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A17 to hard! :playful:


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This new Alpha 17 update is way to hard.


When i started playing i expected to wake up and have all the best weapons, armor and food in my fully reinforced steel base surrounded by all the best traps with my Motorcycle & Jeep parked safely beside it.


Why should i have to go out kill zombies, loot POIs or work to learn perks? I play survival games to be handed everything on Day 1. Anything else is too boring and tedious.


Just in case anyone was unsure, that above was playful sarcasm. If it offended anyone..... :ohwell:


I do not agree with everything in the new update such as:

- cooking ratio for meat 5:1. Why not just have it a 1:1 ratio?

- Zombies do a little bit to much damage to structures, especially at first when we are not able to make decent traps or

better blocks

- Zombie's ability to find me when my stealth meter is at 4. (might be a bug)

- Spike log traps are gone


Couple of changes i like:

- New Perk system - (Best part not relying on RNG to get minibikes or tools. I had all blue tools before finding a "Minibike for

dumb♥♥♥♥s" book. I have gone entire maps without an auger or chainsaw schematics showing up.)

- Vehicle Physics (No longer have to worry about going down a hill to fast on the minibike in multiplayer.)

- Dungeons (ATM. After a few play thru i may change my mind on this one.)


This post is just my opinion.


My opinion does not give me the right to make demands or insult the developers.


I trust that the fun pimps will make adjustments based on what they feel makes THEIR game better.

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The new alpha is just right,


for me, a directionless NEET with zero demands on my time. Levelgating all the basics means that I get to be the only special snowflake with all the toys. Grinding hundreds of slow moving zombies is HARD, and I'm HARDCORE which gives me the moral superiority to browbeat anyone who complains.


haha just kidding!



this is actually a valuable post.


Has anybody noticed that the reload animations are janked when you're zoomed in?

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