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Everything posted by Fox

  1. I noticed that I can shoot them anywhere on their body except for the chest and not trigger them, so I imagine it'd be like that with blade traps and any projectile traps too. I'd need to see more evidence to prove this wrong.
  2. 2 generations? I think it's more like 4 generations (soon to be 5) being pretty much the exact same technology but slightly tuned and OC'd better, and will likely once again require yet another new motherboard for it just because Intel is Intel.
  3. And that's why you don't rely on blade traps. Blade traps and turrets can be taken out so quickly that I feel like they should only ever be used as an extra, not a primary. Electric fencing is sort of an exception if you can protect them from ever being damaged at all, like boxing the poles in. Spikes are the best in my opinion because demolishers can only do so little damage to them leaving all the other rows of spikes in tact. They are admittedly a nuisance to maintain after blood moons, but at least they work reliably and get the job done every time. Barbed wires are also great for holding them back long enough to set them off... making them do their explosive area damage on the outer edge of the spikes, minimizing the damage. Also, if you can hide yourself from being seen by the birds, you'll receive a lot less acid to the base as they'll only occasionally melee attack the base in random spots doing only nuisance damage (unless they can get inside, through the windows or whatever). The only acid you would then need to worry about are the cops. I think the other problem you're having is that multiple players are in 1 spot. The way the blood moon works is that each player gets their own amount of zombies to go after them. So if you have 3 players defending 1 base, then you have 3x the zombies attacking the base at the same time. You have to factor things like that in when fortifying the base. So 3 players means 3x the defenses needed to hold them back.
  4. That could be it because like I said before, my base is on top of a solid steel foundation 2 blocks high, so even if they get to me, they still can't really get to me.
  5. I usually have them in ground like in your avatar, but this time, I got lazy, and I guess this version of the game doesn't matter anymore? I mean, I do see the occasional zombie re-directing to the easier path, but most of them just run at the spikes randomly. And like I said, even if they all re-directed to the easier path, that would just mean it's a choke point for me to shoot them easier. My modded TAR with 60 rounds doing I think 92 damage just mows them all down, so they only ever break past 2 or 3 layers of spikes in the end. Once I'm able to find a level 6 M60... I'll give that a try and see how well that does, although that one has modding flaws which bothers me a bit (full auto only, maybe more).
  6. No idea what you're talking about. They attack from all directions and aimlessly run at the spikes and occasionally go for the stairs. Also, spikes are easy to maintain and hardly cost anything in later stages. I'm sure it helps the fact that I don't just sit there letting the base defenses do all the work. I do of course shoot off around 1000 rounds during blood moon to hold them back, but I mainly do that to avoid boredom. Also, even if by chance they did create a path in the spikes to get closer to the base, that just leaves a sort of choke point to shoot them easier. We're talking about 8+ layers of spikes plus the 5+ layers of electric fence. They're never going to reach the base... at least not so far. If the time comes when they're starting to get a little too close for comfort, I'll just add more layers of spikes... problem solved. All these elaborate bases I constantly see all the time just makes me laugh as they're never 100% full proof reliable and all it ever takes is 1 bad blood moon night to see it all crumble down or the players run away in fear of losing their stuff. My sister keeps building bases like these and then constantly complains because it rarely works out that well for her. How is having to replace / repair a bunch of blade traps and concrete / steel all the time more efficient than replacing 20 or so metal spikes given the fact that iron is so easy to get? 5 - 10 minutes of replacing / repairing spikes and barbed wires to 100% and my base is completely ready to go for next blood moon.
  7. You guys try way too hard to defend against zombies, which in the end just leaves you vulnerable for a long time until you finally get set up, which leaves you committed, and what if it doesn't work out in the end? I've been sticking with my simple 5x5 tower base with 7+ layers of metal spikes and 1 or 2 layers of barbed wire since around Alpha 1-ish and it has yet to fail me. I also run electrical fencing around it mainly for the spider zombies that manage to jump over the spikes. Even those suicide bomber zombies can't penetrate my defenses, yet it costs so little to create. I have the base raised by 2 blocks before the floor and it's completely solid concrete, so even if by chance the zombies break through the wall, they still can't get inside the base and it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. I've said it before and the devs kept telling me my base design would only work for so long... but they're wrong because I'm still able to use it and feel like it's the most efficient base to build. I was considering putting a draw bridge instead of a jump gap, but that's far too ugly and expensive for nothing. And yes, I do plan on putting more blade traps near the stairs... but it already works great as is, so I'm in no hurry at all to make improvements. Something I have yet to try out is waiting out the blood moon in a gyrocopter. Just fly around until it's over. Or if you're a jerk... fly over top of someone's base and have your zombies attack them.
  8. I too tend to cap my fps to 60 or 72 depending on game even though I have a 144Hz G-Sync 27" 1080p monitor. I personally think 60fps is minimum for me these days cuz I can see the stutters in frame at anything lower than that. Personal preference I guess. Also, do note that a 27" screen at arm's reach is the absolute limit for 1080p resolution without making everything look all pixelated and ugly. So if you want to go bigger than 27", 1440p is my recommendation. 4k is kind of dumb unless you have a 40+ inch monitor at arm's reach and have the expensive hardware to run it. Also, if you hate screen tearing, G-Sync is the way to go... or at least freesync as there's no added input lag from G-Sync (don't know much about freesync though). This then allows you the option to disable the v-sync feature completely. I hate it too. And based on your replies... I do now recommend forgetting about the RTX cards completely since you're not interested in high graphics settings anyways. I do recommend you wait for the prices to drop down a bit for the older cards to save a bit of money, and I would maybe recommend a GTX 1660 or if you're in a good location and are a bit lucky, a used GTX 1070, GTX 1080 or RTX 2060, RTX 2070. Ryzen 5 (any generation) is really all anyone needs for most gamers, but if you can get a 2600 or 3600, it'll give better memory support. B450 motherboard. Samsung Evo SSD (M.2 or sata, no difference). 650 watts bronze PSU or better. 16GB of ±3200MHz ram. Great balance in performance allowing you to spend more on a nicer monitor and accessories. This is the case my sister just bought... very inexpensive while still looking quite nice and has great airflow... might interest you as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaKMTdWd_sI
  9. I only somewhat recently replaced my ancient Logitech G5 mouse from 2007 and yellow-ish Compac keyboard from like the 90s or something because the keyboard was an eye sore and the mouse, well, ppl were making fun of me for it. Otherwise, they're still in perfect working condition and I kept the G5 mouse cuz apparently they sell for over $300 online, apparently there's still a demand for them, and I can see why... it's still an awesome mouse. Only the cheap mice and keyboards and Razor / Microsoft products break often, good products don't.
