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some things i have to say about the new progression system.

random person

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first of all, I appreciate most of the changes you made with alpha 17, except for the new progression system.

in older versions you had to mine to learn a mining skill, loot to learn to loot faster and find better items, tarde to get better deals.

but, Unfortunately in alpha 17 almost the only way to progress is zombie hunting, so instead of the feeling that zombies are hunting me, i am hunting them for xp, since other things like mining, looting and crafting barely give any xp compared to zombie hunting.

i really hope the developers will look into this case, and fix it in alpha 17, otherwise i dont feel like playing the game until someone adds in a better progression system using mods.


thanks for your time!

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^^ The rare, refreshing, critical post that didn't devolve into "RRRrrrrrEEeeeee" and personal attacks. Well put.


Personally, I think they should consider removing the level requirements for the attributes, leave the rest the same. It's a double gate for no gain.

Points are Points, If the player spends their initial 5 points from the beginner quest, and puts them all into one attribute, they still need to level and do quest's to gain more so their character can continue to be fleshed out. I also think it'll give the player, more of a feel that they get to create a starting character a bit more freely and that it has a slight specialization in the beginning.

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first of all, I appreciate most of the changes you made with alpha 17, except for the new progression system.

in older versions you had to mine to learn a mining skill, loot to learn to loot faster and find better items, tarde to get better deals.

but, Unfortunately in alpha 17 almost the only way to progress is zombie hunting, so instead of the feeling that zombies are hunting me, i am hunting them for xp, since other things like mining, looting and crafting barely give any xp compared to zombie hunting.

i really hope the developers will look into this case, and fix it in alpha 17, otherwise i dont feel like playing the game until someone adds in a better progression system using mods.


thanks for your time!


Well said and I agree.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, the idea that I just need to grind out to level 100 to essentially do everything is just off... Want to become a master mechanic and build that truck so you and your lady friend can ride in style in the apocalypse? Simply kill 1000 zombies!


It's that kind of NERFing that kills games like this that attract this kind of player. Your audience is the attention to detail, stick it out and mine ore for hours crowd. We want to see slow steady progression that is controlled by activity not gun battles.


Exp between survival and combat should be similar as this is a survival game, not an action shoot 'em up... Call of Duty already has a zombie mod...

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They should split the skill tree in to combat exp, every perk related to combat can be unlocked with that, a crafting exp with what you unlock crafting and gathering exp to unlock every gathering skill with.

You get exp for the thing you do, so for example if you only harvest/ mine you gunskils won't get better so no exp to unlock say "gunslinger"

If you only kill zombies you don't get exp for crafting and gathering so you can't open tec or gathering skills.

You should be able to use either of the 3 exp kinds to unlock the main perks in perception, strength, intellect, fortitude and the skills you can train by doing either

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