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  • Vehicle in ground [...] Chunk Regen / Wrong Entity Chunk Position

    • Version: A21 B317

    Summary: Multiple warnings, errors, and info while driving motorcycle after long game

    Game Version: A21 b317

    OS/Version: Windows

    CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 5 2400G

    System Memory: 32 GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: AMD RX 580 4 GB

    Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

    Video Settings: Custom - doesn't seem related

    Game mode: MP Host


    Did you wipe old saves? Yes, for experimental


    Did you start a new game? Yes, for experimental but continued save from b313


    Did you validate your files? No


    Are you using any mods? No


    EAC on or off?  Off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:


    I started to get a variety of errors, warnings and information notices in the game while driving my motorcycle tonight.  The motorcycle would suddenly act like it hit something and bounce backwards a couple meters without damage.  It kept doing this off and on.  In some cases, it acted like it was stuck and barely moved.  In other cases, it was held in the air as it shifted around as if trying to find a place to be put down.  When I looked in the console, I had these types of messages:

    2023-06-27T01:04:01 19253.095 INF 625739 Vehicle vehicleMotorcycle_7270, (-85.5, 61.7, 326.0), center (-85.4, 62.5, 326.0), rbPos (-85.4, 61.7, 326.0), in ground. Chunk regen Chunk_-6,20
    2023-06-27T01:04:01 19253.570 INF 625758 Vehicle vehicleMotorcycle_7270, (-79.0, 61.0, 326.5), center (-78.9, 61.8, 326.5), rbPos (-78.7, 60.9, 326.5), in ground. Chunk regen Chunk_-5,20
    2023-06-27T01:04:01 19253.698 INF 625759 Vehicle vehicleMotorcycle_7270, (-80.2, 61.1, 326.4), center (-77.5, 61.6, 326.7) in ground. back (-80.1, 61.1, 326.4)
    2023-06-27T01:05:23 19335.893 ERR Wrong entity chunk position! [type=EntityDrone, name=entityJunkDrone, id=13163] x=-134217728 z=-134217728/Chunk_0,0
    2023-06-27T01:00:42 19054.856 WRN Entity [type=EntityAnimalRabbit, name=animalRabbit, id=13681] fell off the world, id=13681 pos=(-170.5, -1.2, -41.5)
    Look rotation viewing vector is zero


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    I am unsure this can be reproduced by a series of steps.  The game was very long and everything worked fine until near the end.  However, prior to this, I started using an auger for the first time and while digging I got the player stuck, trying to unstick message in console while being bounced up and down just because I didn't have a hole wide enough apparently (not a good thing to automatically do, btw).  Afterwards, when I drove off in the desert, this started happening.  It continued to happen for a short time after entering the forest but apparently the Look Rotation Viewing Vector is Zero continued until exiting the game even though the other stuff seemed to have stopped.  It probably does not relate to the auto-unstick thing but it is possible that it does.  Otherwise, I have no suggestions for reproducing this.



    Actual result: Vehicle being repeatedly reset in position while driving and many warnings and errors and info being shown in console.  Zombies dropping off the world each time the vehicle reset position.


    Expected result: Driving the vehicle doesn't encounter and problems.


    Log: https://pastebin.com/VuPF72rj

    Note that the log has some large sections cut out (indicated where this is done) in order to fit on pastebin.  Only the beginning of the game leading up until near this and a lot of repeated Look Rotation [...] stuff was removed.  If needed, I can give you the entire file but it is more than 2x the size pastebin allows.


    Also, I know this is a continued save from b313 and a new game was recommended but I never had this issue in all the hours played on this save up to this point.  Maybe it's related to that but probably not.  Either way, I wanted to provide the information just in case.  If you feel it's not useful because it's a continued save, that's fine too.

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    May or may not be related, but I've seen the "invisible wall" behavior with vehicle bouncing back in A20, I've only seen it (rarely) in multiplayer when the host's game was frozen and not responding. In severe cases where their game is frozen for a long time, I noticed the clock would stop moving too and you can't move until their game starts responding.


    No idea about the other stuff you mentioned though about zombies falling and errors in the console.

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    I'm going to put this in confirmed, because I spotted it a few days ago playing with some people. A reproduction is going to be a needle in a haystack, but I am glad you reported this because it lets us know that this isn't an isolated case. If anyone has any other information, or if you see this too and simply wish to comment "this happened to me too here's my log (and do post a log)" please do comment on this ticket. A video would be wonderful too, if you happened to have something like Nvidia's replay or something running.

