will get changed (Sexrex is a good example here), but they will surely not add a dozen or more perks because those don't grow on trees. They would need major development that is just not in the cards for a small team that still needs to add bandits and a story. And as can be seen the team has its hand full with that alone.

    Joel is actually what is motivating the vehicle damage changes. He just had me tweak more values on Friday.

  6. 2 hours ago, mstdv inc said:

    1. Do our zombies and animals even have vision in the form in which we understand it?Or is it still a reaction to sound and orientation on the heat map?That is, do they have a viewing angle and a range of visibility?
    2. From the point of view of the code, isn't the smell and the heat map the same thing?

    1 Yes, they have a view angle, distance and it uses ray casts to check for obstacles.

    2 Smell is different code, that looked at distance and inventory items. It is disabled, but some of the code is still in there. Heat map is different as it tracks general activity in an area and then spawns a scout/screamer.

  7. On 12/30/2022 at 10:24 AM, Roland said:

    Well, to be fair, there was a multi-year gap between when smell was cut and feral sense was added. The one isn’t really a direct replacement for the other. They decided they didn’t want smell and cut it and did not replace it with anything. Years later they added feral sense which has some similarities and is as close to what smell did as we are likely to get but it isn’t really intended by the devs as a replacement. The devs aren’t necessarily trying to find a replacement. They simply cut a feature they decided they didn’t want for their game. 

    Feral sense is an extension of a feature. Seeing and hearing. No smelling involved.

  8. On 12/26/2022 at 10:33 AM, Callum123456789 said:

    Just a question about the newly added vehicle collision system not about how it works but just asking from a cosmetic point of view let's say your vehicle reaches below 30% health are there plans to add a damaged model type for certain points of the vehicles health? It would be a cool feature but can completely understand as to why it probably won't be added.

    It is not a new system, just an improvement of the current system.


    I would like to see some indicator of high damage. Might just start with particle smoke coming off them.

    On 12/26/2022 at 5:28 PM, Games'n'Grumble said:

    Hi @faatal I wanted to ask if you have time to answer. Do you know anything about plans to change the models of the character's hands depending on what kind of armor he is wearing?
    In addition, I wonder if modders will be able to use some of their custom animations for hands, NPCs in the future?
    Thank you for your work and happy holidays to you guys :)

    Not sure. I would guess the new player outfit models would change how the arms look, but don't know if that includes the hands.

  9. On 12/23/2022 at 8:03 AM, POCKET951 said:

    The weapon stamina built in to the perk and the vehicle damage/exploding seem like ideas inspired by the darkness falls mod. Someone at TFP has been playing darkness falls and taking notes of things they liked 😛

    Vehicles exploding was added in 2018. As I was trying to point out, you might get to see it explode now, because you can actually get enough vehicle damage in typical game play to get it to the point where it can explode.


    I don't know any of us that have played DF.

    On 12/22/2022 at 8:13 PM, crazywildfire said:

    @faatal do you know if in game voip got worked on? I wanna say only group voip works (kinda) but if you not in a group it doesn't work. I know MM I think he was the one that replied to me in A20 saying he could see not having voip sooner or later..... I hope that still isn't true for several reasons. Like public servers you don't have a discord to talk to someone in voice and using text chat while fighting isn't ideal lol. Also I know it isn't like for everyone and it is a small portion of players out of all but some like to RP and using discord doesn't work out well trying to role play with several talking as once. Or not wanting someone else to here you about to double cross them and such. And switching in and out of channels is as pain as using text chat while in combat and such. 

    Not that I know of.

  10. 1 hour ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Any chance we will be able to shoot while in vehicles or have more than one seated inside a vehicle for A21?

    No shooting.
    The 4x4 has more than one. Driver and passenger and with seat mod, you get 2 more in the back.

    4 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Out of curiosity, any chance of similar effect for sleeping zombies?  If you run over a zombie laying down sleeping, you run right through them.

    No plans for touching that.

  11. More vehicle improvements for A21:

    Ragdolls from death have a short time they can still collide with vehicles (was boring before as they slid through vehicles).
    Improved vehicle hit forces on ragdolls (accurate body hits for more realistic tossing/spinning and those hits are a higher percent of damage, so more blood).
    Vehicle hits can cause dismemberment.


  12. 2 hours ago, Survager said:

    This problem also exists with arrows or crossbow bolts when hitting a block that is immediately destroyed, in which case the arrows continue to hang in the air. Will this be changed in Alpha 21?

    No change, but it could probably be fixed by having the projectile continue to raycast after hit and if collider gone, then it falls.


    The particle issue is a different system, so fixing one does nothing for the other.

    2 hours ago, Survager said:

    Once upon a time, someone from the developers said that a vehicle could sometimes receive the same critical damage as a character, only for a vehicle it would be critical damage to the wheels, engine, headlights, and so on.

    Critical damage to the wheels should have had a negative impact on the handling of the vehicle, critical damage to the engine at speed, and damage to the headlights would logically turn off the headlights.

    Is this mechanic in the plans or was it abandoned?

    I've heard it mentioned, but was never seriously planned, so not on my radar.

  13. 12 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    @faatal What happens when a vehicle reaches zero HP? Does it blow up? Does it just stay there broken? It would be cool if in some conditions your vehicle could completely blow up instead of just breaking down... (e.g.) if you crush into a wall and you go below (i.e.) -50 HP then you also blow up. What are the plans on this? 

    At 1 it stays there and each time it takes damage, there is a chance it explodes and goes to 0 health. Since it takes more damage now, you might actually get to see one explode.

