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Everything posted by dhlmaster

  1. 7DTD a19.4 Single Player - Day 5
  2. 7DTD a19.4 Single Player - Day 4
  3. 7DTD a19.4 - Delving into Dishong Tower
  4. 7DTD a19.3 - The Raid on Red Mesa
  5. 7DTD Alpha 19.3 Single Player - Day 3
  6. 7DTD a19.4 Day 50 Bloodmoon Horde on My Server
  7. 7DTD a19.3 Day 40 Bloodmoon Horde on My Server
  8. 7DTD Alpha 19.3 Single Player - Day 2
  9. 7DTD Alpha 19.3 Single Player - Day 1
  10. 7DTD a19.3 Tier 4 Quest on Modded Server
  11. 7DTD a19.3 Day 20 Bloodmoon Horde on my Server
  12. 7DTD a19.2 Day 42 Bloodmoon Horde
  13. 7DTD a19.2 Day 35 Bloodmoon Horde
  14. 7DTD a19.2 Day 21 Bloodmoon Horde 7DTD a19.2 Day 28 Bloodmoon Horde
  15. 7DTD a19 Survivor's Journal: Week 1 Supercut Catch the whole week's worth of action in my hour-and-a-half-long supercut of all of the week 1 videos.
  16. 7DTD a19 Survivor's Journal: Day 7 On day 7, I make a bicycle, build a horde base, and do one last job for Trader Jen before I take on the blood moon horde!
  17. 7DTD a19 Survivor's Journal: Day 6 On day 6, be prepared for an adventure. The locals are all out to get me... the zombies, the bears, and even the dogs!
  18. 7DTD a19 Survivor's Journal: Day 5 On day 5, I get mauled by a bear in the early morning hours, and mysteriously wake up back at my house. Later on, I go on an adventure in the desert.
  19. 7DTD a19 Survivor's Journal: Day 4 On day 4, I finish upgrading my house to cobblestone, do some hunting, get some jobs done for the trader, and pick up my first air drop.
  20. 7DTD a19 Survivor's Journal: Day 3 On day 3, I delve into a burned-down building, upgrade my weapons, and of course, kill zombies!
  21. 7DTD a19 Survivor's Journal: Day 2 On day 2, I do another job for Jen, improve my armor situation, and find my first gun.
  22. 7DTD a19 Survivor's Journal: Day 1 Today I'm starting a new series with a different twist from my usual videos. Rather than making verbal commentary as I play, I am putting "journal entries" on the screen from the perspective of the survivor. The first day covers pretty basic stuff... making stone tools, visiting the trader, choosing a spot to set up a base, and a buried supplies quest.
  23. I see that Nitrogen is now packaged with a Prefab list for CompoPack 39. Will this also work with CompoPack 40, or is there an update to the list coming soon?
  24. I have done a lot of xml modding in the past, but I am new to this xpath method. I'm making a mod that speeds up character progression a little bit. Can someone tell me if I'm doing this right? I wanted to change the XP curve from 1.0149 to 1.01, so I think this is what I want to do for progression.xml: <configs> <set xpath="/progression[@level]/@experience_multiplier">1.01</set> </configs> And I wanted to add a skill point reward for finding the trader, so I think this is what I want to do for quests.xml: <configs> <append xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_whiteRiverCitizen1']"> <reward type="SkillPoints" value="1" /> </append> </configs> Edit: I tested these changes, and the extra point for finding the trader is definitely working. I can't tell about the change in the XP curve. My math isn't coming out right for the amount needed to go from lvl 2 to lvl 3.
  25. Also on that site at the bottom, it tells you exactly which files to add to your dedicated server. You won't need the entire mod on the server.
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