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Posts posted by Fox

  1. 10.4 is and likely always will be my fav version.


    Also, I still have versions 1 - 4, but they require a login account which no longer works as the devs killed that a long time ago... so unless you have modified files to make them work, my copies are DOA.

  2. 22 hours ago, Scyris said:


    Your forgetting the stamina bug thats been there since a17, where second u hit 74% water your hit with a hidden 20% stam regen penalty, this was normal in a16.4 and had a tooltip and status icon, but the tooltip was changed to say its at 50%, and the tooltip/status icon does not show at 74% water anymore. Its essentally a hidden debuff, its also not in the xml's at all either i've looked thru them to try to find it. Its a debuff in the code, that they need to change to take effect at 49% water to match the tooltip/status icons in the game, but in A21.. its still bugged and has not been fixed. Try it, watch how much stam u regen per tick (its 5 per tick base, 2 ticks a second it seems for 10 stam/second), below 74% water this changes to 4/tick (8 stam total per sec) with no indicator that this is happening at all other than noticing your char suddendly runs out of stamina far faster than usual. Its very noticable when sprinting around or mining when you hit that 74% or below water. I'd not be surprized to see this bug still existing in a22.


    Thankfully, its been reported multiple times, by not only me but others, and the devs I believe have finally acknoledged its a bug so thats some progress finally, whether it actually gets fixed or not who knows? The game has bugs that been here since alpha 10.2 and are still here. I specifically say a10.2 as thats when I personally purchaised the game, and I still run across a few bugs from back then that still exist today.


    I do wonder when the ambient occlusion will get edited though, if you shut it off, all the poi's seem super bright inside, almost like most of the lighting effects depend on that being on to function properly. Usually I shut AO off in games to save performance, but in 7dtd it makes such a massive diff compared to most games that it looks extremly different having it off.

    I remember reading about that bug a few times but forgot about it as it's not something I often encounter in-game since I rarely let my water reach that low, or at least I didn't back when I played. A21 being as bad as it is, I haven't had any interest in playing anymore.


    I could have also mentioned some bugs that likely still exist today, one of which goes all the way back to Alpha 1, but I haven't been bothered to test to see if they still exist as it takes way too long to properly test some of them. Biggest one I can remember off-hand is the Vertices glitch which was what Alloc called it and I was the first to discover it and report it back in Alpha 3. How I understood the issue, with the skybox being as high as it is, if you filled a chunk area with way too many entities, the chunk disappeared leaving an empty void corrupting the save file. One dev claimed they couldn't find a way to fix it but would make an attempt to work around the issue and look into it again some time in the future, but I never did see an update note claiming it was ever fixed, ever, so I have a sneaky suspicion that it still exists today. But I could be wrong about it. It does happen on occasion.

  3. It's not a matter of if it can be implemented, but if it can even be played at all with it enabled. I'm sure you've seen Minecraft with Ray Tracing. Minecraft by itself can run on a potato office computer no problem at all, but the moment you add Ray Tracing, you suddenly need an RTX 2080 or better just to have playable FPS. Now imagine 7D2D which struggles to get 60+ fps (max settings) on most gaming computers with an RTX 2080 or better, now add Ray Tracing. Requirements would be at minimum RTX 6080 or better, especially since Nvidia stopped focusing on gaming related tech and are now into AI nonsense.

  4. This is of course just my opinion, but I personally started seeing the game going downhill after A10.4. There was of course a few awesome stuff added like vehicles and some nice graphics rework, but the game overall was still going downwards. The fact that so many things kept getting redone is in my opinion just a waste of time and resources. Had they actually planned the process better, they never would have needed to redo things... at least not nearly as many times as they did anyway.


    - Crafting systems dumbed down a lot, removing the option to make a lot of stuff from scratch.

    - Skills / Perks system is still a joke.

    - Looting is so level gated and predictable / boring that it's not even worth wasting much time on anymore.

    - Role play elements are discouraged when playing solo and traders are too heavily encouraged.

    - Stealth no longer possible most of the time.

