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Posts posted by unholyjoe

  1. 34 minutes of video at 1920 x 1080p 30fps using bandicam took around 12 minutes to upload (this time)


    so i try to explain and show in a little more detail.. yes there are issues and team is aware of them but hopefully before we go gold it will be sorted and at least working much better.


    watch vid and let me know if it helps.. i hope it does..


  2. 4 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    I have made a few buildings in the prefab editor. They work fine, but I am having a few problems adding them into a world. Below are the steps I have taken.


    1. Copied the Navezgane folder to a new name so I do not edit the original map
    2. Go into the new folder and edit the map_info XML and change the name to match the folder it is in
    3. Start 7 Days and load the new world (a clone of Navezgane) into the world editor
    4. I go to a location I want one of the new buildings
    5. I press Z and target a block of air sitting on the ground
    6. I press K, go to dynamic prefabs, select my building, and load it into the blue cube
    7. I now have a large, neon-green cube which I move into position


    What next? This is where all guides I can find go dead. I have tried selecting another object which causes the building to show up, generally facing the wrong way. If I select the building and make it face the right way by using X, it is still facing the wrong way when I start a game in that world. On top of that the building does not show up until you are almost on top of it, unlike other buildings. How do I add this thing properly and store the rotation with it? How do I make it show up farther out?

    i threw up a quickie vid to show how to get a prefab into the world editor.. sorry i dont have the time for more nor all the answers.. i do have an 8k world that i created with all of my custom pois and those of tfp's that i wanted and the way i show in video is how i do it.. just save and reload the world in editor to refresh or load a temp game to see if it worked.



  3. you dont offer much for help such as link to the complete output log (from pastebin), your video and UI settings, screen shots of your screen showing this and showing your video game settings... info on your computer and what mods you are using.


    guys here can only speculate until you offer more. look at green banner at top of this thread.

  4. 2 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:


    So how many people worked on 7D2D in 2019 vs how many work on it in 2021?

    i will not go into numbers when its meaningless... what i will say is and i did give the hint, there are more working on 7dtd currently (not less), then there were in 2019.. we have grown a tad. :)


    look in the game credits to see for your self. :)

  5. 1 hour ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    BTW Covid is getting well under control in the US, which is where (it seems) the Pimps are located.





    but yeah A20 seems to be taking a long, long time. Guessing that many of the Pimps are working on the new unannounced game, which is fine and probably better. I stand by what I have said “the majority of us paid around $20 for the game, as it is now it is a perfectly fine $20 game”

    many of the tfp staff is not in the usa. they are scattered about the globe. our headquarters is in the usa.


    the crew who has been working on 7dtd is still working on 7dtd and will work on 7dtd until its done to where tfp feels its ready.


    oh and thanks for enjoying the game..we can only hope to get it much better.


  6. yeah i agree, i prefer the surprise... many times i bash heads and move on thinking they are dead... (when you are fight a horde of 8 or so) you dont take the time to check for their pulses... and while i am busy bashing more heads... one gets up to clap my ears with the infamous seal clap... i turn around with a "WTF", then i bash again and head pops off... well he is definitely dead now. :)


  7. he basically is saying... if you dont want to follow the path of least resistance as the level designers designed the pois for, then it is totally up to the player to play off the beatin' path (if that is what they want to do). some prefer it and some dont. thats the beauty of the pois... you can go in and play any way or you can grab the quests and go in following a path or not.


    if that still isnt explained, then i am sorry,

    but it is clear what TFP design is about and players can go about it any way they want, you really are not forced to walk any lines... we just offer a simple objective...


    be glad my personal pois dont make it into TFP line up.. mine are designed to kick butt and dont take names. :) and i make mine planning on how people will try to circumvent my design.... yeah, i am sneaky. :)

  8. 1 hour ago, OzzFreak said:

    i still have problems, took me close to 25min to connect, click connect, it open the broswer tab, soon as the button is there to be clicked to authrize the game says FAILED.. 


    what browser are people using to connect? anyidea id pop up blockers or add blockers might be doing this?


    yes i just did a small video about some things that i found caused me issues. 3-4 posts above this one in fact.

  9. keep an eye on them and those frozen ice boxes are not what is involved with snowzombies.. freezers i am talking about are the big walk in type for meats and such. as i said, there is no hard fast rule to say zombies dont have a chance to spawn anywhere but it may be very very low and "should not" spawn in the middle of a desert if there is no reason for it (basically if world designer wanted it to happen.)


    its not a common everyday thing to see snowzombies in the desert but i have seen strange things before. :) keep enjoying the game.

