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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 1 hour ago, Maverick7508 said:

    Are the blue mods under valmar modlets usable in A21? Also is there going to be a balance fix ever for Valmar Food since some of the recipes it adds are worse than vanilla. For instance the bacon and egg sandwich takes 2 bacon and eggs and 2 cornbread and gives less food than 1 bacon and eggs.

    They should work in a21 let me know of they don't. 


    Yes can take a look at the recipes  been flat out with the compopack atm

  2. 17 minutes ago, Kellamcat said:

    I've been trying to get back into the server so I can download the pack, I read the new section in the rules and checked the boxes and still wasn't getting anything from the bot, so I thought leaving and rejoining would help, can you please assist me with gettin back in


    Can you provide your username please

  3. 2 hours ago, marcdasharc said:

    It's for Undead Legacy which is A20.7. The agreements disappear when I start to answer them. But, I see others saying hello in one of the threads, and I said "hi" twice in one thread and once in another. I already gave up on Undead Legacy because it's too buggy and has the same locations for each tier for missions. That's why I was goiing to try the compo pack. Anyway, thanks for your reply

    When you join check the pinned section and follow the guide I can help you through it if you need to

  4. 34 minutes ago, marcdasharc said:

    You can't just upload this somewhere for people to download? I said "hi" 3 times and answered the questions on your Discord to no avail. 

    Cp a21 isn't out as yet. 


    And what questions . You agree to rules then do a captcha all in the pins and posted thru out the welcome channel on how to join

  5. 42 minutes ago, zztong said:


    I think you're right. It didn't do that at first, but I think we got that in A21.

    Yes a21 fixed that issue that was there in a20 thankfully and the room random I did with the casino worked great in what it was designed to do maybe not on such a big scale tho lol

  6. 1 hour ago, Xayi said:

    Hey sorry for the late reply, username is GALAXAYI. I passed the CAPTCHA and was fine for a few days then noticed I couldn't join back. I can also send UID if you need that as well!

    no all is ok the username was enough can you try again please. 

  7. 43 minutes ago, Xayi said:

    Hey so... I was in the discord for a while, completed the captcha then seemed to have gotten banned. I've never spoken in there or DM'd anyone and was just in there to check the progress of the compopack every once in a while. Is there something else I need to do?


    What is your username will check for you sorry. I got to spend time on the bot but haven't had alot of time free

  8. On 4/23/2024 at 2:25 PM, Laz Man said:


    Some of those are proof of concepts and/or facades for possible future content.  They are not all guaranteed to go into production.  Dishong is still currently the tallest skyscraper in A22 / 1.0.


    We are still focused on downtown remnant POIs currently, but it is still possible for extra unplanned content to squeeze in if we have time so there is still hope.


    Out of curiosity, what new POI would people like to see in A22 / 1.0 if you could only pick one?  Sorry, no airports or yachts...😁

    Well can't go past a adult entertainment hotel (brothel) 🙃 🤪😁

  9. 20 minutes ago, Ricowan said:


    Just curious, but where does it say TFP would be selling the outfit DLCs?  I'm not saying they will or will not, I'm asking where the information was posted that they WILL be paid DLC.


    Didn't see it anywhere meself. 


    I know way back in like a10 or 12 or something 3 dlcs were planned. Didn't say they were ginna cost back then either but honestly 


    The game pays you in the end.  


    This game cost me  - $35 ÷ 16687 hrs = $0.0020974411 an hr

  10. 9 minutes ago, Skullfracture said:

    Posted this on the Nexus page as well, didnt know which was better.


    Errors out in RWG at 3-5% Wilderness POI with the following error:


