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Posts posted by unholyjoe

  1. ***************************************


    yes and no,

    you provided the log but what about the rest of the report, it may seem we pick on this and we do because everything we ask for (which is explained in the link) gives you the examples of what is needed to find the issue and provided better help for the devs so they can fix the issue.

    and with that aside... the first and important thing is something that needs to be addressed..

    you are loading a bunch of mods and those i see affect ui and can possibly be the issue (all tho not 100% but a guess).


    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.346 INF [MODS] Start loading
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.352 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SMXhud
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.387 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SMXhud (19.2.Release1)
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.387 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SMXlib
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.388 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SMXlib (19.3.Release1)
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.388 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SMXmenu
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.389 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SMXmenu (19.2.Release1)
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.389 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SMXui
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.389 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SMXui (19.3.Release1)
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.389 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SMXui_PerksUI
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.390 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SMXui_PerksUI (19.3.Release1)
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.390 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: ZMXhudCP
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.390 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: ZMXhudCP (19.2.Release1)
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.390 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: ZMXhudCPTHB
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.391 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: ZMXhudCPTHB (19.1.Release1)
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.391 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: ZMXuiCP
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.391 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: ZMXuiCP (19.3.Release1)
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.391 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.391 INF [MODS] Loading done
    2021-05-20T14:58:39 8.402 INF Pack 3113 us
    2021-05-20T14:58:40 9.152 INF Pack 402272 us
    2021-05-20T14:58:40 9.154 INF [MODS] Loading localization from mod: SMXhud
    2021-05-20T14:58:40 9.155 INF [MODS] Loading localization from mod: SMXmenu
    2021-05-20T14:58:40 9.155 INF [MODS] Loading localization from mod: SMXui
    2021-05-20T14:58:40 9.155 INF [MODS] Loading localization from mod: SMXui_PerksUI


    its a start but the guys here will will ask more questions and make suggestions.

    good luck


    QA Tester-unholyjoe

  2. 12 minutes ago, Saffron885 said:

    I cant seem to get the wire tool to work l.keeps coming up object reference not set to an instance of an object

    did you ask for help from the mod creator? i dont have a link but should be in the mod community section.


    good luck


    QA Tester-unholyjoe

  3. 10 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    I think it's time to create a topic explaining local memes ... What is LBD? What's wrong with the Snowdog? Hehe


    upd: learn by doing?

    By the way, I think the game should have a combination of perks and "learn by doing" skills. Like in Undead Legacy. It's cool mechanics

    LBD = the stronger form of LSD (no thanks dont want it, never did drugs stronger then an occasional joint back in the day when i was single... some 45 yrs ago) :)


    and game really does not need to be like other games, if every game was like every game, then there would be no separation? i rather have game stand on its own merits. :)

  4. 23 minutes ago, soulsbane said:

    Suppose I was making an argument against cp,  but the twitch integration isn't even consistent on what the abbreviation should be. Chat uses #cp, the stream display shows sp, when you type #cp in chat it's referred to as pp. Sure you can find a bunch of different acronym's for a lot of stuff. For example, fbi i'm sure you can find other stuff that would fit. Now try fbi and cp together.

    thing is tho... this isnt just with twitch... it can apply to any media. it is called variety/deversity :)


    but seeings how this is in its early stages, i imagine a lot can change in time.


    reminds me of FYI... just seems a bit forceful... i know it isnt but can be seen as if it is a direct statement. maybe its just me.. :)

  5. 1 hour ago, bachgaman said:


    Street looks cool, but the zombie... what's with his face? Does it glow from the inside? Is it a zombie or a demon?

    1. the streets do look cool now.

    2. face looks good, he is shribbling up from being infected probably.

    3. that glow is from the dev's lighted helmet most likely to showcase facial features.

    4. demon... haha nope, but he is a feral zombie hence the yellow eyes and night time when they have greater chance to come out and play.


    he looks much better now,  that drab grey hooded jacket just wasnt scary,,, now he looks sinister... like he is up to something no good.

  6. if we went gold right now because some people want it, then it wouldnt be complete.


    as long as we keep it in development, it means we still get stuff added/fixed, each alpha feels like a new game and always peaks curiosity. games that are done and out of development are mostly collecting dust.


    thus all the updates and new stuff when we get it is free. best $25 i have spent on a game... i have AAA games i paid $60+ for and played once.. now they are uninstalled after one boring play through. been playing this one since mid a4.


    when i am not testing, every new game i play is different and been that way for years.  :)

  7. ***************************************
    hi Thordragon,

    where did you do a ticket as this one post here is all that shows for you.


    i checked in our general support forum and nothing.


    now, since you dont provide enough info for anyone here to help.. lets start by asking the questions and guessing.


