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Posts posted by meganoth

  1. 59 minutes ago, AaronG85 said:

    Can we just have a single zombie with a randomized AI so you dont know if its going to path directly to you or destroy everything in its path to get to you


    That is already in the game. A certain percentage of zombies will go into block destroy mode and hit on random blocks in their way. And if there IS no path to you they will definitely try to destroy blocks.

    The thing missing is that they are not focused on the direct line between their position and you in destroy mode. No idea if this could be added without too much effort, but I would assume that might help players greatly who want more of an A16 feeling.


  2. 10 minutes ago, Vaeliorin said:

    You say that like it's a bad thing.  Currently, the game is like the first 2 or 3 missions in a tower defense game.  I'd like to be able to play the last 1 or 2 instead.


    It is a bad thing. If this game calls itself partly tower defense it needs to be accessible, not a mode 1% of players know about after having played the game for years.


    The base game is too easy many veteran players, sure, but on ALL fronts. You as a veteran have to play with the options and mod the game if you want a challenge. I am sure TFP will not kill the tower defense part and make the rest of the game unplayable for the vast majority of the players to give a few veterans the pleasure of playing an unmodded game.


  3. 4 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

    Honestly, I'd like the A16 AI back, just fix the spinning, make the zombies aware of elevation, and add in rage mode.  It was possible to control zombie pathing back then (without exploiting them not understanding if you were above/below them) but it was hard.


    For example, this base only kinda controlled their movement, because a decent portion of them would just throw themselves off the edge and start destroying everything down below.




    And I say this as someone who's primary interest in the game was because of the Tower Defense part.  I watched the game for years, and thought "If they ever add mechanical traps, I'll definitely buy this."  They did, and I did.


    But this type of thing is the only example that is ever posted when A16-AI proponents claim that A16 has tower defense. And it needs advanced knowledge and a massive effort , something only veterans might do from day 30 on. And it is still tricky as you have to be sure the zombies don't collapse your base from below. Its an expert thing. I started with A15 and after a few tries to utilize traps in a tower defense way I gave up.


    The current AI gives tower defense to everyone. Novice players can use it after the first horde night seeing how zombies react or even with an assumption that narrow passages work as expected, veterans can use it from day 1.


  4. 19 minutes ago, Zombiepoptard said:

    Key word is “starting point”. If it stayed like that we would be here. You liked when the blocks weren’t even cubes?



    Do you like that doorway the pillar or the floor not being flat. 



    Actually I wouldn't mind. In most games I notice the graphics for a few minutes, after that the only things going through my mind are gameplay-related.


    Thankfully you posted a picture of the revolver and how you want the revolver to look like, otherwise I still would not know what people here are talking about. I never noticed and chances are that I have already forgotten the issue when I see a revolver in the game again.


    Your version of the revolver looks better by the way, but mostly because it is a smaller revolver and doesn't take up as much screen space. I would suggest to TFP to make the weapons smaller or put them lower so they don't hinder the view so much. Especially melee weapons modded with the fire mod simply burn in my eyes because they fill up the screen






  5. On 6/13/2024 at 10:54 PM, Ouabi Gaming said:

    I guess the answer is yes because 1.0 will probably just fix bugs from experimental but :

    A game started on experimental June 24th will be compatible with July's 1.0 ?


    Also, some people are really worried about the longer early game. I'm part of people that love the idea, and I guess a lot of people here do too.

    When you kind of master the game and are untouchable after 15/20 days, this is very good news.

    But I understand that more casual gamers have not much time to play and don't want to grind for 60 hours before getting to mid / more comfortable gameplay.

    Loot 200% doesn't increase loot quality, difficulty only affect damages to/from zombies, XP 50% makes the progression slower, 200% harder.


    Do you guys know if there may be a casual switch or something ? Like Loot stage x1.5, maybe.

    We may lose a lot of players with this 1.0.



    The casual switch is simply changing all 3 of your mentioned settings together.


    200% loot XP on its own can make the game harder, but with 200% loot and less damage from zombies it is almost perfectly countered and all that is left of its effects is the speedup.



  6. I think it would be in line with the general humor of the game to have a few more recipes that mimic how the food industry creates cheap food.


    So for example there could be an alternative secret "shamways" recipe to some of the corn-based foods where at least one corn is substituted with one wood (aka sawdust).



  7. 4 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Despite my previous comment, I do understand why land mines have largely been removed from the game. Instantly dying isn't a fun struggle for many players - it would be no different than a dog horde on day 1.


