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Everything posted by Blindguard

  1. Had several mods but seems like I can't install this.. followed the instructions but when I start 7dtd it's just a pitch black screen, any suggestions?
  2. Been looking for a mod to make this harder for me and my friends, this one got great potential and I've been testing it today at home, however I've noticed a few issues. Every single sound file when using titanium items is ♥♥♥♥ed up, like titanium fireaxe and chopping wood blocks, there is no sound, the auto shotgun also only puts out a sound for every click you do, which might not even be something you can fix. The one thing that bothered me the most though, I changed the time to day7 21:50 to test out the horde (as I do with any new settings), the sky got red and the creepy music came on but no zombies came? Just one or two wandering ones. Also, I've been at 0.0 in the wasteland and found a very, very small city, like 5 houses, as well as bandits there. I assumed there was gonna be a hub city? A large one.
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