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Everything posted by hehepexe

  1. Hello mate. Really love that mod, great experience. I've got a problem tho, it's increasing my game's ram consumption by almost 1Gb. It also gives me a red line saying that a wheel3 have too many polygons or something. Can you take a look at it? Maybe optimize it a little.
  2. So about my crash. I tried only with ModManager, 0-Score, 0-XNPCCore and 1-khzmusik_NPC_Civilians. The result was the "Loading and parsing 'blocks'" error.
  3. Thanks for the tip, I'll try to troubleshoot and report what was the cause in order to help with any possible compatibility issue. Also, thanks about the heads up on farmlife, I didn't even noticed e.e
  4. So, I'm facing an issue when starting a new game. It first gives me this warnings and then procede to this error. These are my current mods, the rest of them here I know there are a lot of variables, but it started as soon as I added NPCcore (latest version) and some modlets for it.
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