  10. the more you look at it the funnier it gets... they are actually called "snowZombies" and i have seen them in the desert biomes on RWG only...


    if there is one in the middle of the desert in Navezgane, (not associated with a poi), then i would be concerned because snow is way north separated by forest and burnt biomes. :)


    also, vultures can be anywhere so dont be mislead... they are not restricted to the burnt biome, you just or might not see them as often as a regular spawn.


    basically it never hurts to ask as anything is possible and its the uncertainty that can kill you. keep your eyes peeled and ears open... and expect the silence to be a threat. :)

  11. according to how you explained it and i think others will agree.. its not a bug but bad luck for you and your friends... yes if you are close to a biome border, you can get the attention of its residence if they see you or sense you.... that is as designed... we do not want zombies stopping at a border as if a magic wall says no trespassing.


    in this case i did not see any errors in the output log and chances are there are none in your friends.


    i will show you a short vid i did... i tele in to the area and was close enough to grab his attention, however there were 2 lumberjacks so i picked up another from just over the hill i imagine.



    only tip i can offer tho (and it is one i follow)... dont be close to a biome border... temperature changes and such to deal with thus mixed zombies such as what you had.


    in a20 i am using the new feral sense and it makes that issue even harder.. (option is off by default) :) but i love the new feral sense.

  12. was he in the bathroom or did he follow you into the house?

    that poi is on the edge of forest and snow biome (close enough that you can attract the neighbors attention (including the mtn lions)).


    i hopped in and went to those coords and did catch the attn of a lumber jack and when inside the poi, he and a buddy of his joined in for the welcoming committee.


    as for sleepers, the abandoned house is governed by the abandoned house group which is also affected by the gamestage.. even at gs1 you can get a lumberjack its totally random.


    same with being close to burnt biome or even desert.. i do get vultures that attack from neighboring county.


    while it seems strange to see lumberjacks in other biomes.. there is no set rule as of yet to not spawn them anywhere else. you just got unlucky is my guess.



  13. 18 minutes ago, TWORDY said:


    Unholy... You must have had Your game minimized and forgot to unplug the PC from power after all those years... 13 k hours how is that even possible...

    hmm... like i said there are other testers with far more than me..


    ave 40 hrs per week x 52 wks = 2080 hrs per year, 2014-2021 = 7 yrs bring up to 14,560 hrs  sometimes i do more per week and sometimes less.


    as someone pointed out earlier... my time here was unfair because of testing. :)

  14. this is only a test... for verification. curiosity got the best of me.


    i installed the steam version of the dedi not via steam cmd.


    started it up, joined it no issues, logged out, then shut down steam ... dedi keeps running so its not dependent on steam being up. of course i cant hop into it as my steam is down so will try my wifes account... i am able to connect to my dedi as expected. so even tho i used the install from steam interface, its still a stand alone program that does not require steam to be up and running.

  15. 20 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    I am curious. I have set up dedicated servers on my extra home pc and I have never used the command above. I have always used just the dedicated server set up in steam. Is there an advantage to doing it the way above?

    me too and no issues... i have also used the command line crap just to test it and felt it to be more of a nuisance (but to each his own).  for me the old days of command line interaction are not what i desire anymore. click on steam to install dedi, specify where and click ok.


  16. yes.. just make something to cover it until done and viola. i showed what i did because i do not plan to utilize it so not worried about what they see.


    i actually discovered the issues with addons in an earlier attempt and then stumbled onto the obs and twitch integration in the demo.


    glad it actually helped someone :)

  17. 1 minute ago, Maharin said:

    6455.7 hours here.  The only games I've had more hours in have been MMORPGs.


    And that's not fair Joe, this also your "job".  :p

    ssssshhhhhh :) there are others who have way more than me. but on side note, when the testing team was startedd couple years back, i started with about 400+ hrs

  18. i did do a small video that may or may not help... i do not have the answers to most, my run in was basically, addons in browser interfere and i had a case where twitch integration needed to see me streaming and not in a intermission screen.



  19. 4 hours ago, hotpoon said:

    I understand this was a side project from Lathan/Fubar Prime, so firstly just want to thank him for making such a cool system. It works beautifully, and my husband's community is thoroughly enjoying trying to murder him. :)


    Just some feedback:

    • In my opinion #spoil (spoils all the food in the inventory of the streamer and party) should be the most expensive command. Food is already a big grind in the game, so this command is by far the meanest.
    • It seems if a viewer uses a command that is still under cooldown, their points are still subtracted. It would be nice if their points were only subtracted if the command was successful.
    • Is there a possibility of the system remembering what commands the streamer turned off in the previous session?  At present if the streamer logs out for a coffee break and then logs back in, he has to remember to switch off the commands he doesn't want again.
    • Would be awesome if the streamer could decide how many points each command is worth.


    Thanks again.

    basically twitch integration is about being sadistic or helpful depending on the participants and the streamer. so if streamer is nice to his chatters... he may get some help, but then again, there will always be people who thrive on watching others suffer.... "Play At Your Own Risk" :)


    1. spoiled food... this can be countered by other chatters easily

    2. think of the point loss just like gambling with slot machines or the lottery, you gotta play to win, but you can also lose and you do not get your money back for losing.

    3. dont know, might need to ask lathan about that.

    4. if i am not mistaken that can be done in the xml.


    thanks for comments.. enjoy and tell hubby.... "Git Gud" cuz his followers will be out to get him just for the fun and laughs. :)

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