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Crater Creator

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Posts posted by Crater Creator

  1. 13 minutes ago, FranticDan said:

    I don't have the 5000, however, I got made twitch partner at 1650 followers back in February.
    I grew my channel almost exclusively from 7 days to die.

    You never mentioned partner status in this message, but I'm assuming partner status is still a qualifying exception?
    (Just checked for an email and nothing yet)


    Good catch! Emails have not gone out to Twitch partners that are short of 5,000 followers yet. I can get to these soon. :) Previous post updated.

  2. 12 hours ago, Roland said:


    Unless the rules have changed on this, you can do a recorded video of your gameplay during the weekend instead of a stream but you won't get access to the build any sooner to make your video before the weekend. That means depending on how long it takes you to get it done and posted people wouldn't see your video until later in the weekend than if you just stream it.


    Just confirming that the rules have not changed on this.


    At the moment, I am caught up on the initial applications (Edit: except for Twitch partners short of 5,000 followers - still working on those cases). Everyone who met the 5,000 threshold on YouTube or Twitch should see an acceptance email now, with information on making their announcement video. If you applied but don’t have any email response, it should mean one of these things:

    • You haven’t met the qualification of having 5,000 subscribers (YouTube) or 5,000 followers (Twitch). This is proving to be quite common - almost half of all applicants are rejected for this. Please do not apply if your numbers aren’t there. A few of you are very close, so hopefully you can reach this threshold while applications are still accepted.
    • You are on a platform other than YouTube or Twitch. We are currently reviewing applicants on other, less common platforms, so know that these applications are pending.
    • You applied in the last few minutes or after I’m posting this, and I haven’t seen your application yet.
    • You submitted an invalid email on your application.
    • Your email provider is not accepting emails from the gmail address I’m using.


  3. 21 hours ago, Doomofman said:

    How is the application process going, how many applications you up to? Only seen a couple of announcement videos trickle out on Youtube so far

    Plenty of enthusiasm! Unfortunately, barely half of those applying actually qualify. It seems this message didn’t get through but people do need the viewership numbers to be accepted. 5,000 subscribers on YouTube or 5,000 followers on Twitch. If you have 3 subscribers (which has actually happened), filling out an application is not a productive use of your time. :)


    Even so, we’ve gotten a strong response, and I anticipate having more participants than we had for the last event.

  4. On 5/11/2024 at 9:44 AM, Bizantyjski Borsuk said:

    Do you guys know, how long it normally takes to get a response after applying for streamer weekend?



    Well after scarcely one day, the response has been terrific. There are already over 200 applicants, which is more than the total we had for the last streamer event. We’ve done what we could to streamline the process, but I will still be very busy for a while processing all the applications. Thanks in advance for your patience everyone. :)

    On 5/11/2024 at 8:15 AM, Doomofman said:


    I believe it's technically correct, though maybe a little poorly worded.


    The keys that will be given will unlock the game, which, for that weekend for regular folk will still be Alpha 21 until Exp releases to the public on the Mondat


    Probably should have said "Would you like Steam promo keys to gift the game to your audience? Note: These keys will be for the current public release, which is Alpha 21"


    Or something like that


    Just noting that this is correct. We want to be clear that the promo keys viewers may get are not to play the Streamers-only build. I’ve revised the wording on this question so I hope it’s clearer now.

  5. image.thumb.png.2f065b4dc95c8219190f9833a8c80390.png


    Hey Survivors!


    The devs are making progress every day towards producing an Experimental build of version 1.0 (formerly called Alpha 22). While that work continues, we are once again preparing to team with our streamer community to show 1.0 to a larger audience through a pre-release Streamer Weekend event. We know there are many streamers out there, old and new, who have played our game for their audiences and who would love to be a part of this event. If you’re one of them, we are now accepting applications for review.


    Important: participation in past events does NOT qualify you for the event this time. EVERY streamer, returning or new, must submit a new application and qualify to participate.


    How to apply


    1. Acquire at least 5,000 (current) Twitch followers or Youtube subscribers. Gamers on other streaming platforms will be evaluated on a case by case basis, with verifiable viewership being a key factor.

    Exception 1: Partnered Twitch streamers automatically qualify, regardless of followers.


