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Everything posted by Alloc

  1. That's part of the plan The map isn't going to be the full thing, it will be merely an additional tool to support the whole administration thing.
  2. Nope, if the uncovered map is so big and you run rendermap it will have to do all those parts (btw, it's not directly files and also not necessarily linear in time during those steps). I don't use any player maps. The rendering is done directly from the chunks as they are in the game so it will always be up to date and just contain anything that has ever been rendered by the game. I would assume they don't hurt. Do you see any problems when those errors appear? Do they appear when you tried to open the page while rendermap was running? /EDIT: Ignore that very last question, the log shows that it was during rendermap I assume the engine just wasn't fast enough to reply to the browsers request as it is quite busy with rendering during that time so the browser probably closed the connection for a timeout. @leadingzero: First of all I just made an updated release package for the deobfuscator which contains the entity.position field used by my mod so you should switch to that one if you want to also apply my mod I suppose it indeed is some kind of permission or access problem. Wonder why it tries to open the files by an URI (file:///) instead of just a local path. You could try for example to put the deobfuscator in a simpler path, e.g. (at least for trying) in C:\deobfuscate.
  3. Shouldn't hurt the time in the log. This one's totally independent of anything but the duration of the current instance and as I said that's even basically just a .NET timer that is read and output to the log ... So either something going really wrong during runtime (like wrong (virtual) HW or memory corruption) or the steps to output the integer to the log have some error. Though I couldn't see one in there
  4. Ok, by "a physical machine which had many users on it" you were probably referring to a VPS (In the end any system runs on a physical system, but the thing that matters here is that it's not running directly on the physical machine but a virtual one). Well, a misconfigured Xen could really be the problem for clock issues afair.
  5. Hm, ok, they could use about anything Huh? What about that post then?
  6. What setup? VPS (technology?), real physical machine?
  7. Actually VPS might be an issue for the timer depending on the used virtualization technology + its configuration. Well, let me know if it happens again
  8. Just looked at the involved code (it's even part of the .NET framework) ... it should be able to handle a way longer interval (more like in terms of years ). Also there should be no way to get it in the negative area. So in the end I simply can't tell you what's going on there There have been two reports of exactly the same thing before. One of them solved it by revalidating the games files through Steam, can't find the other one anymore If you have access to the files I would recommend deleting the 7DaysToDie_Data/Managed folder and have Steam revalidate the files. No access to the files: Revalidate only. If even that isn't possible have Pingperfect do it
  9. erm, are those really negative uptimes in the beginning of the lines there? Have never seen that either. Could you try restarting the server and see if it still happens? If it does try without the mod and/or with a new save game (just for testing).
  10. Nothing from my side ... is there more context around those lines? Is it giving you any trouble or just those nasty messages? Basically seems to be a high level feature that can be added on top of it later on. Teleports, sounds like a good idea. Later on, when the core is stable and configuration is added Actually thought about this almost at the beginning of developing this mod. Unfortunately the only .NET implementation I could find is "SSHBlackbox" from Eldos. If you want to buy me a license (466 € + VAT) we can talk about it Same as teleport: Relies on configuration and more functionality. Planned for a later stage
  11. Ah, Linux package ... Doing that in a minute (Really gotta decouple the scripts from the mod ...) /EDIT: And done
  12. Compiling fails because you don't have libc6-dev installed (seems to be optional in newer Debian releases). For the other one: Looks like you have a script in /etc/init.d that doesn't meet the requirements for such a script (probably /etc/init.d/teamspeak). Don't know why update-rc.d fails when another script isn't correct but for some reason it does. The only drawback for you could be that the server won't automatically start at boot so you would have to start it manually on each reboot (though maybe update-rc.d does it's job despite the errors).
  13. Sure, in the end that's one of the things to get to. I thought of something like a notifications area on the webpage events like those could be shown. In game the only useful thing would probably be to PM admins/mods as suggested above which I think is a quite good idea /EDIT: Just saw your edit... An additional log would be possible if I created a completely new log abstraction layer on top of Unity's ... But that's nothing I'm gonna do, sorry
  14. If you do that with a newer mod release instead of looking for the exception please look for "Entity not available. Something seems to be wrong here..." (Upload in a few minutes) Hm, not sure how to do this, will have a look though.
  15. Not without not having it in Telnet/control panel. Unity's log system is quite limited in those aspects
  16. Nah, cheating is cheating, even if the admins do that ;P
  17. Anything that receives log: Telnet, control panel, log file.
  18. Hm, knew a few people would be against this Well, as it only logs that you can still decide yourself if you want to take any action on such event. Anyway, will probably add some way tp configure it. (Got to release a hotfix anyway with "unban" actually enabled )
  19. Well, if the limit for an item is 500 it will warn when it's over 500 ;-) It always takes the "official" stack limit.
  20. Just added it as a log message. Also just changed give/listitems so that you should be able to use it for about everything
  21. The latter one is just Unity output for log messages, just ignore them (that's why I filter them for the log, they just clutter it). The first one is a bit weird as that shouldn't be possible but on the other hand the worst that can happen is that the player will still be shown as online in the map atm. Do you know on what occasion that happened? I.e. was it a normal client side disconnect, a kick by EAC, a kick by console, ban ...?
  22. Delete items: Not possible, inventory is client side. Auto ban: Possible, but I don't like the idea of going that far on an automatic base. Warn: Yeah, I think that should be ok, think I'll write an entry to the log whenever something like that is detected. Though it would probably print such warning every 30s to the log until the player logs out (one way or the other ;D ).
  23. If someone walks around that area it should regen the tile.
  24. wtf? How does that question mark in there? o.O Did you check if the filesystem actually contains map/0/0/-1.png ? If so, what does it contain?
  25. Hm, shouldn't matter if it's 32 or 64 bit. Also all Linux users run the 32 bit without any common problems.
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