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Everything posted by FramFramson

  1. Hm, I was kind of hoping cigars and nerdy goggles were being removed considering how cigars were basically mandatory with no downside and nerd goggles were better than all other types of glasses for... no particular reason? What I mean is they feel like a remnant of a far older and less-balanced version of the game (because they are). Maybe their bonuses have been reworked though?
  2. Weaponized drones are the future of warfare, so not allowing weapons might seem a bit odd, but what's really weird is not being able to use drones to remote scout. Of course that's because drones as they exist in the game aren't so much like real drones as they are a video gamey pet.
  3. Oh that's fiddly for sure, but after a while I knew it wasn't that. I tried sticking frames in the hole to have a flat surface to throw things into but that didn't allow me to pour either, and it persisted elsewhere, as I mentioned, I made new holes (a 1x1 cube hole, as plain as could be and a larger one) and even tried pouring on the ground. Something happened where the buckets I'm using (and I rotated between a half-dozen or so) just do not empty into anything or anywhere.
  4. Filling the hole wasn't the problem. I was literally unable to empty my buckets. Anywhere. I don't know if my ATTEMPT to fill a curved space somehow caused this (which would be a serious bug), but I also tried it against plain square frames. in the area. And then out of frustration I just tried to upend the buckets on the ground and even that didn't work. I confirmed I never changed the key for bucket secondary function. They just Would. Not. Empty. The bucket stayed stubbornly full.
  5. I was making holes in all kinds of sizes and shapes, with the main issue being that it used arch segments to make vertical cylinders - at first - and I could not for the life of me pour my buckets out after the first one or two. But then I tried using normal squared holes, and even just dumping water directly on the ground and I could no longer do any of this. So.... water just @%$#ed in that game now? Or in general? Should I never decide I want a water feature in my base? What the @%$# do I do? This is a @%$#ing nightmare and trying to find info is almost impossible because most of the references to water in A21 are the innumerable threads about glass jars. Was able to find this old thread which basically suggests using hotbar superstition and also has no real answer to prevent it happening. Not much more than that.
  6. Yeah, absolutely. Hell, even if they're not free-roaming, just put a couple guards in say Joel's, Bob's, or Jen's compounds.
  7. I've used that command in the past, but it didn't reveal the map for some reason. I tried it again in a current game just to see if the update to the command had changed anything, but no, it doesn't seem to reveal any map now either. Clearly there's something going on under the hood which is not being accounted for. Either you're not actually visiting those chunks (in spite of it being called a "visit" command) and you're just generating their basic contents at a distance, or else map reveals are not an inherent or automatic feature of chunk visits, and you need to run a second console command (which may not exist) to reveal visited chunks.
  8. TBH I don't really give a damn if it was explicitly spelled out in a ten-year-old KS or not, a few Neutral NPCs could add new gameplay and player options without detracting from the game at all, as well as enhancing muh immershuns, so I'd love to see them. We know non-hostile NPCs exist. For them to ONLY appear as merchants with full compounds (which they kinda-weirdly all defend solo - Jen's compound being empty seems especially bizarre) is just kinda weird; it really reinforces the video-gamey aspects of the world over any sorta verisimilitude.
  9. Yeah, this i agree with really hard. If there are living bears, wolves/dogs, rabbits, deer, etc. no reason not to have some environmental birds or other critters and the "only one animal of each size and weight class" is realllllly showing after all this time. It's an extremely strong reminder that it's an artificial game world.
  10. No offense intended but I have to admit I always find it supremely baffling that anyone finds 7D to be a serious game. Scary? Sure, 7D can scare the pants off you! But serious? Are we even playing the same game? The game with BIGG BUNS and toilet corn and crazy Mad Max @%$# made by a bunch of guys who not only call themselves "The Fun Pimps" but actually do streams while wearing giant pimp hats? That serious game? (this is perfectly fine with me, incidentally - I am not asking for TFP to change!)
  11. I dunno man, zombie dog variety pack actually seems scarier to me than "all dogs become German Shepherds when zombified".
  12. Def want to find out if any of those assets are coming to the vanilla game. Also wondering like hell of that's going to be a sort of DLC in that it will work with or be attached to the base game, or if it's an entirely new iteration of the base game.
  13. Probably depends on how difficult it is to implement that without losing the inventory. Right now they are actually different blocks, not different animation states of one block - the replacement effect isn't a problem right now because it only occurs once the container is empty. Moving to a system where the container block can change repeatedly could add load or the opportunity for inventories to be lost and I don't see how this is fixed without swapping to a system where blocks remain the same but some have multiple states. This probably happened because originally a block swap was easier to implement over multi-state blocks, but now that people are asking for more advanced options that shortcut is holding us back.
  14. Well part of that problem is the fact that how much meat is "one meat" is is pretty ambiguous.
  15. Oh hell yeah. Now we just need to ability to somehow stop having to kill regular wolves. STOP MAKING ME SHOOT THE DOG, VIDEO GAMES.
  16. Yes, Izayo has mentioned he uses translation software and that he speaks Japanese. As for the animations, it's worth mentioning that A22, which is due to come out between April and July, will be bringing the all-new character models and animations. That update will probably break any existing mods which add new animations (like Izayo's weapon packs) and probably the vroid mod as well, so I wouldn't put a lot of work into new animations right this minute.
  17. There's no way to just remove fog of war is there? Or a way to greatly expand the area of the map revealed as we travel to better match what we can see visually?
  18. Izayo's weapon packs have some new animations included in them. I would look at those, especially since he is also a native Japanese speaker.
  19. Early on they're great, yes. But that drops off FAST in the current alpha, so stretching the value out so that the T4+ Savage Country POIs also had something good to look for in them would be really nice.
  20. I mean, that's exactly what I'm hoping for. If we have those AND new armour parts, Savage Country POIs will finally become interesting to loot.
  21. The lighting in that shot is really funny, makes the face looked pasted on. 😂 Jokes aside, those armour bits look exactly like the sort of thing a couple of us were asking about. Different random bits and such. Also, track pants... hmmmmm... potential gopnik suit armour set?
  22. They look great at least - your work is really paying off. I think you're right to wait until a22 before doing more work though, just in case you have to replace a large number of animations. A lot of people love your gun pack mods though, so if there's a repeatable method for fixing animations, I think there will be plenty of players willing to help you update your packs for a22.
  23. Well the existing nerd glasses currently outclass all other attribute-boosting eyewear, so maybe they want to see how stupid the player base is prepared to look.
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