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Everything posted by Necro42

  1. Awesome! I'm glad to hear it! Vehicles are a little bit intense being first person VR... They actually get progressively better since the later vehicles are smoother. The gyro is a pure joy to fly around the world. The bike will test your VR legs i'm sure but don't give up hope!
  2. Hmmm. Sorry about the link. Try this one: https://t.co/wDm3FdkR60 if that one is broken too feel free to jump from the flat2vr twitter page (don't need to be a member): https://twitter.com/Flat2VR As for the weapons, you have options. You can right trigger to normal attack, right grip and right trigger to power attack, physically hit them for normal attack, or right grip and hit them for a power attack... you can mix and match the options so you use the "most fun for the scenario". Using the flat screen "trigger" attack does still have a longer reach, but stabbing a zombie in the face with a spear is just too satisfying
  3. In the options->controls->VR options you can change the UI. You can switch to no UI, everything on wrist, or the default like you see which is a mixed mode. There is an explicit "Mixed_DF" created to work with the larger darkness falls bar until we get around to making the bars resizable by individuals! Hopefully that will fix your issues. The original "couple clicks" sounds like the difference between using the trigger (which is a click and drag unless you are REALLY steady) or hitting the "A" button which is just a click. Good luck, thanks for playing, and I hope this helps! If not feel free to pop over to the Flat2VR discord threads for this mod and we'll do out best to help.
  4. Update to Version A1.1 with A21 stable release: Hey VR Survivors! We have Mod version 1.1 to go along with Alpha 21 Stable for you. A1.1 has some additions, changes, and fixes that we hope make the gameplay experience better for everybody! If you haven’t been back to the forums since initial release, please check out the #Performance_Tweaks thread of the support section for a lot of great tips from the community on getting the most performance possible from the game and your system. (https://discord.com/channels/747967102895390741/1121586164726497420) Will NOT over-write your saved settings OR stored custom item rotations. Here is what changed since A1.0: Added Most screen effects like hot, cold, drunk, REALLY drunk, dying, dead, night vision. Grayscale screen effect to indicate low stamina. Items that need repair now appear translucent to let you know they're broken. · In game VR config options for the new effects. · Polish localization/translations (thanks Kondiq!) Changed · Major update to collision detection. Physical melee is now MUCH more accurate. · WMR Gen 1: Updated default controller dead zone to 15% to stop automatic walking. · Minor updates to Mixed Mode UI to reduce menu portions appearing on arm UI and allow you to see things while wearing puffy coats. Fixed · Guns not being able to shoot through the UI (...whoops!) · Melee animations getting "stuck" and causing double hits / zero hits. · Pimax (and other canted-lens headsets): Fixed 180-degree turn Unity issue. · Decimal point error that caused the amount we siphoned from your bank accounts to be dollars instead of fractions of pennies. (mundane details…) As always this mod is completely free. If you like what we are doing and want to contribute: Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/7DaysVR BuyUsACannedRation - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/7daysvr
  5. Sorry for the delay! unfortunately I am not that familiar with gaming on Linux these days. I am reasonably sure is you can't get it running in DX11 mode it won't be possible. Vulkan just leaves all the screens pink.
  6. So this is very subjective as the answer also depends on other parts of your system AND personal preferences. Both Kaaliba and I have very similar setups which are an Intel I9-9900K, Quest2, and playing over wifi using virtual desktop. I have an Nvidia 2070Super... I think his video card was a bit better. Game is highly playable in most situations. T5 POIs and large hordes are still a bit of a problem but that's because flat does the same. If you head over to https://discord.com/channels/747967102895390741/1121586164726497420 (7DVR Discord support channel) There is a thread on ways to improve/push performance of the game to the max! Either way I hope you try and good luck.
  7. Here is a quick rundown of a few of the things I saw skimming support and general in the discord: 7D2D must be A21 - or "Latest_experimental" EAC must be off - can set this with the launcher and save as default OR pick the non-EAC exec to run manually Shaking - If it is when loading/connecting to a world then yeah. That is seizure inducing. Stick with it as the CPU load goes down and the "game" starts it should be fine There is an image with controls but it is a possible choice to randomly be shown at load. One day we'll get it on the options screen but not yet. You can turn off the item "laser" in the config section (options->controls->VR) BUT we recommend leaving it on at least for a bit while you get a feeling how this mod tricks things into interacting with the previously flat world. You do not need a special server for VR. ANY non EAC server is your playground We will eventually publish a roadmap but this is what we got for now. Next-ish items (besides bugs and keep up with A21 updates) are seeing other VR players move properly, making bows work like bows, and making scopes functional... LOTS more to the list and Kaaliba might have a slightly different top 3 in his head, but those are mine. You can disable the mod with "enabled=false" in the BepInEx/config folder 7dayVR.cfg file. It is the last option in the file
  8. One of the Devs here. We are pretty active in the Flat2VR discord mentioned above and though I will be checking here too for issues, comments, or questions the discord linked above is by far the fastest way to be seen and helped if needed. The community there is great and you might get help from a fellow 7D2D and VR enthusiast while I'm still at work for the day. I hope this brings you as much joy as it does to both Kaaliba and I!
  9. Maybe menu work in the XML, maybe localization items in the text. Maybe item rotations in the gun joint for new items, maybe new art / textures that didn't look/render just right. This is a glorious and complicated beast. Glad the list is down to 30
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