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[INFO] Change Survival SP to Survival MP

Red Eagle LXIX

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It is possible to change a Single Player (Survival SP) game to a multiplayer game through a hex edit. Find the save you want to change from Survival SP. Open main.ttw in a hex editor. At offset 0x000C you will find a value of 6. Change the 6 to a 7. Save main.ttw. Load game and now it will be Survival MP with all the multiplayer options including allowing people to join. Naturally the reverse is true, making an MP game to SP you would change the 7 to a 6.
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[QUOTE=LimeyRon;103754]Red, any idea how to do this with the new update? [URL="http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?12563-Converting-save-from-SP-to-MP"]These guys[/URL] would like to know, and so would I :)[/QUOTE] I'll take a look, give me a few minutes. EDIT: I just checked and those locations and values are still correct
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[QUOTE=LimeyRon;103766]I think I've figured it out. See other thread.[/QUOTE] You certainly did, and since I was too lazy to take a screenshot I'll quote your message here with the screenshot showing offset 0x000c highlighted as 06 currently that would need to be changed to 07 to make it SurvivalMP. [QUOTE=LimeyRon;103764][URL="http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/452810/main.ttw"]Here's mine[/URL] Red. Just had another quick look and I think what he did was search for 0x000C with the search function, much like I did. Is this the value that needs to be changed? It's the only 6 that I can see at first glance. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/wiSGss1.png[/IMG][/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=LimeyRon;103780]I post this every chance I get :p [URL=http://imgur.com/0AYj0s7][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/0AYj0s7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Gotta love Zoidberg.[/QUOTE] lol. Thanks for helping the fellow out guys.
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Can't this be done in the serverconfig.xml? Or am I missing something here completely? I know we went from Survival SP to Survival MP because land claim works (this was done a while ago now). Unless you're wanting to just change it with a hex editor. Reading comprehension while having a sinus infection = *buzzer*...
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;104081]Can't this be done in the serverconfig.xml? Or am I missing something here completely? I know we went from Survival SP to Survival MP because land claim works (this was done a while ago now). Unless you're wanting to just change it with a hex editor. Reading comprehension while having a sinus infection = *buzzer*...[/QUOTE] I imagine you could possibly point a serverconfig.xml to a SurvivalSP save to use online with a dedicated server. Never tried. It certainly won't work if you want to just start the client and let some folks join (since you aren't using serverconfig.xml).
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Gameservers.com has theirs set up that way that I can change it through the serverconfig.xml. We originally started out with GameModeSurvivalSP before TFP introduced the command within the serverconfig.xml to be able to use land claims (when they were introduced). Land claims are only usable in GameModeSurvivalMP from what I understand. I don't want to give credit where credit isn't due (if that's the case), but their control panel pulls everything from the serverconfig.xml. I've messed some stuff up royally a few months back... *laugh*.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;104116]Gameservers.com has theirs set up that way that I can change it through the serverconfig.xml. We originally started out with GameModeSurvivalSP before TFP introduced the command within the serverconfig.xml to be able to use land claims (when they were introduced). Land claims are only usable in GameModeSurvivalMP from what I understand. I don't want to give credit where credit isn't due (if that's the case), but their control panel pulls everything from the serverconfig.xml. I've messed some stuff up royally a few months back... *laugh*.[/QUOTE]You missed the point, that won't work if you aren't using the dedicated server. As I said, in the client, where the save game list is. Say you've spent some time building a creation in SP. It's done, now you want to show it off to a few friends, but don't want to host a dedicated server. So you start game, click continue, then try and load it as MP. That is what this does that you cannot do in the serverconfig.xml.
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[QUOTE=Red Eagle LXIX;104121]You missed the point, that won't work if you aren't using the dedicated server. As I said, in the client, where the save game list is. Say you've spent some time building a creation in SP. It's done, now you want to show it off to a few friends, but don't want to host a dedicated server. So you start game, click continue, then try and load it as MP. That is what this does that you cannot do in the serverconfig.xml.[/QUOTE] Ah. Gotcha. I understand now. Pardon me I'm slow today... medicine head (heh).
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OK I'm a noob myself at hex editing and I'm trying to change my game from a MP to SP. Ive been looking over the file and i cant find the part I'm suppose to change. I'm posting a copy of my [URL="http://i422.photobucket.com/albums/pp303/talassamic/main_zps94bd944a.jpg"][COLOR="#FFFF00"]main.ttw[/COLOR] [/URL] here and if someone could find some time to help and point me in the right direction i would be very grateful.
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[QUOTE=Xyloscent;104576]OK I'm a noob myself at hex editing and I'm trying to change my game from a MP to SP. Ive been looking over the file and i cant find the part I'm suppose to change. I'm posting a copy of my [URL="http://i422.photobucket.com/albums/pp303/talassamic/main_zps94bd944a.jpg"][COLOR="#FFFF00"]main.ttw[/COLOR] [/URL] here and if someone could find some time to help and point me in the right direction i would be very grateful.[/QUOTE]Wow, you've got an 02 in that spot. I forget which game type that was, but I've not seen that in a while. The principal is still the same though. Change the 02 to 06 at 0x000c (the highlighted spot in LimeyRon's screenshot).
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thanks a lot mates, i figured that was the spot that i needed to changed but didn't want to mess with it without consulting with more knowledgeable ones... Last thing i want is a non recoverable save as a worse case... Murphy's law and all.
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[QUOTE=Xyloscent;104958]thanks a lot mates, i figured that was the spot that i needed to changed but didn't want to mess with it without consulting with more knowledgeable ones... Last thing i want is a non recoverable save as a worse case... Murphy's law and all.[/QUOTE] When messing with stuff, always make a backup of what you're editing :encouragement:
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