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Posts posted by Alloc

  1. :D



    Long time since I wrote Java code ... But would it be possible to read out the runtime word size as well as the heap limit setting and a) show it on the UI somewhere and maybe b) give the user a big warning window when not running 64 bit and a heap setting of at least e.g. 6 GiB? Think that would help a lot with those issues :)

  2. Oh stupid me ... Of course it won't properly shutdown for you as the shutdown command is issued to the 7dtd process with the netcat (nc) program and it looks like you don't have that installed. I noticed that before but ignored that as not important right now, but obviously shutdowns won't work without it ;) (that's also the reason why you don't see any mention of "Telnet" connection being established and a console command issued in that log)


    Thanks for the deco file though, maybe we can find what is causing it to fail :)

  3. Hm, yeah, basically it's not much of an issue, just has to be configurable ... And configuration is something I wanted to wait on til I can provide some generic storage for mods in 7dtd so it's not like it is now with everyone using his own stuff :D

    I'll see about some simpler solution for now and get that added, but *most likely* not within the next two weeks.

  4. I've recently used the scripts provided to install a 7dtd server, it's working really well except for when I attempt to shut it down, here's what that looks like: https://i.imgur.com/qMfzaZp.jpg


    Just curious as to whether this is normal behavior or not, I feel as though failing a graceful shutdown isn't a good thing but I'm new to all of this.


    This is on google cloud using Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch).

    Either the server did not shut down fast enough (in that case it *could* be an issue if it was not finishing saving data) or it did not properly end all threads (which would only be not so nice behaviour on the server's end that we should get fixed).


    Would be interesting to see the log of such a terminated session. For more information.


    Also you can increase the timeout in /etc/7dtd.conf, if it was the first case that should help.

  5. Hi Damocles,


    cool program :)


    Just a few hints for your doc / folder layout:


    1. If you put your additional files that the game does not need (like the genHM.png etc) in a subfolder of the world they won't be transferred over the net in MP games. That would help users with not having to fiddle with the output of your tool :)


    2. WorldGenSeed and WorldGenSize are options relevant for GameWorld=RWG only (as the notes in the serverconfig say). No reason to specify them. The only thing you need at all for a custom world is GameWorld.


    3. The example shows overriding the UserDataFolder to find the world. While this is obviously a legitimate approach there's other options too:

    - Put it under the game's regular UserDataFolder (e.g. %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/GeneratedWorlds/MyNitroWorld on Windows)

    - Put it in the save game's own folder (e.g. %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/SaveGames/MyNitroWorld/MySavegame/World, assuming you use Windows and the default SaveGameFolder)

    - Put it in a mod (recommended; e.g. <7daysroot>/Mods/MyWorldsMod/Worlds/MyNitroWorld)

    - Put it in the game's own Worlds folder (not recommended, as this is the most likely place to lose your worlds on updates or similar; e.g. <7daysroot>/Data/Worlds/MyNitroWorld)


    That's it for now, toying around with a world now :)




  6. Yeah, the build id detection is still wonky (thanks Valve for not fixing your issues :( ). As you did --force should always work, though theoretically if you only run the updateengine once with at least 10min delay in between you *should* also get the proper data.


    If it's not starting it's *probably* due to the changes in the serverconfig as outlined in the release notes of 17.2. Biggest issue should be the removal of BlockDurabilityModifier and ZombiesRun. Added config stuff should just be ignored as it would stay at the default if not overridden in the config. Will have to update the scripts for this to work again. Mabye I can get to that today or tomorrow.

  7. With the current version I can still set the permissions to 2000, but when I try logging in via the steam login, it looks like it's logging in, but once returning to the map, it shows as not logged in.


    Occasionally it does show me as logged in, but once I refresh the browser, I'm logged out again.


    If I change the permissions back to 1000, everything works fine and I stay logged in, even on browser refresh.



    Just noticed some times it logs me out when permissions are set to 1000 and I refresh the browser, so it not just with the permissions set to above 1000

    There's basically two things that make you lose your login status: Your (server facing) IP changes (e.g. by getting a new one assigned from your ISP on a reconnect) or your browser forgets the cookie with the session ID. Of course if the server is restarted you also have to relogin.



    Hey Alloc,

    i like your server fixes!

    I hope you will release a version that is compatible with 17.2 stable :-)

    Doesn't look like there's an issue with the current ones and 17.2.

  8. I just noticed and i dont know how long its broken, checked it last time during A16:


    My hooks are broken.

    the chat hook for example passes the instance name but all other values are empty.

    playerConnect works fine.

    Anyone got an idea?

    This mod does not have any hooks. If you're talking about the Linux scripts please use the appropriate thread, you will probably get more help there :)



    @alloc Is there a way to add our own permission to be used in the webpermission.xml file ?