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    @Jugginator if it helps, I have my old clip in A20 showing the invisible wall issue with vehicle, however we were playing slightly modded (just UI and maybe inventory mod, nothing crazy like overhaul and it was all server side mod) but at the time when it happened I asked the host over discord what was going on and he said it was because his game froze. It finally unfroze near the end of the video


    The clock ingame was really weird though. I forgot it actually rewinded back a few minutes. Unfortunately logs are long gone 😧

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    1 minute ago, NekoPawtato said:

    @Jugginator if it helps, I have my old clip in A20 showing the invisible wall issue with vehicle, however we were playing slightly modded (just UI and maybe inventory mod, nothing crazy like overhaul and it was all server side mod) but at the time when it happened I asked the host over discord what was going on and he said it was because his game froze. It finally unfroze near the end of the video


    The clock ingame was really weird though. I forgot it actually rewinded back a few minutes. Unfortunately logs are long gone 😧


    Yeah so the vehicle getting stuck in ground and the invisible wall are different but the same issue if that makes sense. The invisible wall is when you're going faster than the game can "generate" chunks or regions for you, so instead of you just falling through the ground and causing errors it kicks you backward for a moment so the game has a chance to load. 


    The falling through the ground LIKELY is the game suddenly not able to keep that chunk loaded for a split second, so you fall through it and the game realizes this and fixes itself, and notices the vehicle is below the ground and kicks it back up. Sadly, for the case of the Mrs, her bike was gone. Stupidly hard to reproduce lol. Which... is a good thing I guess, least it's not constantly happening. I'll have to bring this up to Faatal and see what he thinks.

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    8 minutes ago, Jugginator said:


    The falling through the ground LIKELY is the game suddenly not able to keep that chunk loaded for a split second, so you fall through it and the game realizes this and fixes itself, and notices the vehicle is below the ground and kicks it back up.

    that reminds me, I did have one game very recently where I fell halfway through the floor for a few seconds, and then it fixed itself. Could that be related? I wasn't on a vehicle tho and I never saw it happen again.

    video: https://imgur.com/a/WBI34Db

    logs: https://pastebin.com/QMqGYVgv

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    Just now, NekoPawtato said:

    that reminds me, I did have one game very recently where I fell halfway through the floor for a few seconds, and then it fixed itself. Could that be related? I wasn't on a vehicle tho and I never saw it happen again.

    video: https://imgur.com/a/WBI34Db

    logs: https://pastebin.com/QMqGYVgv


    Thanks for that. Yup. Rare... I tried reproducing that exactly for like 10 hours or so and gave up for the moment to work on another bug and was just standing there in front of a forge and fell through the ground. Absolutely related, good thinking on that. It's the chunk suddenly not "active" in the world for the split second.

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    Just to be sure it is noticed even though it's in the report - I was the MP Host so it isn't because of a connection issue with the host or a server.


    This could potentially be similar to A20's falling through the ground thing and maybe a chance in A21 replaced that with this behavior?  If so, this is probably preferable but is less obvious that it's the problem.  I'm not sure how to do a video if it happens again but can give another log if it does.


    Also note that these pauses were happening sometimes one right after another within 10-15m or so and would only bounce me back and then I'd continue going immediately without issue.  So if it was a loading issue, it was loading quickly after the fact.  The only times it didn't immediately allow me to continue after the bounce back was when it was a "can't move because stuck" effect where you inch forward with the tires spinning similar to if you were in A20 and the ground became quicksand.  That would last for a couple of seconds before I could continue and I didn't sink into the ground at all during this.  The other time it didn't let me immediately continue was when it lifted me about 1m into the air and held me there moving me ~1m around back and forth as if trying to find out where to put me down.  That lasted 2-3 seconds and only happened one time during this.


    If I were to guess, I'd guess it was a change in A21 to how things work if the world isn't loading -- what in A20 had you sinking into the ground.  But if that isn't what's going on, then I don't know.  I do know that the continued Look Rotation error continued all the way to the end of the session even after the motorcycle was driving fine again.

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    4 hours ago, Riamus said:

    I'm not sure how to do a video if it happens again but can give another log if it does.

    For video recording, if you have xbox gamebar (is what it's called for me in windows 11) it can record the last 30 seconds of a game.


    Alternatively, depending on your GPU there may be software that comes with the drivers that allow you to do it as well.

    I'm using AMD which their driver comes with AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition which allows me to configure how many seconds of replay I want to save, it's called Instant Replay



    After that I just chuck the file into imgur and let it upload the video for me to share :)


    Would definitely recommend testing it first and making sure it works, I think for gamebar sometimes it wouldn't work for me if the game wasn't in windowed fullscreen mode.

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    1 hour ago, NekoPawtato said:

    For video recording, if you have xbox gamebar (is what it's called for me in windows 11) it can record the last 30 seconds of a game.


    Alternatively, depending on your GPU there may be software that comes with the drivers that allow you to do it as well.

    I'm using AMD which their driver comes with AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition which allows me to configure how many seconds of replay I want to save, it's called Instant Replay



    After that I just chuck the file into imgur and let it upload the video for me to share :)


    Would definitely recommend testing it first and making sure it works, I think for gamebar sometimes it wouldn't work for me if the game wasn't in windowed fullscreen mode.