    2. Fill out and submit an application form at https://forms.gle/DxvjP3wQUbi4sEmL9.


    3. Look for a response via email telling you that you qualify and can proceed to make your announcement video.


    4. In a video or recorded clip from a stream, announce on your channel that you will be showing early footage of 1.0 (in English too if possible). Our “rough estimate,” subject to change, is for the event to occur sometime in June, but we don't have a firm date yet. You can just tell them it is going to be happening soon. This video is part of our verification that the applicant actually controls the channel, as well as to help generate buzz for 1.0.


    5. Reply to your email from step 3 with a link to your announcement video. The link needs to be cued up to where you make the announcement if part of a longer video.


    6. Look for a reply with an invitation to our Streamer Weekend Discord server. Announcements regarding the event will be made there, including the password to download 1.0 on the first day of the event. You will also be added to the public list on the forum.


    7. Join the Discord server and set your nickname to match the name under which you stream. Then you can be assigned the Twitch or Youtube role.


    Streamer Weekend FAQ


    Q: Will everyone who qualifies be accepted?

    A: This is not a drawing, so being accepted is not down to chance. However, we reserve the right to exclude anyone from the event, if we believe they won’t represent the game or the company well.


    Q: Will participants get the game for free?

    A: We want people who have actually played before and know what they're doing when they show 1.0, so we are not giving the game away for free for this event. The password you will be given is to download the 1.0 update, not a Steam key for the game itself. If you want to stream during the event but have never played 7 Days to Die, please get the game and play for a few weeks on A21. We do plan to give streamers some Steam promo keys to gift the current game (Alpha 21) to their audience during the event.


    Q: When is 1.0 coming out, and when will the Streamer Weekend participants get access to it?

    A: When it's ready. Our “rough estimate,” subject to change, is for the event to occur sometime in June, but don't claim specific dates when hyping the event to your viewers before one is announced. Some streamers did this in the past, and it makes everyone look bad. Monitor the Discord server for updates. We hope to provide the date the Monday or Tuesday before the event, but sometimes things happen. The public release of 1.0 Experimental will happen on a Monday. The Streamer Weekend participants will get it the Friday/Saturday before that, so they have roughly the full weekend for streaming (more or less, depending on time zone).


    Q: If I make the Streamer Weekend team, how do I access 1.0?

    A: We will post the password to the invitation-only Discord server, on the day of the event (a Friday). Full instructions are provided there but briefly, in Steam you will right click on the game and go to Properties -> Betas -> Beta access code to enter the password, which will make the 1.0 Experimental build appear in the list of betas you can opt into.


    Q: What if I don’t have 5,000 followers or subscribers, but I’m super loyal and I really want to stream 1.0 early?

    A: Please don’t apply if you don’t meet the criteria detailed above. We encourage you to do all you can to hype up and advertise your channel to get your follower/subscriber count up before the application period ends. If you can’t reach 5,000 this time, we are also interested in doing future streamer events after 1.0.


    Q: Do you have to have a presence on both Youtube and Twitch? What if I use a different platform?

    A: You only have to have a presence on one site, where we can go to your channel via your link and see your viewership numbers and later your announcement video. We chose followers on Twitch and subscribers on Youtube because those are the most easily publicly viewable metrics. We will evaluate alternative platforms for streaming games on a case by case basis, with verifiable viewership being a key factor.


    Q: If the game is ready for streamers to show it, isn’t it ready for everyone to play it?

    A: We know many players are excited to download and play 1.0 Experimental as soon as possible. The build the streamers play is effectively a release candidate for 1.0 Experimental. Logistically, while some developers are on hand to address showstoppers over the weekend, we want to release the experimental build to the whole community on a Monday (whichever Monday that turns out to be), so that the whole team will be available to work on fixing the bugs that can arise when a huge number of people opt in to test 1.0 Experimental. In the meantime, we hope you will post your feedback on what you see, and help us catch things that might be simple to fix before the public release of 1.0 Experimental the following Monday.


    Q: Why are streamers getting special treatment? Didn’t I pay for early access?

    A: All of our customers who have paid for early access are getting the early access that they paid for. At the same time, TFP has long acknowledged the hugely beneficial role of streamers all over the world in today’s game industry and game media. These streamer events have only gotten more popular over time, which is good for creating buzz and ultimately good for business. Being able to reach potentially hundreds of thousands of viewers over the weekend to get the word out that 1.0 is finally here is a powerful and amazing tool we want to use. Allowing the streamers to show early footage of an update is something of great value to us and to them. We love all of our fans, and we hope you all will love the 1.0 launch when you get to play it. Plus, for those who enjoy this sort of media, it is a great deal of fun that we want to Pimp out to all of you.


