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16x16 map issues joining and creating.


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I have been trying to create a 16x16 map and it gets so far and then stops with the comamand prompt saying out of memory. I have uninstalled steam and all my games and reinstalled just 7d2d. I have tried to create a new 16x16 but it will not go through. Now my spouse can create the 16x16 maps yet I cannot join his map. Is there an unsupported factor in this or is it something that I am not doin incorrectly as it will not let me join or create a 16x16 map. I am using windows 10 home on a Hp omen gaming laptop. Game play is fine just issues with joining and creating a 16x16. with the out of memory. I have up the virtual memory but to no avail. is this something that is not available for the experimental verison? Also I am having issues with the fetch and clear zombie quest from trader. I went to an location for fetch and there was nothing there. I looted everything in the house but there is not icon or item that i needed for that quest. The clear zombie i went to the location actived the icon to start the quest but there was no zombies. This happened with my and my spouse's game for the clear quest.

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Don't forget virtual memory isn't the same as ram, I'm pretty sure the out of memory is regarding your ram, how much do you have? I'm guesing you are running out and it's not the game, since your spouce can create it and you cant join + you can't create it.


8 gb rm with 7.89 gb usable.

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A few things..


1. 8k is the largest supported map in a17. Any larger and you will have a lot of issues with anyone connecting. (Basically it takes at least 5 minutes to connect, and the client gets dropped after 4 minutes.)


2. A 16k map on that system will take a minimum of 45 minutes to generate.


3. 8GB Ram in the minimum recommended for Single Player in a16. You aren't going to get very far with that much, and you definitely aren't going to be hosting a MP game very well if at all.

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Yeah, sorry 8GB wont cut it. The system will use the ram to help create the map files, I am not sure if optimization will help, but the CPU can't operate without ram. Well, it can, but you're not going to do much past command prompts anyway. I would say you need at least 16gb, and a cooling system for your laptop. I hate when companies label laptops as gaming laptops. Yeah, they do good, but they're dutch ovens, using that much power to generate a 16k map (and 7 days in general -- I Have a personally optimized and tweaked 8GB laptop, I know lol) will produce a ton of heat. It can be done, but you need to at least double your ram (I would say a map that big 16GB is barely it, 32 would be optimal) and have a sort of external cooling fan setup.

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Yeah, sorry 8GB wont cut it. The system will use the ram to help create the map files, I am not sure if optimization will help, but the CPU can't operate without ram. Well, it can, but you're not going to do much past command prompts anyway. I would say you need at least 16gb, and a cooling system for your laptop. I hate when companies label laptops as gaming laptops. Yeah, they do good, but they're dutch ovens, using that much power to generate a 16k map (and 7 days in general -- I Have a personally optimized and tweaked 8GB laptop, I know lol) will produce a ton of heat. It can be done, but you need to at least double your ram (I would say a map that big 16GB is barely it, 32 would be optimal) and have a sort of external cooling fan setup.




Are you saying that I would need a 32gb to play the 16x16 when according to what i found 8gb is above recommended?

So is it just the 16k maps that require a bigger ram. i do have a 5 fan cooling fan and a i7-7700hq 1050 ti processor which i am thinking i will need to upgrade as well.. I can upgrade to 32gb memory max on this laptop which i will do soon. I love 7d2d and would love to be able to play on a 16x16 map. Though my other question is my spouse doesnt have a high memory in his desktop yet he can create, and play a 16x16 without to much trouble. how is this possible?


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Well, minimum is a literal minimum, on lowest settings. 16k map is out of range of the normal game kinda. He probably has more ram than you do, and hardware IS typically better in a desktop than a laptop. Honestly I would invest in a PC if you're going to do all of that (upgrading the processor). Ram is relatively cheap, but that would add a lot of heat in that thing at 32gb. You may be able to get away with 16, but yeah 32 is optimal. That systemreq lab's specs are off. 6GB is not the min, 8 is. 6 would be a 5FPS ♥♥♥♥show lol. And dont forget, it's not exactly processor speed there, the cpu has to have somewhere to put that data while it's building the map, which is ram.


For example on that, let's say I do some code in Python since it's simple


x = 5

y = 10


The program assigns x to 5 and y to 10 in memory (ram) for use




It adds x and y, but because we didn't tell it to assign it to a piece of memory, the CPU computes it and forgets it forever and it's gone to the void


print(sum(x,y) or print(x+y)

>>> 15

This now tells it to display the result, and again, forgets it because CPU's dont store anything, they computate.


total = x+y or total = sum(x,y)


Now we have a spot in the memory for total, 15.



This is nowhere in the CPU, but it is stored in the ram. WHen called upon by the program, the CPU gets the stored data from the ram and does the stuff with it. Same thing goes on with the map generator, the CPU computates the math and assigns it to the ram and then uses the data on the ram to do more stuff generating the map like..


new_math = total + total **total

new_math is total + total raised to the total power (15+[15^15])

So forth. Hopefully that cleared it up a little. This is very very vague, but ya know.

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