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Remove item from player inventory (A17e)

bob the big blob of goo

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I have a user on our MP server that has two invalid questItem bag items. They are unable drop them and they don't have any quests to complete. Is there a way to either remove an inventory item via the console or by editing their player profile on the server?


This is on A17e B221.


I'd be happy to have the player profile file definition so I can at least grab a HEX editor.


Any ideas?

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I just passed the same thing to a player on my server.


Apparently if you find the treasure of the mission of the trader, and then you disconnect, you remain bugged the article in the inventory and there is nothing to do.


Like you, I had no choice but to restart the character and return his level, but as it starts to happen a lot can be a real problem.

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