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Red Eagle LXIX

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Posts posted by Red Eagle LXIX

  1. Here are my issues with the block change.


    I am curious. There are 352 blocks that were impacted by this change.

    How did you identify in game, not using XML or outside resource which 352 blocks? AFAIK, the only way would be to place them as frames and upgrade to at least wood (or place directly as wood or higher material) then damage each block shape. Of course the meta game cheesers (who don't believe they cheese) will just remember each one they encounter even if their character didn't.

    Then there is the resource cost which is unbalanced.

    There is the fact that larger blocks do not get boosted (example take the shape 'Cube 3x3x1', by this logic that should have 9 times the HP since it fills 9 full blocks. I'll save you the effort of checking; it does not have 9x the HP it has the same HP as a single block.

    The change is illogical, broken, unfair, and can't even be expressed properly in game with current mechanics.


  2. 27 minutes ago, Mechanimal said:

    Yeah... I'm surprised your the only one that's so far mentioned this one, give it another few days.

    I, just, don't even know why this even happened, and am especially confused as to why the material/upgrade cost wouldn't also be adjusted the same way.

    Like, one way or the other, or just put it back the way it was. Reducing block HP by 75% is no subtle nerf, jfc. But to still require the same amount of material to get there is an off the charts mistake.

    I was having fun with the new shapes, so much for that I guess. I am highly skeptical this will stay as it is in this patch, it'll either revert to the way it was(ideal) or upgrade cost will be reduced to reflect the lower HP values(unfortunate, but tolerable. Still a massive blow to base building). Can't imagine how or why anyone could be happy with this cruel and unusual change. So if someone can manage to defend this, please try, lol. 


    22 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    This has honestly been the kick in the teeth for me. This has ruined all of my plans for horde bases, outside of cube watchtower bases. I'm out. Maybe I'll return to the game when a mod reverses this change, but until then, I'll be focusing my sights elsewhere. Chow.

    My biggest issue with the block shapes change is that they cost just as much to upgrade. A block that has only 25% of the HP should not cost 100% of the upgrade costs. Add in that now you have to play a guessing game of which block has what HP (or place each shape, damage it so you can see the HP).
    It makes sense smaller shapes should have less HP, if they also were to cost less to upgrade/make, and the player could tell which shapes were impacted in game (not by going to XML and not by having to damage it first).

    @MechanicalLens Check the modding forum, already done.

    @Roland You can see the list of blocks that were changed between b218 and b231 in the mod.  352 Shapes were changed assuming I didn't miss any.

  3. RELXIX_Shapes_RestoreShapesHP  - This sets all shapes back to the way they used to be with full HP based on b218.  This is because their cost and upgrade costs did not change, only their value/Hit Points which is unfair, IMHO.  Who wants to pay for a full steel block and only get something weaker than concrete?  Not me.


  4. 20 hours ago, Hated said:
    • Most pole and smaller sized shape HP values reduced by 75% 
    • Most plate and similar sized shape HP values reduced by 50% 


    No reduction in upgrade costs though? - Confirmed

     So now we have to go back to uglier bases and ignore all the good pieces that were put in because not only are they weaker, but they cost way more given their weaker state.


  5. 6 minutes ago, bachgaman said:


    It seems to me, or did the night zombies not die at 04:00 before? Oddly enough, after their natural death, they leave sacks of loot.

    Not new.  It depends on when and how the zombie was spawned, but yes some night zombies do die when day arrives.  Happened for many versions (was going to say moons but that would be confusing) now.  It goes back at least as far as when zombies had loot of their own not just loot bags.  Yes, it is nice to find that free loot bag on occasion.

  6. Both right and both wrong at the same time.


    26 minutes ago, madmole said:

    That's not a bug, you are modding beyond the hard coded limit.

    Actually it is a bug in that a variable is not being clamped correctly and allowing corruption.  As an example take the color function for the XUI functionality which correctly clamps the color max value at 255.  This allows creative functions such as an icon starting black and turning white as the value goes up to the max of 255 where the color function clamps it instead of looping, corrupting memory, or other oddness even if fed a number beyond the limit.



    15 minutes ago, MarhsMellow said:

    It isn't a "hard coded" limit if the stack size is changeable in XML. Any sort of player corruption should be looked into because correctly saving character profiles would be top priority I would think.

    It is a bug in your mod that you go beyond the expected limits.  It is a bug in 7DTD that doing so is not handled gracefully by clamping the value or ignoring it.


    The bug in the mod exposes the bug in the "limit'.

  7. I am happy with the new short grasses and terrain textures.  My only wish would be that putting a land claim block down would mow all the tall grass within the land claimed area (and maybe give it menu option on the LCB radial in addition to show/hide boundary).  I have a very poor substitute as a mod that make the whole world look like The Duke's crazy brother Mowin' Matt went wild on the world.

  8. I just noticed your screenshot is missing the close on the property tag during the append (or covered by the red marking).


    The name "junk" is already in use.  Suggest fmod_junk as name.