    Q: What if I usually stream with others? Can they get access as well?

    A: Yes. Co-op is a big part of 7 Days to Die, so we allow Streamer Weekend participants to share access with people they trust that they want to play with for their stream. These guest players who are not streamers for the event may not use their access to go play 1.0 by themselves. Nor may they post 1.0 content on their own channels during the event.


  6. 19 hours ago, Gamida said:

    Just curious. When the console version becomes available will there be a console streamers event?



    I haven’t heard anything. I’m not aware of it being discussed before.


    16 hours ago, Ramethzer0 said:

    I hope you lower the sub count on the requirements to join for youtube.

    5k seems so far out of my grasp at the moment.


    We had over 200 streamers for the last event, and the game is as popular as ever today (100K concurrent players last weekend). This is speculation but I would not expect the requirements to go lower.

  7. Thanks for your interest. We are planning to do a streamer event around the Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) release, though there will likely be some procedural changes from prior events. Details are still in the works. We are not ready to accept applications at this time. Please monitor the News & Announcements forum to stay up with the latest on this.

  8. On 4/25/2024 at 8:23 AM, Catdaddy said:


    If you are talking Steam 2-pack, you can't buy that if you already own the game on Steam. If you try to buy single copy as a gift, they try to make you assign it to a friend at time of purchase. I do not know of a way to buy random Steam copies and hold them for later. 


    Good info. The one thing that might - I stress might - work on Steam, is to buy the game for some random person on your friends list, for delivery a year in the future or however far out they allow. Then over time, keep ‘changing your mind’ to push the date out farther, until you actually want to gift it to someone (you should be able to modify the date and recipient). Then again, this tactic has probably already occurred to somebody at Steam at some point.

  9. We’ve done another round of cleanup, moving off topic posts to the overflow thread. We’re glad people are (also) excited about the 7 Days: Blood Moons game recently shown at PAX. But as a reminder, that will be a separate product, and this is the A22 dev diary thread. At least for now, discussion about Blood Moons should go in the General Discussion forum.

  10. 8 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    You might not have realize just how difficult it was for me in the A22 developer thread not to be smartass and kept responding to the OPs post about chatter with meaningless chatter  😅


    I appreciate the restraint. 😊 Truly, it helps a lot. Here, the topics can drift more.


    On 2/27/2024 at 4:25 AM, Gronal said:

    Ah yes back to checking the dev diary daily cos I don't want to miss anything just to have to scroll through pages of irrelevant chatter and bickering. Love it.



    14 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

    I didn't realize the difference between hopping and jumping was going to be a focus of A22, but here we are. 🤷‍♂️


    We’re doing the overflow thread again to maintain organization/topicality. This is directed at everyone: if the subject of your post isn't mentioned in the top post of the dev diary, or by a developer, then please find or create a more appropriate thread to discuss it. Where to draw that line can be tricky, so please mind where you’re posting so we don’t have to move your post.


    On 2/27/2024 at 4:25 AM, Gronal said:

    Ah yes back to checking the dev diary daily cos I don't want to miss anything just to have to scroll through pages of irrelevant chatter and bickering. Love it.


    14 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

    I didn't realize the difference between hopping and jumping was going to be a focus of A22, but here we are. 🤷‍♂️


    We’re doing the overflow thread again to maintain organization/topicality. This is directed at everyone: if the subject of your post isn't mentioned in the top post of the dev diary, or by a developer, then please find or create a more appropriate thread to discuss it. Where to draw that line can be tricky, so please mind where you’re posting so we don’t have to move your post.

  13. The largest designed curves in the game are the 13 meter radius sidewalk tiles used in places like residential cul-de-sacs and traffic circles. I went into the prefab editor to see what’s available and how useful they’d be. It turns out the only version of these shapes I see are the plates, which are suitable for sidewalk tiles but not for a banked turn. And more surprisingly, they’re not even available from the shape menu. They’re dev only blocks.


    So it seems the largest radius you have specific blocks for is 7 meters. For a race track curve, this is probably the gentlest/most forgiving wall you can create.



    Now I know you weren’t looking for a wall. You were looking for a banked curve, as in a sloped road surface. Options here are even more limited, and theFlu is probably right that the 5 meter radius “dome” shapes are the least sharp shapes you’re going to find. There are all sorts of ramps/wedges but their corner pieces tend to make the turn within one block.


