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Zombies are too quiet


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Been having a lot of fun with A17 so far, not gonna do a full review yet since I haven't experienced enough of it all yet, but. If I had to pick one thing that I don't like the most, it's the zombies are nearly silent. I'm constantly having zombies sneak up behind me. I actually thought they were completely silent at first, but after watching them move if I focus I can detect just the faintest rustle. It doesn't seem right. If I turn up the volume other sounds will be too loud. At the volume that's comfortable for other sounds the zombies are nearly silent.

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I touched on this in the thread regarding being crouched. I don't mind the removal of the hunted/sensed/undetected visual guide when in a crouch - it's obviously replaced by the awareness bar on your UI - but I'd like a little more aural indication of their intent. Not too much, mind, as I like realism so I don't want it jacked to the point a horde sounds like a "zombie choir".

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