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Everything posted by Alloc

  1. You didn't see anything *jedi wink*
  2. Not planned, also I don't see that much of a benefit for admins with such function (remember this is meant to be an admin interface in the first place, not for players ). Markers might make it to the game itself sometime maybe.
  3. Makes sense, if the request isn't handled before you actually drop the request on the browser the server sees this as a closed connection. Nothing out of the ordinary here
  4. The used HTTP server library (part of the .NET library) seems to be a bit picky on what it delivers and what not For me it happened very rarely but most of the time refreshing the page worked. I may be going with a different solution in the future that should be more stable though, as it indeed is annoying that way
  5. If you build the files yourself you'll get a different version number as the last two parts are generated on build based on day + time.
  6. Nope, you'll have to change the scripts for that purpose. Open /usr/local/lib/7dtd/commands/updateengine.sh, go to line 77 and add "-beta alpha10.3" right behind the "294420": ./steamcmd.sh +login $STEAM_USER $STEAM_PASS +force_install_dir $SDTD_BASE/engine "+app_update 294420 -beta alpha10.3" validate +quit Should work that way. You'll have to do a update with --force then though as the buildid will obviously be lower than the current one.
  7. This is Linux management, no mod related Anyway, didn't update the log parsing, will do so later on.
  8. Well, then restart the server now and check if it works
  9. It only checks for existence of the folder, so this should not matter for now Did you actually restart the game server after putting the folder in there? Does the folder have the correct permissions?
  10. First of all I would recommend updating to 10.3b12 (if you updated the game from Steam already don't forget to update the fixes-DLLs). Re web: 2014-12-17T12:23:31 7.056 Webserver not started (folder "webserver" not found in game folder) You put it in the wrong folder, judging from your previous post probably the SaveGameDir. You have to put the "webserver" folder next to where the game executable is.
  11. I need the full output_log.txt, not just an extract of it.
  12. Especially in games Y is quite often the vertical axis Despite that at least in my school and university I saw Y used as vertical too most of the time.
  13. First line on that page: appid 294420 instead of 251570.
  14. https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Dedicated%20Server%20Build /EDIT: This was in reply to IOnVash - - - Updated - - - Why do you reorder them? pos is x,y,z and so you pass that as x y z, i.e. 1782 69 -651.
  15. Ok, will update those in a few hours.
  16. You mean icons for the items are missing again?
  17. Or use Mono, that error is MS.NET bull$$$$
  18. Sorry, haven't committed my changes to the deob lately, will do so today.
  19. You ALWAYS need the matching fixes files for the game release. If you use an older version of the fixes you basically get the old game code. That means those who used the old files were basically running b11 and not the hotfix (b12). Sorry, even I have some real life events every now and then
  20. Just messed up with the numbers. 352 is the current server build, ignore the warning.
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