    1. is your xbox plugged in (if its wireless, are the batteries good).
    2. you say it shows it as hooked up in game... maybe show a full size screen shot of your controller settings (PLEASE no thumbnail size as its is un-usable).
    3. what do you mean by modern xbox one... mine is 2 yrs old and capable of wireless use (and it works).
    4. could be your pcie lanes are bogged down... try unplugging a few usb contraptions if you have some plugged in.. like extra external hard drives, external speakers.. in that nature, to see if it clears up.
    5. reference to you already asking for support.. if you did ask here, it would show up as a post count for you and i see you have only 1.. so maybe it didnt go thru or its in the wrong site.


    look to top of page to see a colored banner.. please click on it and read it.. the more info you give, the better someone here may help you.


    good luck


    QA Tester-unholyjoe

  8. ***************************************
    nobody can help you if you dont give up some information... my sp/mp a19 and a20 games all have sound (if i turn them on and up) with EAC off as i do not use EAC.

    so we need to see you game setup options, a current link to your output log and more. the banner(s) at the top have links to show you this.


    QA Tester-unholyjoe

  9. 43 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Ah, I sort of get it now.


    I still don’t get why someone would sit for more than minutes watching some random play a game. The tokens thing sort of makes sense.

    lets put it this way... if Roland was to stream with twitch integration... that means you can join the stream chat and watch what he is doing and when you have enough points built up.... you can send some nasty as hell zombies his way, or make him see blurred vision for couple minutes or make him weak or make him jump high...


    now wouldnt you want to inflict some fun on him? i knew you would :)


    (noticed i used him as an example) :)

  10. 55 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Sorry for the noob question.


    what is the benefit to twitch integration?

    I understand that streaming is a semi big thing but to the non streamer what benefit does this carry?

    you get to play tricks and or try to kill the streamer by building up chat points and spawning enemies on him/her and or many other tricks... all available while you are watching the stream and chatting away.

  11. best to my knowledge it is hard coded but i could be wrong... in any case... you'd be best to go to the modding section to ask the creator there as that will be the best place for your request.


    or are you asking about raising their hp as i believe that can be done in xml. (i was originally going off of the title, as you did say life).


    good luck


    consider this WITHOUT getting upset...

    when a minority has an issue that the majority doesnt... it becomes the task of some guys/gals here to ask for as much info as we can get in order to cross off the evidences of the puzzle that needs to be solved... unfortunate... sometimes it ends up being something simple in the long run that one of us may have had some experiences with. or it can be something serious... thats why everyone gives input.

    so when those statements are made, you need to chill and let these guys do what they need to do and thats to put the pieces together... if your problem was indeed as easy to fix as you were hoping then welcome to alpha because crap happens and we want to find the cause(s) and get them reported to fix them for future victims.

    now that you have calmed down and think i am an idiot... let these fine people get started and dont get offended.

    good luck


    QA Tester-unholyjoe

  13. well it does come down to that... some players may have the ability to use said commands on various servers or its sp and in the sp case... who cares as it affects no one anyways. just an ego trip i guess.


    there are cases tho when zeds can spawn under/in a floor or wall and you may not be able to see it so killall does work and as i said... it lets us testers know that the spawn is there just not visible so we then need to find him/her and move it to better location.


    but to get this back on topic... he basically either just cant take the time to find them or they are glitched. to me that is what i am curious about... but the derail came from him saying he needed to use killall so frequently... restraint is needed there and bug reports if there are real problems.




  14. yes it is not a game play option... there are times when i have used it because radar shows one zed and i dont see him.. no coords for him or not found clipped anywhere... so use the killall and if it dies then it was hidden and need to find out where but if nothing happens then it might be a ui or counter issue... so we do have uses for it as a dev tool.


    along the lines with Roland, i think when its used then quest credit is null & void... just like the achievement when using dm commands. i dont want to see a quest fail code... just dont give death credit of zombies and people will be deferred from using it that way.


    however, when someone finds a poi where they absolutely cant find the zeds... we need to see reports with all info to help pin them down and not complaints which doesnt help. hope i made sense.. if not.. just ignore me as always... i crawl back under my rock. :)

  15. 6 hours ago, Roland said:

    In my opinion, after reading this, there are only two things that need to be done. 1) Allow lower tier quests to be chosen so players aren't forced to take quests that are too difficult and 2) make it so using the killall command auto fails the quest.



    i agree with #1 but #2, we can not govern the fact that some people will cheat or use developer tools to avoid certain aspects of game and objectives.


    disabling/crippling commands will not stop this... same as a locked door does not stop a thief.


  16. 13 minutes ago, Roland said:


    I think it is lovely making the min-maxers squirm....


    The more opportunity cost choices there are, the better it is, imo. 

    agree... i dont think the zeds are their biggest challenge anymore... it will be "they have to make decisions and get lost

    in the numbers" :) and they didnt think the game was challenging enough..

  17. when i first started playing 7dtd i had this critter https://www.amazon.com/NVIDIA-GeFoRCe-VCGGT610-SDRAM-Express/dp/B08X1922V6/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=gt+610&qid=1619130733&s=electronics&sr=1-10


    would it run... well yeah... would it run good graphics.... yeah.... could i play and enjoy it..... NO, i had to stay behind everyone because if i seen 2 zombies i was down to a slower crawl.... when i became a tester.. i upgraded to the 750 ti... world of difference.... now i have rtx 2080 ti (no plans for higher because of shortages, bots buying everything and the price gougers)


    to enjoy the game... i think most (not all) but most would probably lean towards a gtx 1060 or better.. oh and my starter computer had 2gb ram, now at 64g and ryzen 7 2700x. :)

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