  10. M.2 NVME SSD is kind of pointless for gaming as there's not usually much difference in performance. So unless you plan to do a lot more than just gaming and need as much storage performance as possible, just go with a 2.5" Sata SSD or a comparable M.2 performing SSD at similar price. You also don't have to have multiple drives in a computer. If you have a 1TB SSD and feel like that's all the storage you need right now, then why waste money on anything else? Besides, it's not like you can't buy additional storage later. Something I forgot to ask was what currency was your budget for, as every country has different currency values? If American, I'm sure you could squeeze in an RTX 3060 or 3070 and Ryzen 5 4600 in a computer without issue and still afford all the other stuff. If not, then the GTX 1660 and Ryzen 3600x is still a really good computer and can run 7d2d on high settings.
  11. Just so you know, AMD is kicking Intel's a$$ both in performance and in price. I would suggest you going with Ryzen's latest R5 5600 when it comes out in October and Nvidia's RTX 3070 when that comes out this month. It's pretty much what I'm in the process of preparing for right now, though a R7 and RTX 3080 instead since my budget is higher. I just bought a ROG Strix B550 motherboard and 32GB of high end ram in preparations for the next launch. 32GB of ram is probably overkill for most ppl, but I'm just planning for 5+ years from now when I later convert it to a game hosting server. Logitech makes really good mice, though I'm not going to make suggestions on keyboard and mice since that's a personal preference thing and everyone is different, including monitors. Just avoid TN panel monitors unless you don't care if the image looks like crap. Also, make sure the case you choose has really good airflow and dust filters (which is becoming more and more difficult to find now), otherwise you'll regret it later. Minimum 750 watts PSU 80+ bronze rated or better (EVGA and Seasonic makes the best in my opinion, especially since Seasonic also makes the circuit board for EVGA's PSU, but EVGA is much prettier). Get a good aftermarket air cooler for the CPU unless you don't care about noise (Noctua NH-U12S is a great choice for any high end CPU). But if you really prefer to go with Intel, then you'll have to find another fanboy to help you out cuz I'm done with Intel until they catch up again which isn't expected to happen within the next 3+ years.
  12. I've been resorting to hitting the refresh button. Didn't cross my mind to mention it though.
  13. Hmm, reporting worked that time. Maybe I wasn't fast enough last time and you deleted the post before I could report it leaving an error instead? also, lol on the Korean translation.
  14. Oh, I should probably mention this before I forget again... but I cannot edit a post and add a new quoted post to it, it instead overrides the previous post completely. This would be nice to fix to prevent unnecessary multi-posting. It would also be nice to have the option to limit how many posts load per page as it can get a little scroll crazy sometimes. I also tried reporting a post (mainly for testing purposes) and found a few issues. Number 1, the screen flickers like crazy while listening to Youtube content in the background (mainly when Youtube auto-loads the next video)... no idea why it's related. Also, I'm not even sure the Report Post feature works at all cuz I got this message after reporting:
  15. Ya, I tried it out but so far it doesn't seem to work as well as the first way of doing it (by following categories). For now, I'll just stick to the following thing as it works well and that's all that matters to me. I'm glad I can filter out most of the categories as it used to take so long to sift through it all just to find the ones I cared about... and sometimes, I would miss out on the good ones due to poor topic title choice. This one feature feels like a game changer for me.
  16. Took me a bit of time to figure out how to make it work and make it default, but thanks, this is so much better. I guess that's one issue solved.
  17. Couldn't care less who posts what. I'd love to be able to filter out categories like console section, Mods section, Announcements, etc, so I don't see them anymore, but that doesn't seem to be available to me. Instead, it offers other features that serves no purpose for me at all. Also, it asks for confirmation for the "Mark site read" which is annoying, but that's minor I guess. At least it's there. I will say though, I do like the fact that we can FINALLY attach full size images here now instead of those useless blurry thumbnail pics that couldn't even be expanded. Though I wonder if it'd be better to have thumbnail view in post and you have to click on the image to see full view... so that it doesn't take up so much space in a post as I'm sure ppl who posts pics of their creations will often post several pics in a single post, and having that many full size images load up could be an issue for some in terms of bandwidth.
  18. Text spacing is weird when typing, layout feels too simplistic / boring, and I'm not sure I like the username placement or at least the separation between posts. And I think the "Report Post" and "Share This Post" are too close together, I guarantee a lot of ppl will click the wrong one by accident. Maybe The Share This Post icon could sit next to the heart icon instead? The "Unread Content" feature needs polish, but otherwise awesome. I would be interested to know what kind of shiny new features the moderators might have now though, if any.
  19. I bet my life savings that you've never coded a game before. Also, they're not small updates, if you read the release notes and paid any attention at all, you'd know that.
  20. That's easy, it's called IP ban, they just need to add that in.
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