    <lootcontainer id="220" name="fmod_junk" count="0,2" size="4,3" sound_open="UseActions/open_backpack" sound_close="UseActions/close_backpack" open_time="1.5" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate">

    Did you also change the pointer to it in the append?

    <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='zombieTemplateMale']">
      <property name="LootListOnDeath" value="fmod_junk"/>
  9. Seed name :  Death

    Size:  6144

    Biome adjustment settings : MMDFFD_6310


    Towns: Many
    Wilderness POIs: Many
    Rivers: Default
    Craters: Few
    Cracks: Few
    Lakes: Default
    Plains: 6
    Hills: 3
    Mountains: 1
    Random: 0

    Number of traders if known :  10 ( Joel*3, Jen*1, Rekt*3, Bob*1, Hugh*2)


    name="trader_joel" position="-2062,41,-417" rotation="2"
    name="trader_jen" position="1223,43,1881" rotation="1"
    name="trader_rekt" position="677,43,-1876" rotation="3"
    name="trader_bob" position="-1656,44,773" rotation="0"
    name="trader_hugh" position="-1499,37,1530" rotation="0"
    name="trader_rekt" position="1891,45,1170" rotation="3"
    name="trader_hugh" position="1483,39,558" rotation="1"
    name="trader_joel" position="-335,42,1434" rotation="0"
    name="trader_rekt" position="615,44,-611" rotation="2"
    name="trader_joel" position="1577,46,-2134" rotation="3"


    Screenshot : 

  10. RELXIX Mods displayed:


    RELXIX Mods displayed:


    RELXIX Mods displayed:


    RELXIX Mods displayed:
    MoreRWGSizeOptions (15k size)
    More24HourLengthOptions (300 minutes)
    MoreDayLightLengthOptions (2 hours daylight)


    RELXIX Mods displayed:
    MoreRWGSizeOptions (15k size)
    MoreLootAbundanceOptions (10%)


    RELXIX Mods displayed:
    MoreRWGSizeOptions (15k size)
    AddMaxZedAndAnimalOptions (128 for Zombies, 100 for animals)


    RELXIX Mods displayed:
    MoreRWGSizeOptions (15k size)
    AddLandClaimCountOption (5)
    MoreLandClaimSizeOptions (101)


    RELXIX Mods displayed:
    More24HourLengthOptions (300 minutes)
    MoreDayLightLengthOptions (2 hours daylight)


    RELXIX Mods displayed:
    MoreLootAbundanceOptions (10%)


    RELXIX Mods displayed:
    AddLandClaimCountOption (5)
    MoreLandClaimSizeOptions (101)


  11. Some A20 updates for my modlets.  Screenshots in the reply.

    GitHub Repository Link: https://github.com/RELXIX-7DTD/A20_XML_Modlets


    Makes all the grasses in the game short.  Leaves Snowberry normal due to it blocking building.  Now you can more easily see what to clear for building.


    Enable CanPIckUp on several items throughout the game world. (curtains, miniblinds)

    In addition to any default or perk drops this mod adds a small chance for the following items to drop from Trees when chopped down: Eggs, Feathers, Honey.  The number of drops over 1000 trees is insignificant.  I did this more for atmosphere.

    Adjusts the TimeStayAfterDeath for entities (extending DroppedLoot container times, etc).

    Adds more pots to the world by adding them as a specific item to cupboards.  It is unrealistic with multi-burner stoves to think everyone cleared out most/all their pots and pans as the world ended.


    RELXIX_Shapes_RestoreShapesHP  - This sets all shapes back to the way they used to be with full HP based on b218.  This is because their cost and upgrade costs did not change, only their value/Hit Points which is unfair, IMHO.  Who wants to pay for a full steel block and only get something weaker than concrete?  Not me.  -- Deprecated as of b237.  b237 adds scaling cost feature (and also reverted a number of blocks to prior full strength).

    Adds a highlight to the middle of the Compass

    Adjusts the position of the Day and Time, adds Air Temp, Wind Speed, Current Elevation

    Turns the Target HP Bar on without godmode being enabled.

    This adds the display of Day, Time on the menu screens (inventory, vehicle, quests, etc)

    Adds Numbers for each slot on the toolbelt.

    This adds an option to the menu for Land Claim Count with options '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200' as Land Claim Block Count choices on the Multiplayer Tab with the rest of the Land Claim options.  
    These options are also added as available filter choices in the server browser.

    This adds options to the menu for Max Zombies and Max Animal Counts normally only configurable via serverconfig.xml.

    This adds the options '5, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300' minutes as 24 Hour Length options in addition to the default '10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120' for those who want really fast or really slow days.  
    These options are also added as available filter choices in the server browser.

    This adds the option '2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 22' hours as Day Light Length options in addition to the default '12, 14, 16, 18' for those who want really short or really long days.  
    These options are also added as available filter choices in the server browser.

    This adds the options '91, 101, 125, 151, 175, 201' as Land Claim Size options in addition to the default '21, 31, 41, 51, 71' options.  
    These options are also added as available filter choices in the server browser.

