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Posts posted by n2n1

  1. ... A20.3 .... what?....



    The fact is that i need a really large patch that will linger for a long time, so that i don't have to redo dll every day.

    Sorry, i will continue working on the content, or improving the mod (i won't even switch from A20.1).


    PS: Now i am working on the decoration of city streets :)

  2. Oops... A20.2 is out, and i'm still far from ready.


    And A20.2 is something - nothing to talk about. Let's pretend that he doesn't count :D


    In addition, they said that A20.3 will be released soon and will make a little more sense than three fixes. So... i will wait for a stable A20.3 for tests begun :)

  3. 15 minutes ago, Qock said:

    As someone who works a full time job and has other things to do in life, I appreciate not having to invest too much time in a game to see any type of progress and have a good time slaughtering zombies. If I had to put 20+ hours on a playthrough before getting any proper firepower, I wouldn't even start the game to begin with honestly. There's more to life than enndless grinding for resources in a game.



    This is understandable. But there are mobile games for you. 
    Someone likes to play deep .

  4. Right now i'm redoing the sequence of building blocks and adapting prefabs.

    Unfortunately, there is still quite a lot of work to do before the mod is ready.

    I will try to release a test version after A20.2, but to be honest - it will be very raw. A20 brought a lot of work with xml-code, the result of which will not even be visible from the outside...

  5. 3 hours ago, Lunaura said:

    In alpha 19 you could craft a seed from veggies or flowers or whatever, plant it, and the seedling would be left behind when you harvested it. This was a NICE thing. Harvesting was super quick and enjoyable!


    No, no, i don't agree.

    In both a19 and a20 - farming is bad, compared to when you had to cultivate the soil with a hoe to get a crop.

  6. Question about the new function introduced in A20:


    What is the essence of the <property name="AllowedRotations" value="Basic 90"/>, which was intended for <block name="questGeneratorSmall">  ?

    Do i understand correctly, that it was designed to block 45-degree rotation angles, but ....

    it works exactly the same as <property name="OnlySimpleRotations" value="true"/>. That is, it is not an respective limiter now.


    Does it work now as intended? Maybe there is some kind of omission? (bug?)

    Or it's not ready yet ?









  7. 1 hour ago, Deceptive Pastry said:

    I export the .prefab that the items.xml meshfile path refers to in the items bundle. It gives me a folder containing the textures (materials) and huntingrifleprefab.fbx rather than an actual .prefab file. So I pull all these files into Unity. Drag the .fbx into the hierarchy. Then I drag the parent object from the hierarchy back into the project area which creates a .prefab. Right-click on the new .prefab and use the export script - Build AssetBundle From Selection, to create the .unity3d. Then change the meshpath to reference it with xpath.

    Yes, it goes without saying, it makes no sense to describe how you got the object inside Unity.  If you see there in an acceptable form - then it can be workable in the game.

    But there are various hierarchies and parameters, tags that need to be observed. This can be checked only by seeing the settings of the prefab that is located in Unity editor.

    It will be more useful to show exactly this. And, you have never published what is contained in the error message.


    As i advised you in another thread - make a primitive object (cube, stick) and try to get it in the game, in your hands.

    (do not use another fbx that you pulled out using AssetStudio!)


    PS: You don't have to use the LODs. You can only use LOD0. Just remove the rest.

  8. Another tip. If you are new to Unity - then you should make some kind of "stick" and add it as a weapon on the type of hands that the rifle uses.

    This way you will be able to check the correctness of your production process.

    Then, by comparing two objects in the editor, it is easier to calculate the difference that led to the error.

  9. 9 hours ago, Deceptive Pastry said:

    I'm trying to put the old hunting rifle back in the game. I exported the prefab from A19 that items.xml refers to. Put it into unity. Looks fine, textures are all where they should be etc. I dragged the HuntingRiflePrefab.fbx into hierarchy, then dragged it back into the project folder as a .prefab. Exported to .unity3d. Set meshfile path, which seems correct as if I set it differently I get errors and don't even see the hands. Yet when I load up the game, the rifle is invisible. Only see the hands. Any ideas where to troubleshoot?

    Would think I'd get a purple mesh if the materials weren't loading. Instead I get nothing. Unless perhaps it IS there and the positioning is just way off if they changed where the rifle is positioned in A20.

    Don't take my advice as a specialist, but...

    Try to check the Scale of the object - throw it on the ground.

    And, perhaps, a shift from the coordinates - look carefully at yourself from the third person view and look underground.


    I'm also going to do a similar return of old weapons, but Iihaven't engage yet. Please tell us what you will end up with.


    (I see you use a translator, what is your main language?)

  10. The adaptation of the mod for A20 has begun.
    It will take a lot of time, therefore, the first versions can be expected no earlier than a couple of stable patches.
    In addition, as always, will most likely have to redo some game mechanics.
    And it is still unknown how things will be with the generation of the world and prefabs. Reworking and adapting them will take a very long time, so may have to make some compromises.

  11. 2 hours ago, ErrorNull said:

    i see. how about using the full unity software. would that get us anywhere with modify the asset bundles?

    Probably you are talking about methods, something like repacking assets... No, i think it won't work.


    If it is necessary to interfere with ready-made cassettes, there is no alternative.

    Modding for 7dtd now supports many opportunity, but they may not be enough for some special tasks.

    Unfortunately, only the asset editing utility can do this.

    (even in order to make a link(shift) from one asset to another, we need an asset editing utility)


    Perhaps the functionality that UABE has left will help us in something.

    But i haven't edited the new version yet, and i can't clarify anything about it.

  12. 4 hours ago, MZM said:

    We have new ~1200 shapes menu for building, so that is great improvement for advanced building and limitless creativity. I am not worried about building being not as important aspect of this game.


    More like actual effort to build something big and enjoy doing it in vanilla game is kinda throttled by A20 idea of make it simpler with removing rebar frames and wet concrete. Actual result of this is worse than expected because of placing high HP solid not pickable blocks is not as practical imo.

    Main purpose of the variety of forms - is to create more internal content in the game. Better quality POIs.

    Player, just can use that too.


  13. 1 hour ago, MZM said:

    I miss rebar frames. Building is not that enjoyable as it used to be, because no matter how experienced I am, I still misplace blocks sometimes. It is annoying to destroy concrete block with 5000 hp every time I misplace one. I would be scared to use steel blocks even more.


    I liked rebar frames and wet concrete -> reinforced concrete. 1. it felt more like building 2. there was margin for error. You could first lay a frame structure and see, what to change and then upgrade. Even then you could destroy wet concrete with only 1500 hp.. Now we just have to either bother with wood frames to see some structure before upgrading and then either waste wood and cobblestone for upgrade, or pick the frame up and replace with concrete/steel block and hope not to misplace block in proces.


    Wet concrete is something I could live without. What I suggest is either bring back rebar frames, or make every "shapes" block pickable/destroyable for example with 5 min timer after placing in similar way Wet Concrete had timer to dry out after upgrading and forever change state to reinforced concrete in few minutes. Shapes blocks would be forever solid some time after placing them. You have the algorithm. For example: If Player build something with Steel Shapes, anybody would be able to pick it up or destroy that block 5 min after placing.


    Side fact: With this suggestion it would maybe not only be more enjoyable to build for everyone in any game mode, but it would also make PvP players happy, because raiding is in PvP is very fun until defender player patch hole in wall with fresh block after raider spent effort do destroy it.. (Wet Concrete was at least only 1500 HP..)


    Any thoughts ?

    The game no longer puts building as an important aspect of this game.

    Now it's a "looter-shooter".

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