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Posts posted by NekoPawtato

  1. 15 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Even with the possibility that it is intended, it may be worth having someone check the POI to see if any sleepers are excluded because it could still be a bug.  For that, we'd need the name of the POI.  Especially being on the roof makes me think they shouldn't be excluded.

    It's downtown_filler_06, I wasn't sure whether to log a bug about it

    I looked in the xml for the "SleeperIsQuestExclude" tag that @theFlu mentioned, and I do see some values set to "true" which sounds like it's intended then? 🤔

    I'm assuming each true/false flag corresponds to a zombie group in SleeperVolumeGroup, I'm not sure what all the numbers after each group means though

  2. Is it normal for there to still be zombies in a POI after finishing a clear quest? I know there are people who have reported issues about not being able to finish a clear quest because they can't find the zombie, but I actually ran into a POI with the opposite issue in that I found a couple of zombies still in the building after completing the clear quest. 🤔


    I want to say I read about this somewhere before, but Google is failing me and I just get results about people not being able to complete clear quests instead

  3. 4 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Not to mention, all the license plates are from Texas.  I guess Texas annexed Arizona? ;)

    I mentioned the license plate early on in the dev diary, from what I understand it's because TFP is located in texas and this is a nod to that


  4. I've noticed a couple people having issues with buildings showing up as pink/purple with the fix being to remove "-force-feature-level-10-0" from the launcher options

    I did a quick google search and a lot of old troubleshooting articles online tell the user to add this launcher option to fix issues with the game crashing, so while it might have fixed their issues before, it's causing new issues now.


    Here are some example articles





    I dont know if it's worth posting an announcement/psa about it? Does wiping stuff through the game launcher or verifying files clear this out?

  5. Just as a sanity check, when you open the Quest tab, there's no pending quests?

    I've had this happen to me because I'll grab the open trade route quest and another quest from the trader at the same time. I'll often do the trade route first and then forget that I have a pending quest with them (because it doesn't automatically make it active) and scratch my head when I go back to the trader and they don't offer me any quests

  6. Hi there! With the introduction of "trader stage" in A21, is there a way to view what a player's current trader stage is? I can see Loot Stage and Game Stage but I'm not sure where to go to see Trader Stage (Even if it's only through the debug menu that's fine with me! I'd just like some way so I can check some things)

  7. 11 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Now, click on the item and it'll take you to the crafting screen for that item.  You do still have to click the item in the list but it takes you to the right spot.  I think it should select the item on the crafting menu as well as just taking you there but this is pretty close.

    I think my problem is I have no easy way to "go back" and look at the other items in the tier once I jump to that item's crafting screen. For example, if I want to see the level requirements of other items in that same tier, I have to go back to crafting skill menu, click on the category I want, click on the tier, and then click on the item. (And repeat for each item in that tier). It's not a big deal, but just a quality of life idea.


    I've also found that once I jump to that specific item and see the level requirement, I'm back to "wait so what level am I relative to the requirement?" and have to scramble back to that crafting menu page again XD my goldfish memory

  8. I find it a bit cumbersome having to go between an item's crafting requirements page and the crafting skill menu.

    For example if I search for "anvil" and see it needs workstation lv25, I'd like to know how far away I am from that, which means I have to go to the crafting menu and see what level I'm at (It doesn't really help either that the list isn't in alphabetical order, so I have to remember which categories are on which page). It would be nice if the anvil page itself would tell me what level I am relative to the requirement (ex: 10/25), or a way for me to go straight to that page in the crafting menu


    Similarly, for crafting skills that have multiple items in a tier, each with their own level unlock (workstation tier 2 is a good example), it's a bit cumbersome having to go back and forth between the item page and crafting skill menu. If I go to Workstations tier 2 and see "lockpicks" and want to know what level requirement it is, I have to click on it and go to the item description (and see it's lv15). But say now I want to see what the requirement is for Advanced Belows, since it was next to the lockpick on the list, I have to go back to the crafting skill menu and click Workstation again (it's lv 20). It would be nice if it would tell you the level requirements from that crafting skill menu if there are multiple items in that tier. (Maybe hovering over it?) Another good example is Electrician Tier 4, there's a bunch of items in there and I don't know if they all share the same level requirements or not, and finding out would require a lot of navigating back and forth.

  9. 5 hours ago, KillingLoki said:

    Tested and the new bucket work.
    I tried to break it and manage to do it again, i filled the bucket with water and then moved it to my inventory and placed a shovel in the same spot in the toolbar and dug a few blocks then when i moved the bucket back to toolbar it was broken again.

    Yeah it's something to do with the toolbar I think, I already submitted a bug report. At least the workaround for now is don't mess with your inventory while you have the bucket of water (seems ok if the bucket is empty, only happens when it's full) 

  10. 32 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

    Is it just bad luck or are steel tool parts and motor tool parts really that much rarer than weapon parts ? 


