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  1. TBH, I always considered the high duct-tape costs of crafting things that... don't have any visible duct tape to them, to be both a joke for the memes, and a crafting cost proportional to the precision needed. Basically we don't have good stable workshop tools, so we use a whole roll of duct tape to securely hold a part to the work-table while we cut/hammer/drill it. Or we make a mold for the propeller shape entirely out of duct tape like cosplay crafting. Still even with that, any more than 10 rolls feels absurd, for really anything. Unless the idea is that you have to make like 30 molds for a part to reliably get 1 that comes out right. But it's a video game, and not one that takes it's crafting realism very seriously, and I'm okay with that. 😊
  2. I see where you're coming from here. The Rifle is one of the sets where there are 4 quality tiers instead of 3 to climb, and the Hunting Rifle feels like it's just another 6 quality levels of Pipe Rifle, with a slightly faster reload. It's a difficult phase to get through in PVE if you're building perception sniper; since the zombie placements in POIs are often universally obscured from the doorways, and outdoors zombie spawns from quests like in buried supplies automatically know where you are and aggro, the longer range doesn't give as big of an edge over the other weapons as you might think. I've a few times thought that it might be nice if the Hunting Rifle were more of an Elmer Fudd style two-barreled or two-shot gun, like the double barreled shotgun. But another thought I've had for re-balancing the early rifles and/or shotguns is to give them some kind of melee attack without having to put them away, like a bayonet or reinforced stock augment. Wouldn't be as damaging as a full dedicated melee weapon of the same level, but would give a way to do a quick knockdown and reload in emergencies, possibly at expense of a small chunk of durability. Not sure what button it would be bound to, though. Not sure if either is really needed for balance. But could be nice.
  3. Big same! No longer need 15 of them crowding out our farm space, just a couple and start finding/buying upgrades!
  4. So far, while I'm a little sad I can't dye it yet, I am loving the Ranger set!
  5. Yeah. This creeped up behind me and mess me up. I'd almost forgotten about my horrible childhood and young adult nightmares after stumbling on a copy of Hound of the Baskervilles. Thanks, Fun Pimps!
  6. I'm playing in a group with 6 or 7 friends. We typically have between 3 and 5 people online together at a time, and nearly all of us have been playing since like... A10. We've played several group games like this, some of them past day 70. But this time we are struggling, on Adventurer difficulty. We've had TPKs on at least half of our horde nights so far, with horde bases that were considered pretty solid early-game and even mid-game builds. Then we decided we wanted to pack up and move to the burnout zone to get to see Trader Jen, and see more of the 1.0 game. Hoo boy. Big mistake. It's been nonstop rad-screamer swarms around the house and base, and every quest and horde night has thrown more neon green at us than a Disney villain! We only just got a fully concrete horde base set up in time for day 35 and the acid storm and rad zombies MELTED through to us in about 30 seconds. Something has definitely changed! But I'm not seeing as many people talking about it as I'd expect, so I guessed it's only being this extreme for bigger groups. It used to be that we'd start seeing cops in POIs, and then one or two would show up on horde night soon after. Then we'd start running into ferals... same. Then omg rad zombies! And then a week or so later, a few of them come in with the horde... and then a few more. Now it's the other way around. Hordes of horrid abominations flooded us on day 21... then started showing up a few at a time on quests. So I did some digging on the wiki about how game stage is calculated now, and looking at how the game has been for us, I think I understand what's going on? TL,DR: the game difficulty is double-dipping how much harder it gets for multiple players now. Quests and POI zombies scaling up in type by "party game stage" makes sense, and really makes them more of a challenge! But Horde Nights and screamer spawns already spawn more numbers of Zs directly proportional to number of players, and now they're also scaling each of those Zs to a "party game stage" well above the game stage of the highest level player! And the biome bonus applies to each player before that, and while the diminishing returns modifier hits it for each player after the 1st, it still adds a LOT more if you're in a party. Example: 3 players with game stages at 80, 70, and 40 are in a party. The party game stage used to decide what kinds of zombies to spawn for them is 80 + 70x(0.5) + 40x(0.25) = 125 With 5 players on together all around game stage 80, that means you are getting 5 times the number of Zs all spawning at game stage 155 for Horde Night. Then we've also observed the burnout zone is adding about 50 to each of our game stages when we enter it. But for 5 players, that's adding a total of 50 + 50*(0.5) + 50*(0.25) + 50*(0.125) + 50*(0.0625) , approaching 100, for a total game stage of 255. We wind up with a huge swarm of late-game rad zombies when we've only just gotten a concrete mixer. I don't know if I've understood this 100% correctly, but it definitely lines up with what we've observed in our game. If correct, then what I'd humbly request/suggest of the Fun Pimps would be to dial this change back just a bit: - Move the zombie-type scaling of horde night and screamer spawns back to individual player's game stages instead of "party game stage." Or at most make it scale the game stage for the group to the highest level player, instead of like double or triple their game stage. This will also keep the increase from zones from doubling up. - Keep the "party game stage" calculation for POI and quest zombie types, since the numbers on those don't scale up as much, and it makes for some neat boss fights when group-questing! - But also if you can, make it so that the party-game-stage calculates based on the number of players present and accounted for (already checked at quest start "!") rather than also including the party members crafting back at base or off doing their own thing. A lot of us just party up as allies connect, because it's easy and then we don't have to constantly un-party and re-party, and we can see where each other are on are on our maps. But the new changes seem to really punish this. Going out to do a simple Level 2 Buried Supplies quest on your own and getting a face full of rad-hulks and feral bikers hurts!
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