  14. On 12/19/2022 at 5:04 PM, Maxley said:

    would it be possible to allow vehicles to flip over. I think it would improve the driving experience if you have to drive more skillfully in order to avoid flipping over. One thing I really enjoyed about driving a warthog in halo was when you made a ridiculous jump and you almost flip over but you just barely teeter back onto four wheels. And if you do flip over then it would just kick you out of the vehicle and you would have to pick it up and place it back down.

    It could be changed, but we would have to spend time to look at the issue involves with flipping it back and where you appear coming out and if we even like it that way.

  15. On 12/17/2022 at 10:13 AM, DanLW said:

    Do we get XP for running down a zed?


    Everybody needs to watch Death Race 2000 now... The original with Sylvester Stallone very early in his career playing a non-leading role.

    No, but I may change that tomorrow.

    21 hours ago, Games'n'Grumble said:

    Sounds awesome! Do you think it's possible to extend this mechanics to shots in the future? So that the bloodstains remain on the walls for at least a few seconds?

    It is possible, but the particle alignment looks best on horizontal surfaces. There is currently an issue with particles sometimes colliding with moving colliders and stopping in the air.

    43 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

    Any reason the minibike and motorcycle aren't getting increased health? I'm guessing they're already in a good spot, but clarification would be super.

    Yes, they were fine. The changes were to make the number of repair kits needed to be different and reasonable for each type of vehicle.

  16. On 12/17/2022 at 8:59 AM, NekoPawtato said:

    Are there any damage changes for existing blocks that already gets destroyed via vehicle in a20? For example driving a 4x4 through wasteland it would be inevitable that you'd run over cinder blocks if you go off-road, does that mean the vehicle will take more damage in a21 running over that same block? 

    Vehicles would take the same damage as a20. Those blocks have a damage multiplier that increases it for the block, but not the vehicle.

  17. We have a few big vehicle changes coming in A21. Killing the weaker zombies and animals or smashing through weaker blocks in one hit is now possible, but your vehicle will take significant damage and each repair kit will only restore a portion of the vehicle health. The higher health a vehicle has, the more kits you would need.


    I enjoy working on particle effects and just today made the blood splatter and got it hooked into the hit velocity, so it flies around. Satisfying seeing blood on the street or wall after you nailed a zombie. Is a variation of the corpse eating blood splatter effect I added several months ago to make that look more like they are actually tearing into the corpse. Zombies be hungry.

    Added: Vehicles are repaired a fixed amount by repair kits and each level of Grease Monkey adds 10% (of max vehicle health)

    Changed: Increased vehicle block, terrain and entity damage given and received by various amounts

    Changed: Greatly increased vehicle block damage and self damage

    Changed: Improved vehicle block collision damage calculations

    Changed: Increased bicycle, gryo and 4x4 health

    Added: Vehicle sparks on bigger self damage hits

    Added: Vehicle blood splatter when doing high damage collisions with entities

  18. 14 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    @faatal, I invoke thee. Lately, I've seen an experimental  version being tossed around internally. Does that mean that content lock has finally been achieved for all teams?

    We make builds almost every weekday evening. Our internal and external testers play those every day. They are no different than what we would release to the public. It is just a matter of, are the features working the way we want and the nasty bugs fixed for release to the public?


    Content lock has not happened as there are things we are adding that are still in progress. We don't really do a 100% content lock anyway. Something could be added a month or week before experimental if it fit in with our plans.

  19. 1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

    Oh, I see. That might still be bragging though. I generate a 10k in 15-17 minutes in a20.6 with my min spec potato. that means that it should do it in about 4-6 minutes now. Awaiting a beer. And confirmation.

    Random World Generation is about 4 times faster. Meaning it generates faster. I thought what I said was pretty obvious.


    This is also helpful to the developers and testers as we can test RWG changes more quickly.

    11 hours ago, Doomofman said:


    Oh that's a nice QoL improvement for sure.


    I'll be interested to see what there is in the way of changes what RWG spits out (if there are any at all)


    Yes, there are changes to how RWG generates. One change that I know of is road generation is different. Robert is currently working on that.

  20. 9 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    Hi @faatal . I have two questions:


    1. Is there any radiation survival stuff implemented in a21?


    2. Is the trader imventory tailored to each player and specific  to each player ( that restocks only for each individual player to see )or is it  a X number of items that restock, can be seen by everyone  and can be depleted in detriment of other players? (like in current alphas).


    Thanks in advance.

    1 Nope

    2 Not something I work on, so I don't know.


    Bonus Info: I've been helping out on RWG, doing optimizations, and it is running about 4x faster.

  21. 11 hours ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

    @faatal @madmole Hi, I am not sure if this was answered in another post. Apologies if it was, but I couldn't find anything. For weather (in A21 or beyond) will it be changed to a "World weather system" so it doesn't instantly change when crossing to another biome? This would also result in more variable weather in all the biomes which would be great. Why can't we have a sunny day in the wasteland, or a gloomy day in the desert? I think this would especially help with fog being an issue 24/7 in certain biomes when using the Gyrocopter. 


    Temperature on the other hand should fluctuate, but still follow the biome type, with a broader threshold on biome borders. 


    Any info on the topic is appreciated. Thank you.  

    A21 weather should be the same. It was just a bug fix so it looks the same on server and clients.

  22. On 11/13/2022 at 5:12 PM, wolfbain5 said:

    then this is why you dont have the issue. it is not a setting. MM acknowledged the problem months ago. just wondering if they found a fix yet.

    There was an issue with one of the weather values not syncing across the network, which was fixed several months ago (a21).

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