    I appreciate that. I do have AMD adrenaline edition so will check that out and see how to use it.  If I experience this again, I'll get a video.  It didn't happen until after 5 1/2 hours so I may not see it again until my next long game season.

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    An additional note on this.  The errors for the drone that you see at the end of the log apparently reflect that the drone got misplaced way off the map.  I went looking for it today and couldn't find it so checked the log today and came up with:


    2023-06-28T21:14:56 102.709 INF 16450 Drone PostInit [type=EntityDrone, name=entityJunkDrone, id=13163], (NaN, NaN, NaN) (chunk -134217728, -134217728), rbPos (NaN, NaN, NaN)


    I had to use the "junkDrone clear" command and give myself a new drone as there wasn't any way to recover that from that "position".  Still have an extra drone hanging around the void now but at least I have a drone again.


    I'm not sure if that provides any useful data.  Maybe the cause of all of that was the drone getting lost?

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    @Riamus take a look at this bug report, the person posted a video, is the behavior he showed the same as what you experienced?

    I just had my drone disappear on me today too after getting a motorcycle for the first time and driving thru the city. Had to eat dinner so didn't play much longer after it poofed, but based on this person's report it seems the trigger is motorcycle + drone.

    I had been using a minibike up until this point with my drone with no issues and literally the same day I got a motorcycle my drone disappeared on me

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    36 minutes ago, NekoPawtato said:

    @Riamus take a look at this bug report, the person posted a video, is the behavior he showed the same as what you experienced?

    I just had my drone disappear on me today too after getting a motorcycle for the first time and driving thru the city. Had to eat dinner so didn't play much longer after it poofed, but based on this person's report it seems the trigger is motorcycle + drone.

    I had been using a minibike up until this point with my drone with no issues and literally the same day I got a motorcycle my drone disappeared on me

    It is hard to tell.  It was doing 180s, which wasn't what I experienced but might be the same thing.  Other places, it was hard to tell if they were just going forward and backwards or if that was messing up since they were going forward and backwards on purpose at times.  It could be a motorcycle+drone problem, though.

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    I think it's definitely related to the drone, I got mine in a weird state again and noticed when I drive too far away the drone starts teleporting like crazy everywhere and then I hit invisible walls


    logs just in case, but I was derping around a LOT trying to repro so i dont know how useful it will be: https://pastebin.com/p8Gsp759

    video was taken around 1:40 in the logs

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    @Jugginator here is a repro for the invisible barrier and "vehicle [...] in ground. Chunk regen" logs


    1. Load up Navezgane map and go to downtown_filler_09 in the desert
    2. Find the entrance to TOP INs
    3. Replace the door with an unlocked one so you can move in/out freely (I used iron door)
    4. While outside facing the entrance, place the drone on the rightmost side of the bulletproof glass, as close to the glass as possible
    5. Quickly go inside using the door and stand on the other side of the glass from the drone while it is still booting up
    6. Walk backwards while still facing drone, eventually you will bump into a door on the other side of the building
    7. Wait a little bit, you should faintly see the drone icon "twitch", the drone teleport a short distance away, and then approach the glass again
    8. Go outside to the drone and slowly move away, it should not follow you
    9. When you get a certain distance away the drone will constantly teleport back and forth between you and it's stuck location
    10. Ride motorcycle and drive very far away (I am holding sprint entire time), you may notice on the compass that the drone icon constantly appears and disappears
    11. Eventually you will start bumping into invisible walls while driving



    Logs: https://pastebin.com/SjkTCRW1


    My theory is the issue has something related to breaking the drone's pathfinding (in the way the buildings are designed, what block it's bumping into, and/or where the drone is relative to the player).

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    This makes sense.  I've noticed that the drone's pathfinding doesn't work as well in A21 as in A20.  I had it get stuck on the stairs in the high school POI going down the stairs back to the first floor.  It couldn't make the corner around the landing and didn't follow me again until I went back and got it around the corner.  In A20, if it couldn't reach you, you could move back and forth repeatedly and it would manage to come to you through walls and stuff but that doesn't work in A21.  So this definitely seems like the probably cause and the effect you are experiencing is the same that I was, just not as frequently as I was.

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    I finally managed to read this report completely :)


    About the drone, I think you might be on the right track here.
    The two people who posted logfiles in the threads I linked above also had a drone in their logs.


    (I personally don't have this problem myself, but I don't have a drone either 😉)


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    Today the bug also happened to me (for the first time).


    I have a fresh Windows 10 and 7D2D A21 Stable installation.

    I did not install the experimental and no mods. Just plain vanilla.

    Playing the Pregen6k map.


    I managed to stop the logfile spam by teleporting to the other end of the biome i was in, but the error came back after a few minutes.


    Here's my log: A21 b324 Stable Logfile

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