    9 minutes ago, Ralathar44 said:

    Are you perked into weapons?  (this increases their part drops too)
    Are you perked into Miner 69er? (this increases tool part drops too)

    anecdotal here, but i perked into sledge and miner 69r early on (not sure if 1 point vs 5 points makes a difference though? Tho I would say I levelled them about equal amounts) but I ended up with over 50 sledge parts and maybe 5 steel parts by day 28. This is only based off of 1 game though

  11. 21 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    Am I crazy, or are there not several changes that weren't in the patch notes? So far I've noticed Junk turret ammo now uses lead for some reason, and the physician perk now allows a 10% chance instant death per hit with batons which is neat but I don't remember ever being on that perk. I don't remember either of those being in the patch notes lol


    Not complaining, but I feel like I'm being gas lit when I read something and then fry my brain trying to remember if that was a thing before

    It's in the original A21 release notes



    • Recipes for regular robotic turret ammo use lead instead of iron. AP uses half iron and half lead. 


    • Physician perk has gained the ability to treat sprains and give more XP when using healing items. Dismemberment gets a boost with batons on level 4 while level 5 has a chance to instantly kill the target with a stun baton.


  12. 13 hours ago, KillingLoki said:

    Good to know,  then its a bug for me,  i did not start a new save/world on B317 update so maybe somthing broke.

    Thx for the information.

    I literally just ran into the same issue as you. It seems to happen if you move something into your toolbar while you have the bucket of water in your inventory. Can you try making a new bucket and filling/emptying the water in one go?

  13. 16 minutes ago, Ricowan said:

    This happened to me too!  Trader Rekt kicked me out, it initially spawned me underground, then tried again but I'm several km away, near a trader in the wasteland!! at night, on day two!  Running from zombie bears and ferals all night to finally get back to forest and relative safety.  :D


    I haven't posted a bug report because I have changed values in some config XML files and I don't know if that counts as modding or not.

    There's already two bug reports on it from what I saw, so they know about it 😄

  14. I noticed in A21 when I search through the shapes, I can't find the 3x3x1 shape anymore. I searched through the release notes and didn't see any mentions about it. Was it intentionally removed? I found it very useful early game in saving resources to get a basic base set up.

  15. I noticed with the Dew Collector I often waste time going up to it only to find out there is no water ready yet. Unlike crops I don't think there is a visual to tell, you would have to walk up to it and see if it says empty or not, unless I'm missing something.


    Some visual indicator would be nice, an idea I had was perhaps make the barrel transparent (or semi-transparent), and depending on how full the barrel is would indicate how much water can be pulled from it

    ex: empty, 1/3rd full, 2/3rd full, completely full to represent 0, 1, 2 and 3 bottles of water

  16. 6 hours ago, Riamus said:

    When I tracked a recipe and crafted it, the tracking went away.  Were you crafting in a workstation or in your inventory.  In my case, it was in inventory.  I wonder if it just needs to be set up to work when crafting in a workstation?


    Interesting, I'll experiment with it more in that case then, thanks! I don't remember where I tracked it from.

  17. Is it normal when interacting with new work stations that the sound effects are louder/softer depending on how far away you are from the block?

    It's just a bit jarring for me as it's very loud when I'm right next to it compared to say opening and closing a chest from the same distance, but that might just be me. And I can't really turn it down without making everything else too quiet 


    Also not sure if this was mentioned, I like the fact you can track recipes now, I just wish it would untrack once you craft it. For me I don't see a reason to keep tracking after crafting it. If I wanted to craft multiple I would still craft them all at once once I got all the ingredients 

  18. For chunk reset system, it says


    "Land claims, bedrolls, and other important player-owned objects such as backpacks and vehicles will prevent nearby chunks from being reset"


    Are there others not listed here or is it just the four items: land claim, bed roll, backpack, and vehicles? 


    Would inactive bed roll count? 

  19. 1 hour ago, faatal said:

    We have the list of must fixes every alpha. It has been trending down. Currently at 30 tickets across 15 different people, but that is not 2 per person as some people, like programmers, tend to get more of the bugs. I have 7, of which 3 appear to be the same issue, but that is a non trivial issue with stray floating terrain possibly caused by a terrain corruption bug fix I did last week.

    Out of curiosity, what types of bugs don't require programmers? Is that something like POI designs and art?

  20. I'm not sure if this was asked before, but for infestation quests, if someone starts the quest, then abandons/fails it without going through the whole POI, would the house still be "infested" if someone were to go through the building later without a quest? (i.e. maybe a different player ends up exploring the house after you, would it still spawn the "infested" amount, or the normal amount of zombies?)

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