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Basebuilding is NOT an Outdated Survivalstrategy!!!


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I found it's incredibly easy to use the zombie pathing to make zombies walk on spikes. Zombies will treat spikes as a platform they can stand on, and attempt to use them to scale a wall that is 2 blocks high. As an illustration, this is a crude cutaway side view of my defenses






^ are spikes and # are walls. = is empty space. If a spike is placed on the ground next to a 2-high wall, they zombies will attempt to jump on the spike, to then jump on the wall. However the spike breaks before the zombie can use it (if they can at all), and they move to the next spike, and so on. In this way a 2-high wall or platform surrounded with spikes can use every spike directly adjacent to the wall before the zombies attempt to break through. They will sporadically hit walls, but if there is a spike available to step on they will attempt to do so.


I have since closed in the design I'm using and am waiting for the next horde night to see if they will still take the bait. There are no doors reachable from the ground, so they have to tunnel through the bottom or jump over the wall (now impossible) to get to me. I'm at work so no pictures, but I'll try to take one when I get home.


Awesome! Would've never thought of that design :o

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If a spike is placed on the ground next to a 2-high wall, they zombies will attempt to jump on the spike, to then jump on the wall. However the spike breaks before the zombie can use it (if they can at all), and they move to the next spike, and so on.


Good job! I'm gonna try it.

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