    This adds the options '5, 10, 250, 300, 400, 500' as Loot Abundance options in addition to the default '25, 33, 50, 67, 75, 100, 150, 200' options.  
    These options are also added as available filter choices in the server browser.

    This adds '5120,7168,9216,11264,12288,13312,14366,15360' size options in addition to the default '6144,8192,10240' on the New Game Menu and Editing Tools RWG Preview World Generator Menu.


    With an already restricted FOV the added restriction on the NV Goggles just felt too much.  By combining 2 filter sets I was able to get a faded feel for nightvision without the goggle blockage but retain a bit of color.  I felt Bright effect as an alternative to the NightVision effect alone made it too much like daytime so added the VibrantDeSat to dull the colors some.


    Adds a new set of shades combining the function of Shades (perception), Tough Guy Glasses (fortitude), Lucky Googles (loot level + treasure radius), Ski Googles (agility), and Nerd Glasses (Int, Crafting time, XP) Requires 1 of each to craft.  Also adds a new NightVision goggle set that can be has all of those functions.  Requires Nightvision Googles and Eagle Eye Shades to craft. - Recipes require advanced engineering level 4-5 respectively, crafted at workbench.
    These use the Night Vision as displayed by my NVTweaks mod.  Just like Lucky Goggles these have a range of 3-5 for Loot Bonus.
    Note: Perception does not show in the list of Stats due to display limitations.  Perception can be confirmed on the Skills screen where it will be green/boosted.




    I originally tried coloring the icons but that didn't work.  I resorted to the technique I found in this thread of replacing the icons: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/24306-mod-that-lets-you-know-youve-already-read-a-book/

    Books that have been read have a red icon.  Books that have not been read have a green icon.  A second set of icons were included in case the user would like those reversed.






  12. 45 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    It's not like that... Roland explained that zombies are now able to duck a bit and pass throw 1 & half blocks, they're not able to crawl through 1 block openings (yet) IIRC.

    I will bet even many of the 1.5 places they can crawl through a player will not be able to and that will be and is immersion breaking.  As a person in that world would see a zombie crouch and crawl through a spot then logically they should also be able to crouch and get through the same spots.

    The immersion gets broken knowing one cannot go through those same paths.  You are no longer experiencing that world, just playing a game and some design rule says they can go that way but you can't.  The rotting zombie is able to deftly maneuver this tight path without a problem but my fully functional body can't.  At the very least they should take significant damage anytime they press through some opening a player cannot.


    On 8/8/2021 at 10:01 AM, Yeppi said:

    5. In the past you could crawl through 1 block, it would be possible to insert this again, e.g. that you can turn it on or off in settings (if it has been made away because of pvp)?


    On 8/10/2021 at 7:57 PM, faatal said:

    5 Not planned for players


    Will there be an in-game explanation for our players seeing a zombie go through a 1 block opening and wondering why they can't crawl through one?

    It will defy the game's own world logic and break immersion.


  14. Just using this now, thanks. Will allow me to play my most favoured versions - a8 and a11.0.


    Just to be sure - I have to clear the registry each time I wish to play a different version?


    Makes sense, I suppose. I guess I'd have to find the other saved bits and delete them, too. Seem to remember the location changed at some point - was in AppData at some stage and Documents at others.

    It isn't always required. I recommend clearing registry and saves between any major versions though due to the times I have seen errors caused by a registry setting or value in a save that a version did not recognize. Basically if you see an error, clearing registry and save would be the first thing I would try.

  15. It was like that when I loaded the save today. Didn't install any new mods, or faff about with my game files in any way.


    Just tried reloading again after night had passed, now the map is back to normal. I'm also using Red Eagle LXIX's UIMENU_More24HourLengthOptions and using a 20 hour daylight setting, maybe it's related to that?


    This is a bug with the base game. I don't know if any root cause was discovered although some have attributed to nearby torches. Restarting once or twice supposedly resolves it.




    Another potential cause is logging in while holding an item with burning shaft mod (probably torches too). Same basic solution, deselect said item and login/out a few times.



    As such I don't believe either mod would be a potential cause.

  16. It'd be nice if the Pimps made Alphas1-4 available this way also. That was before I knew about the game, so I haven't ever played 'em.

    That may not be possible since the pre-Steam versions used a backend auth to their webservices (if I recall correctly).


    I do wonder if they can restore the missing Depots though and if they did that would it allow those few missing Steam versions to be downloaded.

  17. So if I want Alpha 7.11 I see this line from above.


    251576/manifests/public: 4644625435838178353 › 6548888709412020723


    So do I paste the following into the command console?


    download_depot 251570 251576 6548888709412020723



    After which you'll see something like this:

    ] download_depot 251570 251576 6548888709412020723
    Downloading depot 251576 (710 MB) ... 
    Depot download complete : "G:\Games (Steam)\steamapps\content\app_251570\depot_251576" (426 files, manifest 6548888709412020723) 

    You may see other lines too, depending on what else you do in the Steam client while waiting for the download to complete.


    EDIT: to be clear the path it places the files for you will depend on where your copy of Steam is installed.

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