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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. Any working fix for error "Too many open files"?


    All limits already increased to maximum.


    Can't use web map. It always cause error on maprender and server become unaccessible.

    Is it still really giving you that error or are you just having issues with the web map?

    I'd bet it's safe to say that if you're really hitting the open files limit you either haven't increased the limit enough or you did something wrong with that.




    I just setup a new Ubuntu 16.04 server and I noticed this message below when I was running bootstrap.sh. I've installed all the prerequisites. Did I do something wrong? Does this message mean anything?


    insserv: pushd() can not change to directory /etc/init.d: No such file or directory
    update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header

    Looks like the installation failed as there was an issue with /etc/init.d not existing. I suppose that's due to the switch to systemd. In the end it shouldn't matter a lot though, it just means it won't auto start any instances during system boot.


    I also notice that if I try to use the bash auto completion I don't get the results that I get on another server that I setup that's running the scripts.

    Most likely bash-completion is not installed or activated for root.

  2. But i got still this Problem :


    root@vps:~# 7dtd.sh start MyStarvationMod

    /usr/local/lib/7dtd/common.sh: line 78: /usr/local/lib/7dtd/start-stop-daemon/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory

    /usr/local/lib/7dtd/common.sh: line 78: /usr/local/lib/7dtd/start-stop-daemon/start-stop-daemon: No such file or directory



    i installed already libc6-dev..

    Well, you failed to compile the daemon during installation of the scripts. Go to /usr/local/lib/7dtd/start-stop-daemon and run make. Either it succeeds in which case you're done or it fails and in that case you'll have to fix the reasons why it's failing (most likely missing dependencies for compilation).

  3. Is there any way to force a 2nd install of the entire game engine using this management script so I can run servers with unique mods? Can I somehow install a 2nd copy of the script with a new name and use it to install a 2nd copy? What would be the best way to go about this?

    Not directly supported. You'd have to either create a second set of the scripts that point to a different script-config (as well as updating all the links between the individual script files) which would probably be the clean way; or just create a second engine folder and copy the start-script to have one start command for the original folder and one for the new folder. In that case you'd have to be careful with starting the different saves with the appropriate command though as otherwise it might break saves if they don't run with the same mods each time.

  4. Just a curiosity of mine: Why aren't Alloc's server fixes part of the official dedicated server? Why is a mod instead? Is it because it's still too experimental to be integrated or what? In all my experience it seems solid and never caused any problems Im aware of. So why is it not just integrated into the official dedicated server?


    Some stuff was already moved over, most of what's not is because it relies on hacks (mostly the data stores) that I wouldn't want in the official code. Most likely at some point it will at least be shipped with the server though, but still having it as a mod has the advantage of allowing to provide updates whenever needed or new features are ready, and also allows to have that stuff as examples for other devs of DLL mods.

  5. I still can't find the "Search Thread" button, seriously been looking for 10 minutes at this page.

    Weird... supposed to be next to "Thread tools" and "Display".



    Correct me if I'm wrong: level 2000 is public (no-steam login), level 1000 only steam loging

    Exactly, that's the defaults.


    level 0 nobody? level 1 admin? what's between 1000 and 1?

    Anything sub 1000 is non-default and has to be set by yourself. It's whatever level you assign to a user, with no predefined meaning. Though 0 is typically used for the owner / super-admin as by default all commands (and web features) can be accessed with that level. You could still define permissions with negative value though so even a level 0 user wouldn't be able to access them. Then again you could assign a negative level to a user too ...

    In the end the only *predefined things* are the default levels for users (1000 for logged in, no matter if in game or through the web panel), 2000 for non-logged in (web only of course) and the default levels for commands (all 0 by default but a few ones that aren't dangerous at all like the help command with 1000 by default).


    Is this link to the admin permision in admin.xml of the instance?

    Yes, that's where the user levels come from for both commands and the web panel.

  6. HI Alloc, is there a way to have the map reveal only the game detail and not the player detail. So All players can view the map but dont see bases/construction and alike?

    Well, theoretically it would be possible to only show the map as it *originally* was (i.e. without *any* kind onf modifications, no matter if it's digging, zombies destroying houses or whatever) by just rendering each tile once when it's first visited. But that's not implemented and I don't plan to work on this atm. With A16 there'll be a feature in game though which allows prerendering any amount of the map, you could use that and disable the map rendering in the mod afterwards and you'd basically have what you want.

  7. I wish this forum had a search in thread option.

    Like the "Search Thread" button above? :p



    Can you import a save game from a non-dedicated server (hosted by a player)? If so, how would I do that.

    Sure, just copy the save game contents from your computer to the instance folder. Structure is the same, just look at how your local folders are compared to the instance folders and you should get it. Just note that you obviously also have to match the instance config to the settings the game had before.



    I used the auto-script to install alloc server tools. This included the addition of a new user "7dtd" to my ubuntu server. Does anyone know what the password is of the user?

    No password set, as it's marked as a system account.



    The wiki explains perfectly fine how to make backups, but how to I run/use a backup?

    Copy it back over to where the files were (instances). It's just files and folders from instances, nothing more.



    Also when I kill an instances, can you edit the instance without losing the map/game progress?

    As long as you don't change the game name (in that case you'd have to also rename the save folder) or the world (obviously ... switching world means different saves).



    Also I was wondering what happens if there are no players in the server. Does time freezes? I googled this, but found different answers. Most where about older versions of 7DTD, stating that server never pause.

    Has been changed in A10 I think. Anyway, no players -> no time advancing atm.

  8. Huh. I wonder if there's a piece I'm missing. Are you doing anything with mod_rewrite that's not detailed on the Wiki?


    Well, my exact VHost definition looks like this:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName 7dtd_admin.illy.bz
    ProxyPass / retry=0
    ProxyPassReverse /

    So basically the same as on the wiki. If you don't have any custom header processing directives in there I wonder what it could be. As I said it really just uses the Host header of the request (SessionHandler.cs lines 54 and following)...

    When it has redirected you to Steam's login page, what is the URL of that page which should contain the OpenID parameters? Interesting parts here would be openid.realm and openid.return_to.

  9. ... Upon trying to download steamcmd and install the game I get a never ending loop of update, restart, update, restart. ...

    Sorry, no idea, that's a SteamCMD internal issue. It's often a bit picky for different reasons. Maybe a full partition?




    Works great except for 1 thing, the URL that steam attempts to redirect me to after logging in includes the port of the integrated web server.

    Werid, works just fine for me. The only I reason I could see is that Apache is rewriting the Host header of the request as that's used when redirecting to Steam's OpenID (and back).

  10. Is there a way to disable map rendering and the webserver portion of Allocs, or at least the +2 control panel port that serves up the live map?

    Webpanel only (including the WebAPIs): Delete the webserver subfolder of the mod. If you also want to disable the live rendering remove the whole mod WebAndMapRendering. There's nothing but these two things in it anyway ;)



    You can always set the permissions so no one can view anything, eh?

    But that would still keep the commands in the list (clutter), keep the server rendering the map tiles (disk space) and keep an additional port open (could be annoying for GSPs as well as being an unnecessary potential overhead when people access that port anyway) ;)

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