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Help modding required quantity for recipe


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Hello guys, enjoying the hell out of Alpha 17. I am trying to change some material quantity requirements for crafting and am perplexed regarding editing the quantity of an item required for a recipe. Back in A 16 you just changed the number in the recipes.xml quick easy and done. For instance, I am changing:


<recipe name="trapSpikesWoodDmg0" count="1">

<ingredient name="resourceWood" count="20"/>





<recipe name="trapSpikesWoodDmg0" count="1">

<ingredient name="resourceWood" count="5"/>



I changed the quantity number on the servers recipes.xml file. When I go to join I get an error message. Can't attach a legible screenshot of the error due to forum screenshot file size limitations. When I change it back to the default quantity, the server loads up fine. I can't figure out where I am going wrong? Thanks in advance for any assistance!

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I just changed it as you did and I could load a game fine. Weird.

You said "some material quantity requirements" which to me means more than one so if that wasn't the only change you made like guppy said would need full recipes and the changes.

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