    It would be handy for when adding new stuff to the map, like the earlier mentioned traders locations, so you have your own specific permission setting for that instead of having to use one of the already defined once?

    Currently not without changing and recompiling the mod's code yourself.

  9. @Xenophobed44: Would at least need some logs.



    Yeah, seems like I forgot to clean up my local folder, but this must've been in for some time now. It was never actually used, iirc I only diffed the map.js file from ecv's version and mine to get his changes for Leaflet 1 in.



    Sorry I had those files in, not sure if those were ever public from your end :(

  10. On some servers I have seen that the live map has a check box to display the traders on the map.

    Does anybody know how to add that to the map ?

    That's custom code added by others and giving back seems to be feel bad to some :(



    @Others: Suppose your issues are fixed as no one further commented after Curbolt's (probably correct) suggestion of updating?

  11. Sorry for the delay.

    If you set up the server with my Linux scripts it should work just fine. I'd recommend not installing them manually though but through 7dtd.sh updatefixes. That should get it done right. Either way, for more help we'd need more info, like a directory listing and a server startup log.

  12. If you tried directly without any proxy involved it should work just fine. The web page uses the HOST header from the HTTP request to figure out where to redirect to and that won't be changed by e.g. NAT routers.


    A reverse proxy on the other hand could send a new HOST header as part of its request. I assume that's what nginx does by default. Apache has a "ProxyPreserveHost" directive for this that will fix it, nginx most likely has a similar directive.

  13. My steam login is broken because steam take my local ip ( 192.168.. ) to auth. steam login is working for me but I can't make it works for my players.


    For now my workarround was to change the permission to 2000 and put a passwd on a proxy before the webserver but I would like to use the steam login.


    So I assume for other players (i.e. externals to your network) you do port forwarding through your router? Or do you use a reverse proxy like Apache?

    At what point exactly do they see the internal IP? On Steam's OpenID login page and when returning from there they get redirected to your "http://<your local ip/port>/session/verify"?

  14. Just released v111, which should work fine with A17. Still thinking about removing the instance editor, it's a pain in the ass to keep updated and also makes it incompatible with different versions of the game (e.g. when switching back to A16 now).


    Sorry for the long delay, was kinda bad timing on the A17 release for me :(

  15. The network protocols are what the game client is using to communicate with the server?

    Is there a good/better/best type to use? I am totally lost on this part of the settings and just leave whatever is in place stock.

    The default (disabling SteamNetworking) is good to go (that's why it is default ;) ) for typical dedicated servers. LiteNetLib typically performs better than SteamNetworking. The only reason to use SteamNetworking would be if your server is behind a NAT router and you don't want to / can't open the required ports. Though in that case outside people will still only be able to connect to your server once someone connected locally and the others are on this persons friends list.




    I am using the linux 7dtd server setup from here.. https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki


    When I use commands..


    sudo 7dtd.sh updateengine --experimental


    sudo 7dtd.sh updateengine --branch -beta


    I just get told that the engine is on the newest build on the selected branch "latest_experimental" (local: 3321792, remote: 3321792) and won't seem to update. I have read the wiki extensively but there seems to be no documentation on these command variables.

    The second command is wrong, it would be "--branch latest_experimental". Though your first version is preferred for switching exp/stable branches. Adding "--force" always makes sure to update to whatever Steam provides, even if update detection fails for some unknown reason. Update detection checks are only performed every 10 minutes, so if you run e.g. "7dtd.sh updateengine --check" just before a new build is put live on Steam and then another time after a new build is live within 10 minutes from the first execution you'll still get the old data. Unfortunately SteamCMD has some bugs here that this timeout stuff tries to work around.




    Well i have to admit, that i didn't try it at the time of my post. I have read it in the bug thread of b197.

    But as requested here the logs from client and sever.

    I assume you always tried to connect by IP and not from the server list. In that case there was a bug in the server that did not show you the password prompt when you tried to login with an invalid / no password and thus it looked like it failed for some unknown reason. This should be fixed in the latest experimental build last night.

  16. I've deployed your latest build yesterday and everything looked good and worked :) However, after the scheduled nightly server restart at 5.10 am, the /map sub-directory in the Save directory is suddenly empty and the map thus gone. The other Info is there (Player offline location, claim blocks, ...)

    So, is this still an issue for you?




    using the "rendermap" command results in an error:

    I am also getting this same error

    I can also confirm that "rendermap" is not working.

