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NukemDed last won the day on June 3 2023

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  1. hello @faatal havent seen much recently about zombie ai how much have yoose jokers messed with it to catch us by surprise?
  2. iron sights have their place. great for night shooting with spot lights on your own. also in rough terrain where scopes can be knocked about when bashing thru bush it is a good option. and on shotguns, scopes are ridiculous. but with shotties, so are iron sights. you can either shoot with those or you cant. if you cant you need to get a different one that fits you. i havent aimed with my double barrel ever (in 54 minus 21 years). and i have never missed. figure that out.
  3. dont mind him, he is just trying to get his rocks off so no pimps for snowdog? thats no fun
  4. i promise you i would accept it graciously and be forever thankful and respectful 🙂
  5. ahhhhhhhhhrgh whateveeeeeeeer release the kracken
  6. ummm. if you think a bit about what he has said, he is saying it will be done when it is done. there are no hard dates or promises in there, what he has done is elaborate a bit on the process behind the ''it is done when it is done'' mantra. thats all. faatal could be a politician with those words lol
  7. sorry, had to laugh at this one got kids? i do and agree 100%. luckily i survived and the youngest is bringing me kfc in about 30 minutes 🙂
  8. lol my most memorable irl massacre was when i snuck up from below on a dam on my father in laws farm and came across a super huge flock of canadian geese. i only had 2 up the spout on the side by side which dropped 4. they were coming so thick and fast past me i broke the shotty dropping the trigger section and the bit under the barrel to the ground and used the barrel section to whack another 5 out of the air! glorious 🙂 i promise you i am a healthy and balanced individual actually 2nd most memorable. number 1 had the end of the shotty barrels visibly glowing in the dark after running out of shells, but thats a story for another time
  9. sorry again - mostly because i am feeling stroppy set -1 in diablo still gave partial SET bonuses semantics i know, but i wasted 3 years at university and the only thing that i learnt that was worthwhile was 'higher education' is another term for arguing semantics the rest of the world was getting on and doing it whazzat? sounds tasty
  10. ummmmm sorry roland. one of the diablo iterations (2?) had stacking bonuses where the gear got better and better with each piece of the set you wore, and then there was an overall bonus. partial set bonuses as well as the complete set bonus. it meant you could mix and match 2 or even 3 different sets and enjoy perks as you built the sets. decisions like should i loose this set bonus on the wizard getup to get the bonus on the assassin setup. sometimes it was worth using only 3/5 of set A and the rest from set B to get special mixes of bonuses. here we go Arcanna's Tricks Partial Set Bonus +50 To Mana (2 Items) +50 To Life (3 Items) Regenerate Mana 12% (3 Items) Complete Set Bonus +50 To Mana +50 To Life 20% Faster Cast Rate 5% Mana Stolen Per Hit +1 to All Skills
  11. never figured out why ppl would go platform if controller support on pc is good. i hate keyboards, too many buttons = too many chances to push the wrong one. dont care if its pc or platform as long as i can play with controller
  12. i am happy to see the back of 2023 honestly. was @%$# year here culminating in the passing of my mum a week before xmas. 2024 has to better than that
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