    - World still feels empty and boring (in terms of activity) with little to no reason to explore since everything (within your level) is within view distance unless you spawned in far away from trader.

    - Zombie placements in POIs are predictable and unrealistically dumb. Jump scares are not a thing in this game since it's constant with every single POI.

    - "Random" Hordes spawning in within view and GPSing to your exact location is and always will be lame. This also includes the 7th day base defence portion of the game which is still far too easy to cheese and defend against.

    - Mining deep underground is now pointless and the terrain seems to magically reset itself now which is also dumb. Also, caves removed. Giving us less play-style options

    - Not being able to use any of the water in the world for no apparent reason is really dumb, solar panels being as rare as they are...

    - Food / water consumption and stamina drain is still poorly done.

    - etc...


    Lets not forget all the bugs that have existed for many years, like:

    - Weird texture / lighting issues where you sometimes see a glow and/or white lines outlining trees and objects at certain times of day.

    - Terrain collapsing despite supporting everything correctly

    - Countless FPS issues / stutters / micro stutters

    - Having too much within a single chunk area causes instabilities.

    - pop-in issues

    - vehicles disappearing

    - etc...


    Literally everything in the game feels like the devs are trying so hard to control the difficulty and "balance", but in reality, all they're really accomplishing is making the game a lot less enjoyable and setting us down a very narrow path. The game still doesn't have a goal or story / lore. No NPCs of any kind unless you include a few statues in an indestructible world chunk area that sell you stuff and always have an optional mission for you. We just aimlessly go around collecting stuff and levelling up to I guess stay alive and see tougher zombies matching your level. Without a goal or purpose in the game, what's the point? 11 years of development and that's where we're at.


    So ya, why would anyone be hyped for this game anymore?

  5. I watched your videos and I'm quite confident it's the HDMI cable causing all your problems. (blinking monitor can occasionally mess with the GPU causing other issues like blur / "double vision").


    HDMI cables these days are a joke IMO. First thing I've been doing lately for everyone I know is replace their HDMI cable on their PC with Display Port cable version 1.4 or newer (depending on their monitor specs). I find with HDMI cables, even opening a Chrome browser, the monitor will often blink off and back on again for no reason at all. This has so far happened to my friend, my sister, 3 of my clients and myself. HDMI standards are just not good enough.


    Also, screw the makers of HDMI for refusing to support Linux.

  6. 11 hours ago, Arez said:

    The latest reviews are considered "Very Positive" on Steam. Most of the negative reviews don't give any details on why they don't like it, or are fixated on it being in alpha, or are having technical issues. 


    The game has more players on average each year.


    It's number 26 right now on Steam. 26 out of 50,000+ games. 

    Nice argument. Does those numbers show how many players are playing the latest version of the game? Does the numbers show how many are modding out the latest nonsense just to make the game enjoyable? I didn't say the game was unplayable or unenjoyable under the right conditions, I just said the hate comments are quite loud right now and shouldn't be ignored.


    Also, if you think those numbers actually matter, then maybe consider comparing this game to a similar game called Minecraft and see where that gets you. It's also not difficult to be #26 when broken games like Starfield, Payday 3 and Cities Skylines 2 are releasing all the time now. Devs don't care anymore because ppl will throw money at them either way. It doesn't mean their game is any good though. So the player numbers are probably high because there's nothing else worth playing right now and at least some of the issues with this game can be fixed with mods unlike other games.


    Also, the comments are pretty specific on why they're hating on the game right now. Devs wasting 3+ months on Twitch nonsense instead of fixing broken features in the game.


    The fact that I'm not alone in noticing how the fps is unstable even on an RTX3080 / Ryzen 5600x / 32GB ram at 1080p when this game has been in development for 11+ years, I mean, are all the fanboys just blind? Also, 11 years in Alpha state is becoming ridiculous.


    Also, how am I a minority in noticing how incredibly slow these devs are being at releasing more patches and updates? I think it should be pretty obvious that most of the dev team are working on a new project and not really focused on this game anymore. This game is only receiving new content once every 2 years (if you can even call it new content at this point).

