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READ THIS Before Posting in Multiplayer

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Do you want to let people know about your dedicated server? Don't post it in Multiplayer! There's a sub-forum just for you - post it here: https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/26-servers-amp-community/


Are you tired of playing single player and want to find a server or group to play with? Don't post it in Multiplayer! There's a sub-forum just for you - post it here: https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/28-looking-for/


Are you a Streamer live-streaming footage of 7 Days to Die and want others to know about it? Don't post it in Multiplayer! Post it under Channels, here: https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/24-channels/


Want to share some videos of your gameplay, or a cool feature you found?  Don't post it in Multiplayer! Post it under Images and Videos, here: https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/10-images-and-videos/


Multiplayer is for general discussion of topics specific to multiplayer game play. Thanks, folks!

Edited by SylenThunder
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Servers and Community Posting Policy


1) If you run a server you may maintain a thread in this forum to promote it and inform people what they can expect on your server.


2) If you have modded your game but your mod is only available by playing on your server then this is the correct forum for you to post about your mod and promote your server. Do not post in the Modding Forum unless you plan to share your files.


3) If you are running a business providing servers and server admin support services you may maintain a thread in this forum to promote and advertise your business provided that you maintain at least one free public server dedicated to 7 Days to Die. You cannot transact business out of this forum (i.e. no Paypal buttons) but you may post a link to your own website in order to conduct business. Information about the public server should be posted within the first couple of posts in your thread.


4) Disputes should be handled as much as possible through private messaging and no user should try to derail or disrupt the topic of someone else's thread. Any such antagonistic posts should be reported immediately.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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