    That is true for tier 1-3 POIs, but when players are ready to enter tier 4 or 5 POIs they should have the armor to survive a mine explosion


  8. 3 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    They've been calling quality level 6 items "legendary" quality for years. 😛

    And have also specified they have no interest in adding in "actual" legendary items for about as long. *shrug*


    I actually remember a time (somewhere between A17-A20) where Madmole was talking about designing special effects for legendary weapons and that they should be randomly assigned to the weapons. Sometime later he even proclaimed that work on the design was finished and some programmer was already at work implementing them. Have I been dreaming this?


  9. Correct me if I am wrong, but currently the only thing with a "legendary" moniker is the part to craft the tier 6 weapons ! ??


    That they have been naming it that way keeps my hope up that eventually they will transform tier6 weapons into actual legendary weapons


  10. 28 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    now that there will be an official category of medium armor outfits, it would be an oversight.


    Well, that's why I was asking, I heard nothing about an official category or I forgot it again.


    When TFP has been talking about medium armor, could that have been the middle tier of 3 quality tiers? I.e. scrap armor is tier 1, iron armor the middle tier 2, and steel armor tier 3 ?



  11. 2 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    I do hope legendary is really good!  Like stats are 2x better 


    2x would be impossibly OP. And if you scale the zombies or bandits to need 2x damage you could not cope with normal weapons anymore. Besides, more damage is as boring as more HPs on the zombies.


    I would except more from legendary weapons, something that makes people use them **even** when they do less damage. For example vampiric weapons or weapons with a small AOE push, something like that



  12. Is there a new category medium armor now? Was that mentioned/shown in a dev stream?


    Unless they have been really really careful it doesn't seem that legendary items are anything more than just quality 6 items. Just to refresh memories, Madmole had designed real legendary weapons with special bonuses and there was work done for that feature. But it was put on the backburner a long time ago. I still hope real legendaries are added to the game, if not now then in one of the after release patches/dlcs.



  13. 17 hours ago, treos said:

    i don't know if anyone knows how to fix this and it's completely outside my realm of knowledge to even attempt to at all.


    Zombie processes can be the result of race conditions ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_condition ) or other bugs in the code, or even cosmic radiation (no joke, cosmic radiation can flip bits in your computers memory, though still a very unlikely event to actually harm operation as usually only a small percentage of memory is actually crucial to operation).


    Often zombie processes can still be removed if you kill them with root aka administrator privileges, but the difficult thing is to find out that there is a zombie in your system. Many processes don't have a UI that gets unresponsive, so those processes can sit in your memory like a block of concrete and reserve a resource that another program may need (for example specific ports). This can often be seen by inspecting log files (of programs or of the operating system) but not even that is a sure thing.


    So actually the best advice in case of strange behaviour of a PC is : reboot and check if the problem still exists.



  14. 9 hours ago, Boblogg Ravarge said:

    That's what I thought the advance period they had was, not just 3 days. I was misled to believe some streamers had actual access to some form of early access experimental beta of 1.0 (whatever it's called). Something closer to the tune of several weeks if not months.


    This caused the initial frustration and feeling of being treated unfairly. I admitted about the same text posted as a thread on Steam that I was wrong, several of my ideas were misconceptions, misunderstanding and I had lacked sufficient information. (Being drunk AND on a huge OCD / ADHD / Borderline Personality dopamine high didn't help).


    You know when you get this weird completely illogical extreme urge to eat some randomly specific thing at a super random time and get super angry when you can't get it?


    Imagine that disappointment, that anger and multiply it by 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100, that's how literally every little contradiction, disappointment or failure feels to a Perverse Narcissist.


    i.e : The stupidest, most trivial and illogical things are taken as a "personal insult" or "intolerable injustice", you get into huge fights over dumb stuff (because of ignorance, impulsivity or you didn't let the person finish talking) and realize (too late) you acted like a moron once the damage is already done.


    So again, forgive me if I wrote antagonistic things. I've received several pertinent, kind and well meaning replies, whether they agreed with me or not, the important thing is, some people were polite and diplomatic, which was all I had asked for : Support, information, compassion, reassurance...


    Understandable. A period of weeks or months pre-access for streamers would probably have irked me as well.



  15. What many never seem to be able to comprehend is that streamers work in the same area as games journalists. They may not be employees, don't work 9 to 5, don't have a publishing house to "hide" their names behind an equalizing magazine title. And they (i.e. streamers) are mostly without any training or schooling in the job, at best they are skillful amateurs, at worst self-aggrandizing show-offs. You see I don't really like them. But to many players they fullfil exactly the same role as that games journalist. And therefore they fullfil the role as a marketing outlet for TFP. TFP even makes sure all the streamers they employ are the real deal by accepting only streamers with a minimum "influence" or reach.