  7. Given the current feedback on the latest update on Steam from ppl who haven't been banned yet, I'd say OP isn't entirely wrong here. There's a lot of hate going on right now and I really don't think the devs should be ignoring them, not when there's this many of them. I myself hardly play this game anymore. I also feel like each update being released seems to feel worse in terms of fun factor and none of my friends and family bother to play anymore either.

  8. 1 hour ago, edwinS said:

    I have the same issue was still fine this morning but when I tried to play this afternoon frame rate went down to 2 fps at some points

    Also Zombies does not seem to know where you are, my drone is lost and the Gyro copter is broken, it will not lift the front end with space it almost seems to brake like on a bike. 


    I updated to the latest nvidia driver restarted remove the steam overlay nothing seems to help


    I also have the ROG suff but have not tried to remove that.


    I have a Nvidia 3080 and a recent i5 intel and I was running at 4k 60 fps no problem till this afternoon.


    Please help I have many hours into this save.


    I started a new game and that seem to run just fine no frame rate issues. 

    Do you have a buttload of trees near your base? I noticed that became an issue for me when I planted 60+ saplings and let them grow to full size. I also have a similar rig. I think I just lowered the graphics settings from Ultra+ to Ultra and that fixed the issue for me and was able to keep the trees.

  9. Did you get the GPU drivers from the manufacturer or from Windows updates which have a bad habit of overriding good drivers with their garbage drivers?


    You should also re-install the latest chipset drivers from your motherboard manufacturer's website as Windows can sometimes mess with those drivers too making things screwed up.


    Aside from that, make sure the ssd the game is installed on isn't full, remove or disable any unneeded bloatware and the game should run fine.

  10. Laptops rarely ever do well with this game, mainly due to heat as this game hits everything hard and laptops are almost never equipped to handle that amount of stress load. Doesn't help that you're also hindered by a laptop grade CPU which performs not nearly as good as the desktop version even on the best of times. Removing any bloatware (including disabling 3rd party antivirus while playing would help with performance).

  11. On 8/15/2023 at 12:37 PM, LordBullFrog said:

    I just miss them they were special to me

    That came off as extremely creepy.


    Also, if you really want to see nude zombies or nude women in general, then there are plenty of porn sites as well as porn games out there to suit your needs.

  12. I think at this point we might need to come at this from a different angle and / or start over. Oh, and just remembered... you did install motherboard chipset drivers from the manufacturer too right as that's also important?


    Has the game ever run on this new computer. If yes, what exactly has changed between when it worked and when it didn't? If no, then start narrowing the field of what could be causing it. Make sure all important Windows updates have completed (you can prevent the optional ones from installing, though I would at least look at them to see if they're driver related). I'd also start with swapping out peripherals as they're usually the easiest to do (do not use a usb headset during this test as this was a cause for crashes a few years ago), then move onto uninstalling any and all third party stuff that might affect gaming (don't just disable them as a lot of them only pretend to close completely and the others still mess with the registry even while disabled). Make sure no third party antivirus or VPN is getting in the way, Norton and Avast are especially bad for that. Uninstall the game completely including deleting any player profiles and any traces of the game at all... make it not exist at all. Then re-install it fresh on C drive and see what happens. If still nothing, start swapping out internal hardware components if you can and are confident enough to do it.


    I'm quite confident the game itself isn't at fault here as there are tens of thousands of ppl playing this game right now and none of them have this weird issue, and the game has been around for over 10 years, so hardware conflicts with this game would be extremely unlikely at this point. I also don't think it's the type of hardware being used or it not being good enough. I think there's just a weird and random glitch somewhere that just needs to be sourced out.


    Also, stop worrying about not touching anything while it's loading. If it crashes while moving the mouse, then that only serves to save you some time as it was guaranteed going to crash anyway. Moving the mouse only informs the task manager sooner that the game isn't responding.


