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Posts posted by bdubyah

  1. My pleasure. :)


    Just realized I never actually pushed the MD-500 update for the collection to Github. Oops. Works out though as I had forgotten the sounds.xml additions for it. So Github is now current and Nexus will be in a few.

  2. MD-500:


    Need something with more comfort than the rough-edged gyrocopter? The MD-500 should suit you perfectly!


    Has same storage as the gyro, but can carry a total of 4 people.


    High fuel consumption, but holds quite a bit.


    Does fly a bit odd. Doesn't have any roll to it, so it can be tricky lining up landings just right.


    Like the gyro, "W" is lift, "A" and "D" turn it, "S" makes it fall quicker, "C" rotates the nose down and "Space" rotates the nose up.






    Git: Click Here

    Nexus: Click Here

  3. Not at all. :)


    It was an issue I didn't think about happening when I coded it the way I did. I also didn't realize that the one mod's loot.xml failing to load would cause other issues like it did.


    Hopefully it's fixed up now. If you have any issues still, definitely let me know.

  4. Those aren't for normal use. They're just for the Nuka Factory prefab. That's why they are offset. Also why they have no icon or recipe. ;)


    I'm not sure what changed with them but I'll check them when I get home.

  5. Just threw the pack in and it loaded up fine. Not sure what that error is.


    And the loot ID error is okay, really. It just means it won't load the second mod's loot.xml. But they are the same, so as long as one is loaded it works fine. So you can ignore it.

  6. Grass Blocks:


    Was a request but I figured I'd release it for everyone.


    Adds in 4 different grass blocks. Crafted the same as vanilla terrain blocks. Will not mesh with the ground like vanilla terrain blocks.


    More for custom building for a cleaner look.


    Requires 16 lumps of clay per block. Same material as dirt. Can be crafted in the player's inventory.


    Each block has 500hp.








    Git: Click Here

    Nexus:Click Here

  7. I have a quad I found I might add in at some point. I've also got a dirt bike I'm working on, but getting the physics right for it has been a real pain.


    A trophy truck isn't a bad idea either. We'll see what happens. ;)





    Also, I have updated every mod so that the localization should now load with the mod. I didn't realize A18 allowed for this. Servers still don't seem to push it, but since all my mods have to be installed client and server side, it should work fine. So now I don't need the extra script and you shouldn't have to do any copy and pasting. :)

  8. Mostly just some tweaks to the recipes so they work with the crafting perks. Few small physics changes and some seating changes for the UAZ.


    Haven't updated the collection mod yet as I'm about done with another vehicle and I'd rather only have to upload it once due to my crap internet. Lol.

  9. I believe they are all 4 wheel drive by default. Could be wrong though. Never really tested it.


    The brake force was intentional. Compared to the much newer 4x4 with smaller wheels, the Willy shouldn't stop very well. ;)


    Climbing over things like that is just wonky in general. The collision physics aren't the best.


    The fuel thing is A18. They redid all the vehicles capacity and fuel usage. I haven't really checked that as I didn't notice it till after I updated everything. I knew MM has talked about nerfing gas, but I assumes you'd just find less of it. But they went they other way. Guess I need to hop in a game and ride around for a while.


    It should still work out similar, though I purposely made a lot of my vehicles use more fuel than vanilla stuff as a trade off for speed and stuff. Although they seem to have made theirs use even more fuel now. Like you posted, the 4x4 could go 40km on a tank, while the Willy would go 57.5. So I guess they need some tweaking.


    I'm not sure about the turning. I'd bet it's due to the traction physics I set in Unity. It's a total PITA adjusting and testing changes. I'm not aware of a "steering angle" type setting anywhere.

  10. It should be fine. I've even tested adding all of the individual modlets and then removing them and adding the collection. It seemed to work fine, but it's still YMMV as far as I'm concerned. ;)

  11. It is updated. Just forgot to post. Lol. Everything should now be updated except for the Nuka Factory prefab.


    For anyone using the mod launcher, they may not be updated yet. I made a new repo on Git to keep A17 and A18 mods separate. So I gotta check with Sphereii and see if he can update it.

  12. Thanks to Stompy, I figured out what the problem with the MRAP and Box Truck was. I'll hopefully get the updates out tonight after work or in the morning.


    I've got every mod in good shape except for the Nuka Cola mod. Hope to test it tonight as well.

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