    Now if you protest the streamers gaining access to a game 3 days earlier why don't you protest when all the other games let games journalists test their games weeks and months before release? It is the same thing, just 10 times worse.



  16. If this were a problem of the game thousands of players including myself would have the problem as well. The forum would be full with protesters. Since this isn't the case there must be something special with your situation and Beelzybub tried to eliminate all the common causes for various problems. Doesn't mean there can't be dozens of further causes we just didn't think of yet, especially since I can't remember seeing that error message here in the support section unless it was simply that steam wasn't running.


    Since I know there are some users who let their PCs run 24/7, did you already reboot at least once after this happened?


    Is there maybe some other software running that might interfere? For a test try to disable programs running in the background and foreground except for steam naturally.


    Maybe try to launch the dedicated server. It uses an anonymous licence or no licence, would be interesting to know if that runs or not.




  17. 35 minutes ago, Ryu Oki said:

    I understand.  And I am not worried about security updates because hackers are going after the majority, not minorities.   And the majority are using more modern OS.   And I still prefer my classic cars/trucks over this newer BS today.....   unfortunately, regarding computers I will upgrade eventually, just not today.


    Some of them might also go after low hanging fruits. As long as you still can install an up-to-date browser and don't do any financial stuff on that machine the risk should still be low.

  18. On 5/21/2024 at 11:48 PM, Nmenth said:

    I could go for max level, which apparently is 300, but if the formula for leveling provided by the wiki is accurate, that would require 25 billion experience. Not a realistic goal.


    Not sure where you have been looking, but from level 60 on the exp per level is fixed and according to the wiki about 180000. Getting to lvl 300 should therefore need about 50 million exp. Still not a sensible goal that seems worth following though




    But back to the main topic: It is hard to create a goal that isn't just a useless hamster wheel task. I consider tasks or achievements like "kill x zombies" or "reach lvl 300" too detached from the game that I would never see any sense in trying them, even if the trader gave me some McGuffin as reward. The goal should come from the story or szenario of the game world.


    Just as a simple example: After lvl 60 no poi reset should happen anymore and your task would be to clear the map. Another example will eventually arise as TFP still plans to add a story where you are conquering one or both factions, but I would guess that experienced players will be able to reach THAT goal long before reaching lvl 50 (because that goal must be reachable by novice players in acceptable time as well)


  19. 4 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    If after 80 hours I only find out that finding up magazines to the maximum level is completely worthless. Because random items have a higher level than crafted ones. Then why find these magazines if there is no point in it. If this was an additional reward for luck, then this is complete idiocy.


    The game has information in the journal, in item descriptions, in perk and magazine descriptions. And you yourself should have noticed very fast that the game has multiple sources for almost everything:


    Need a better weapon? There are 4 ways to get one (trader rewards, trader buy, loot or craft) and your success does not depend on which way you get the weapon. Need building materials? There are 4 ways to get building materials (reward,buy,mining,wrenching). Need ammo? There are again multiple ways to get ammo or the materials for ammo.


    4 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Plus, if the game closes content for me through magazines. I have to find them to beat the game, is it logical? If the game is intended to “level up first branch of skills and then abandon the save,” then this is wrong. Simply because there is no final goal in the game, and when you don’t have reasonable goals. do you level up your character logically? And if this leveling is physically impossible, then it turns into some kind of clownery where I look for magazines like a junkie


    How about giving an example. What is physically impossible here? There are multiple ways to get almost anything and there are multiple ways to survive the game for hundreds of hours. I don't see anything that depends on getting to the last magazines in any magazine series. And there is not a single book that is mandatory. 



  20. As a new player I tend to play a game at mostly default settings first and see how it goes. Then I play the game and HAVE FUN discovering the secrets of that game. Because that is the best time when you don't know everything about a game and need to find out stuff.


    I never watch videos that tell me how it is played. I don't want to know everything and for example when I don't find a crucial item for a while I make an effort to find it instead of simply searching the net for the solution.


    An option needs to be fully understood only if you can't change it inbetween or the game has no replay value. If not, then people should learn that they should not change options when they don't know what the result will be. The default setting of on option is there for a reason. Why people immediately set 300% experience in their first playthrough is a mystery to me. Don't expect a balanced gameplay if you randomly set options.


    7 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    I won't turn it on just yet. I want to learn the basics of the game right?


    And you say it yourself. You want to learn the basics. So why this artificial outrage at some settings where you don't understand what it will do in gameplay?