    As it turns out, a banked turn doesn’t work anyway. I drove a motorcycle around some steep terrain in Navezgane, and it confirmed my suspicion that the physics aren’t there. The bike will pitch up and down to match the slope, but it won’t roll. There is no centripetal force pushing you into the curve. So really all you can do to actually constrain the vehicle’s movement is to put up a wall like the above, whether out of terrain or blocks. Curves via terrain are somewhat easier now with the dev terrain modeling tool, but I would still find blocks to be cleaner to use.

  14. On 2/21/2024 at 3:57 PM, Matt115 said:

    Who knows? maybe it will be like - 30% more crops during harvesting so you will be forced to change for that armor. So you will put it on just for harvesting


    On 2/22/2024 at 12:56 PM, Matt115 said:

    But without crafting it you won't get set bonus. So... pretty force you to craft it


    4 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    (short background - i think nobody like to be forced to doing something + i don't like someone wearing them because many people who were toxic/bad was wearing them). 

    That’s three times you’ve said players will be “forced” to wear the shoes, so I’m going to call it out.


    If I go to a fast food restaurant, they typically have prices resembling this.

    Entree: $5

    Side: $3

    Drink: $2

    Combo meal (entree, side, & drink): $9


    All of the items separately have a combined value of $10, but if you buy them all together it only costs $9. To phrase it a different way, the restaurant gives you 10% off as a ‘set bonus’ if you have all the parts.


    I usually don’t want a drink. I only want the entree and the side.


    Do I get the combo meal anyway for the sake of the discount? Do I grumble that the restaurant is forcing me to get the drink, because otherwise I don’t get the set bonus?


    No. I just don’t get the drink that I don’t want. I pay $8 for the entree + side and I’m happy.


    You’re free to not like the shoes, and you’ll be free to not wear them. But no one is “forcing” anyone to wear anything (besides the underwear the base model has). The bonus is a player choice and choosing whether to miss out on it is not the same as being forced.



    Welp, my hat goes off to Morloc. He figured out how to make Discord skip over all the images I posted when previewing a link to this thread, and make it look like A22 is about horse girls. Well played, sir.


    Edit: it's grabbing whatever the last posted image is, regardless of the spoiler tags. So as a temporary fix, enjoy this encore presentation of the collage I made for the top post.


  16. 3 hours ago, XCOUNTRY said:

    You can’t even see your feet in 1st person anyway…unless…feet are back for A22!


    You can see your hands, though, and I know I’m not the only one that was excited to learn the hands change to reflect your character and armor. It’s nontrivial to do, and it’ll be a nice immersion feature.

  17. 32 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Remove flip flops or add option to show them off pls



    Speaking for myself here, I see no issue with this style. You want something to protect the bottom of your foot, and you need some way to keep it attached. Ergo, simple toe thong sandals. They’re one of the oldest forms of footwear, seen in many different cultures. They’re exactly what a primitive survivalist would make if they wanted footwear.

  18. 13 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

    Are the "original clothing items" going to still be in game as "scrappables"? Just wondering what it woukd be like to loot a drawer or clothing bag and get "special armor" vs "hey its a white t-shirt and only worth cloth"


    It seems unlikely since everything that can be worn will be integrated into one system. Historically they’ve eliminated nearly all the items whose only use was to be scrapped. If the old clothes were kept, it would beg the question from players “Why can’t I wear this?” From the screenshots, we see that some options appear more like armor and others appear more like clothes.

  19. 9 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

    This interests me. Skin color and hair! Maybe we will see Boe at last with a sick set of hair.


    The hair Boe doesn’t have can now come in a full range of invisible colors. :tongue:

    8 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

    Is this going yo be implemented in any of the vanilla a22 POis ?


    Unclear. Info on that feature is coming from recent posts right here on the forum from @Laz Man. You can check the source links for what he’s said.

  20. 45 minutes ago, beerfly said:

    A beginning of a new era. Lets do it ! 


    Btw, I think we have to thank @Adam the Waster for how he began the topic about A22, and the new dev dairy layout. 

    Thanks, buddy, hats off for you. 


    Here, a beer !


    Absolutely! I want to thank Adam the Waster and SylenThunder for their unofficial dev diaries. Both were useful in pulling together what was already publicly known about A22... especially with Twitter/X being harder to mine for information than I would’ve thought.

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