    ArgumentOutOfRangeException: ArgumentOutOfRange_MustBePositive
    Parameter name: maxValue
      at GameRandom.Next (System.Int32 maxValue) [0x00004] in <a58aca9c8ed54d639b41f6dc2ac2f31b>:0
      at GameRandom.RandomRange (System.Int32 _min, System.Int32 _maxExclusive) [0x00000] in <a58aca9c8ed54d639b41f6dc2ac2f31b>:0
      at GeneratorPerformanceMod.Harmony.StreetTile.StreetTile+SpawnWildernessPrefab.CalculatePosition (System.Int32 width, System.Int32 height, GameRandom gameRandom) [0x00082] in <e50633701e48463298c4edb52db51cd0>:0
      at GeneratorPerformanceMod.Harmony.StreetTile.StreetTile+SpawnWildernessPrefab.NewSpawnWildernessPrefabMethod () [0x000ce] in <e50633701e48463298c4edb52db51cd0>:0
      at GeneratorPerformanceMod.Harmony.StreetTile.StreetTile+SpawnWildernessPrefab.Prefix (WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile __instance, System.Boolean& __result, Vector2i& ___WildernessPOICenter, System.Int32& ___WildernessPOISize, System.Int32& ___WildernessPOIHeight, POITags& ___traderTag, POITags& ___wildernessTag) [0x00038] in <e50633701e48463298c4edb52db51cd0>:0
      at (wrapper dynamic-method) WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.DMD<WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile::spawnWildernessPrefab>(WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile)
      at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.StreetTile.SpawnPrefabs () [0x00042] in <a58aca9c8ed54d639b41f6dc2ac2f31b>:0
      at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WildernessPlanner+<Plan>d__2.MoveNext () [0x001c4] in <a58aca9c8ed54d639b41f6dc2ac2f31b>:0
      at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <4bba812690714c578170328b4ec178d0>:0


    What  mods are you using.


    Zztong is pure vanilla no harmony no mods.


    A log would be helpful as well

  11. 55 minutes ago, RhinoW said:


    You're talking about game files and dev-only stuff then, unless there have been bandits in the game before A12, I don't recall any update mentioning the addition of bandits. When I said attempts I meant attempts in an update release, similar to sleepers, we all remember how those started out and how they got adjusted over time. It's an alpha, alpha is to build the skeleton of the game.


    Skills have been redone countless times, that's what alphas are for, testing and trying out stuff. No one would bat an eye if bandits were just simple ranged targets with a zombie cop behavior and got improved over time, it's part of the iteration process.


    People play with janky bandit mods because they just like the idea of enemies besides animals and humans zombies*, even with all the jank and lack of proper support.

    A16 had bandits


    In vanilla tho removed shortly after as their ai were bad and in which tfp have improved for when bandits do make it  


    Does some calculating yes a16 is def after a12



  12. 12 minutes ago, Rukminesh said:

    Meanwhile I figured I could make a CP48 Nitrogen list from the Terragon prefab list. Slow, but I'm making progress. Yes, the good old Nitro maps still working just fine.

    cp48 has teragon lists available. 


    I can also guarantee they aren't since nitrogen doesn't do tiles or parts 

  13. 4 minutes ago, VooDoo said:

    thanks Riamus,


    i was just hoping there was a easier way..  


    now i just need to figure out how to enable the trader "ding" when you try to hit something


    TraderArea is set to true in the xml


    thanks again



    Add a teleport volume which is a button in the cube icon on the right hand side of your editor then shift g to resize to the size of your trader

  14. 6 hours ago, Rukminesh said:

    I wish to use the A20 with Teragon maps+CP48.6 prefabs and I run into problems. The generator seems working fine but the genretad maps with the CP48 do not. I followed the instructions the best I could and the game just waiting after "Initialize". I figured some of the prefabs somehow missing, but the problem probably more complex than that. This should not prevent the game from start. If I use the landbridges setting in the generator nothing is missing, still no luck. The game also complain about the player spawn point. I changed that too still the problem is the same. Any ideas what is the issue?


    The bridges are a teragon thing. You can try to add a source path to your teragon to your mods folder see if that works.


    And being a20 you will have to use the a20 teragon not a21.



  15. 16 minutes ago, warmer said:

    That's not the dev thread. That's just a collection of maps. No dev info is in there. There used to be a full thread with version/feature info on the first post. That seems to be gone now. Can't find it anymore. It used to always be on the front page.


    Nope not for  teragon . Teragons discord is the place  to be if ya want details  

  16. 1 hour ago, warmer said:

    I noticed the main thread was no longer around. Did this cease dev? This was my fav RWG for 7d2d.


    Curious about development. I really liked a lot of the customization we could do.


    Any insight would be appreciated

    It literally is right under your post  🤔

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