    Yeah, rendermap is currently not working. Wondering though what your reasons for using it even are. This was basically only meant for the very first round as people back then added the mod way after starting a save game. This command does not give you any advantage if you run the mod from the start of a new savegame.




    login through steam still failed

    here the log:


    2018-11-23T01:59:10 1092.240 ERR Error validating login:

    2018-11-23T01:59:10 1092.241 EXC Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed.): SendFailure

    TlsException: The authentication or decryption has failed.

    at Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.RecordProtocol.ProcessAlert (AlertLevel alertLevel, AlertDescription alertDesc)

    at Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.RecordProtocol.InternalReceiveRecordCallback (IAsyncResult asyncResult)

    Rethrow as IOException: The authentication or decryption has failed.

    at Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.SslStreamBase.AsyncHandshakeCallback (IAsyncResult asyncResult)

    Rethrow as WebException: Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed.): SendFailure

    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream (IAsyncResult asyncResult)

    at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream ()

    at AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.OpenID.Validate (HttpListenerRequest _req)

    at AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Web.DoAuthentication (HttpListenerRequest _req, WebConnection& _con)



    As I said this must be an issue on your end. What OS are you running? If Linux, what distribution?




    little bug in give command: ...

    Thanks, fixed :)




    * Higher maxZoom

    You mean the amount of zoom levels (i.e. zooming further out)? Or zooming further in, even though there's no more detailed pixel data available (it would only scale the 1m per pixel image data)?


    * No clustering of Icons on the lowest 3 zoom levels

    That requires a change to the JS files: map.js line 83, changing the condition to "zoom > mapinfo.maxzoom - 3" and the value 10 to 0 should do it.


    * Update interval for the icons configurable from 100ms+

    You mean the player markers? This would be map.js line 285, change the timeout from 4000 to whatever you need. This can heavily increase traffic and thus inflict performance overhead on the server though, especially with public servers. Can make both this and the clustering as a setting on top of the file but it will stay a JS file change.





    lots of this in output log
    2018-12-06T17:00:20 263.259 INF Error in GM_SavePlayerData: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
     at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Inventory.CreateInvItem (.ItemValue _itemValue, Int32 _count, Int32 _playerId)
     at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Inventory.ProcessEqu (.Equipment sourceEquipment, Int32 _playerId)
     at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Inventory.Update (.PlayerDataFile pdf)
     at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Player.Update (.PlayerDataFile _pdf)
     at AllocsFixes.PlayerDataStuff.GM_SavePlayerData (.ClientInfo _cInfo, .PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile)

    With latest mod and latest A17 build? New saves, no old player data or anything like that? Any content mods on the server?




    For high pop servers, I get ESOCKETTIMEDOUT / ETIMEDOUT out errors when doing a request. So far, I've only seen it happen on servers with more than 24 people online. I followed up with the affected server owners to try and track it down to see if the server has any network issues or has maxed out on resources but they report it's all fine. Server runs okay for players.

    Should have only been an issue in the first experimental, the cause should have been fixed since the second public build.




    I've installed Allocs because it is available to install from my server host. I can get a map to work, but i cannot get the server to work with envuls CBSM.

    If the map itself works this is on CBSM's end so unfortunately nothing I can help with.




    Everybody would be very grateful if you add some explanations in https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Server%20fixes#Download, that version. 322 (14_17_26) (2018-06-20) is the latest build for Alpha 16, and newer builds are ONLY for A17.

    What else than putting it in the notes would you like me to do? I don't see how this would be done without cluttering the whole page. Also, as ecv stated ... I expect people who run *servers* to read notes ;)


    A separate download link for rev.322 will also be very useful!

    There's a section "Old releases" in the "Downloads" section on the page that links to all builds that I uploaded so far.




    ..., does it have any control over the telnet? That thing is crashing sometimes and can not be recovered without restarting the 7dtd-server. Would it be possible to integrate a watchdog, possibly with a flag? So servermanagers could say: if you don't see traffic for 30 seconds, restart the telnet? Since servermanagers usually ping and request on a five second basis or less, that would totally work out :)

    There's nothing like a ""Telnet"-service" in the 7dtd server. It's just a part of the code that handles the TCP sockets for the net console. If there's an issue with that code it needs to be found and fixed, because otherwise it won't even be detectable. But obviously I need some good data, preferrably some repro case, to find that one :(

  17. Hi Alloc!


    I've deployed your latest build yesterday and everything looked good and worked :) However, after the scheduled nightly server restart at 5.10 am, the /map sub-directory in the Save directory is suddenly empty and the map thus gone. The other Info is there (Player offline location, claim blocks, ...)


    Should I debug on our end or do you have a possible reason in mind? :)


    KR and thanks for your work!



    To be exact, the file "mapinfo.json" is still present in the /map sub-directory...


    Are you looking at the correct directory? I.e. saves/<worldname>/<gamename>, not saves/rwg/<gamename>?

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