    7 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    In order to customize the configuration I need to download XML files from Nexus? Are you kidding me? (Lack of Steam Workshop)


    No. The config is right there in the game. Everything you need nexus for is if you have a very narrow idea of the game and it must conform to it or you want it to be everything that the 5 games you like the best are. Or once you have played the game a few times and know its secrets and want to customize it further.


    You rail against TFP having RPG elements. Your favourite games don't have that. Hint1: That is why they are your favourite games and games with RPG elements are collecting dust in your game collection. Hint2: There are other players who like the RPG elements in this game and there need to be games that scratch the itch of those players as well. Just because you like survival, not every survival game needs to be exactly for you.


    I played Minecraft and Don't starve both for a few hours and then dropped them because they were just not my cup of tea. I didn't tell everyone that the games are bad and need to change almost in everything to conform to my tastes. I just dropped them.

    I am not saying you should not critizise what is wrong with this game (there is stuff that is far from excellent in this game), but you should not expect this game to transform into for example a 100% survival game. This is just not in the cards.


    7 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Since when does upgrading one block cost 10 cobblestones? (Based on Minecraft/Palworld).


    Huh? Because some other games have specific ratios in their recipes this game needs the same? I should not need to tell you that such ratios are only important for balancing and every game can have or even needs different ratios depending on their setup.


    Example: If 10 seconds of digging gives me in effect 100 cobblestones then one block might cost 10 cobbelstones. If 10 seconds of digging gives me in effect 10 cobblestones then one block might cost 1 cobblestone. There is practically no difference to the player. Only to the game designer because there might be other recipes with 0.5 cobblestones in the latter case which would not be possible to implement.


    7 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    I played Raft when it was in alpha. And I played the full release. The game has really been finalized and it has enough content. The game from 2016 to release in 2022 was able to overhaul the visuals, gameplay. And on release had a story. This is the best example to show how the developers made a WORKABLE survival game that hasn't required development since 2013.


    A game without steam workshop support. To change it you need to download mods from some other site it seems ( https://steamcommunity.com/app/648800/discussions/4/5788831477032535262/) . So exactly why is this such a good game without that support, but 7d2d absolutely needs steam workshop and it needs it now, not in Q4/25.


    And don't tell me "because I need to mod only 7d2d to conform to my tastes, not Raft". That is likely because of your tastes being different than the tastes of the 7d2d developers but conform very much to the tastes of the raft developers. I for example play 7d2d single player unmodded.


    7 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    To make me play co-op, because the game is 100% not designed for Solo which is a big miscalculation


    Please show me why. Not with throwing out your specific likes which obviously are often incompatible with what the designers of the game wanted, but with an average player who doesn't detest RPG games. How does it prevent him from playing the game in single player?


    If you look at attributes like "perception" not as attributes of your character but as character classes or specializations which you can easily multiclass then it becomes obvious that it is neither necessary nor expected to have every attribute and perk at max. You should not fear the perk system because it is unusual, you should ask what you can do with it. And the game has enough leeway to allow you to specialize even as a single player OR having knowledge of all at a cost.



    7 hours ago, Unamelable said:

    Because it's stuck in 2013 when it's still looking for a direction to go. And the developers wrote on the roadmap that plans can change. So they still haven't figured out what to improve or add.


    Whoah, that is a rant, not logical reasoning. Later changes don't mean you don't have a plan. 


    Plans always can change. When I build something (hardware or software) I often have a very specific plan and everything is working in my head. Then I test it and I notice that something is not working or could be better if I did it differently. If you expect more from humans you should not read so many superhero comics 😉. And in the case of a games developer in EA there is also a community of players that may induce unexpected changes. If they didn't listen to players and occasionally changed their plans because of feedback you would complain as well, right?


    I am sure their plan was very sketchy in 2013 but you can look at the kickstarter to see how their vision was.

    For example the title already says "blending the best elements of FPS, Survival Horror, Tower Defense and Role Playing Games" even though RPG elements did not exist in the game before A12(?). That a lot of the details changed over the years is surely a result of them embracing Early Access and doing a lot of experimentation. But it is clearly evident that for the last years there is less and less experimentation and more refinement going on, to get at something that is fun for them to play.


    So for example if you think you can turn them away of RPG elements with your overly broad statements aka "unplayable,...,hate this and that", forget it, it was their original plan 13 years ago that there were RPG elements in the game and voila, there they are and they are here to stay.



    Generally: Sure, I am not satisfied with some of the balance of the game, notably the trader, the trader and also the trader. I don't expect the trader and the quests to vanish, but I expect that they rebalance the trader downwards or make it possible to reign in the influence through options.



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