    Now back to Fallout... lol. I love Fallout too as I grew up playing the entire series. My favorite was always Fallout 2. I'm not sure why so many preferred Tactics as the story and gameplay seemed very bland, but to each their own. Fallout 3 and New Vegas was also my favorite but I feel like it fit in a different category of game style especially since it reduced a lot of the role play elements. Fallout 4 was ok I guess, but further reduced role play elements, and the story was in some way inconsistent and weird. Fallout 76 was just a hot mess at release and still is to this day. They took away so many promised features and made it into something that can only be described as barebones and unfinished.


    I'm heading to bed now and will be away all day tomorrow, so I hope this helps and / or keeps you busy until then.

  13. Ok, so they're loading off of D drive... is it safe to assume that's a hard drive and not ssd? I wonder if this game even still supports hdd anymore.


    Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong, but the log doesn't feel complete, and I see no game stopping error at all. There's an audio related error but that's completely minor and wouldn't do anything to prevent any game from loading.


    Game music skipping and repeating still sounds like a hardware lockdown issue to me though even though that doesn't really make sense to me either sicne other games work fine on it.


    Also, Fallout 76... eww. I don't know what's worse, the excessive hype ppl have for Baldur's Gate 3 with 10 year old textures or Fallout 76.  😋

  14. 6 hours ago, FinkPloyd said:

    I have 4x8Gb RAM and have no issues.

    Unless you have the exact same hardware configuration, your 4x8gb of ram working for you is completely irrelevant to this topic. It'd be like saying the spark plugs in your car work fine.


    As for plugging into the wrong port... it's always funny to see ppl make that mistake, even in 2023, and I forgot about that one as possibility, so good on you to mention it here.

  15. Xbox Game Bar just sounds like bloatware to me, but to each their own I guess. I will say though that the features you mention does sound like Riva Tuner, and why that conflicts with this game is because you can set it up to be more or less aggressive with feature implementations which is what causes the problems. So if you can, set it up to be less aggressive or just disable it completely in task manager and see if that works.


    Also, try disabling anti-virus software before running the game to see if that has any effect (If it's just Windows anti-virus, then it's fine as that does nothing anyway). For some reason, anti-viruses can occasionally get in the way of games. Same thing with VPN if she has one.


    The thing about brand new computers is that they should always be stress tested as hard as possible to see if there's any faults in the hardware because warranty's aren't forever and the sooner you prove it's broken or stable, the better in the long run. By stress tests, I mean CPU Burn-in test, GPU simulated tests as well as a demanding game test for PSU (or run all 3 at the same time and bring the PC to it's knees in fps). That 650watts PSU you mentioned is within the bare minimum for that hardware, but if it's an average or poor quality PSU, then it's possible it's not enough. If you have a spare PSU laying around, you could try connecting the GPU directly the spare PSU and turn that on and then the PC and see if the game will load up. (spare PSU will need the green wire connected to any black wire on the 24 pin connector, unless all wires are black in which case use an adapter to be safe)


    No tuning tells me the ram is running at 2100MTs with DOCP off, which hinders some performance. Go in BIOS and enable DOCP and set the ram to the recommended settings. Having 4 sticks of ram could get a little finicky with stability but it should be fine given the generation of CPU being used.


    Right now, in my opinion, all fingers are pointing at that Xbox Game Bar as the culprit. It's definitely either a hardware issue or software conflict. It's just a matter of ruling things out and narrowing it down to the right thing.

  16. Do you have Riva Tuner or anything that monitors gameplay or fps externally from the game? Apps like these are known to conflict with this game and cause instant crashes like that.


    Also, just to confirm, is it a crash to deasktop or a hard crash and restart?


    How brand new is this computer? Have you played other hardware demanding games on it yet with success? Basically, what I'm getting at is, is your hardware stable with no memory faults or PSU issues? Overclock settings / Ram timings tuned properly, etc? Often times, ppl are cheap and only get the bare minimum when it comes to PSU total watts output and reliabilities. Have you done a memtest86 yet (test your ram to make sure it has no errors which is still a very common issue even in 2023).

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