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Are there plans for: An option to choose what time night time starts?


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Are there any plans to add an option in the game world settings to allow players to choose when they want night time to start?

10pm where I am is well and truly night time by that point, but also, selecting 12 hour nights means day time doesn't start until 10am which is a bit extreme.


I think being able to choose between 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm and 10pm would be a great addition for those who like to play with 10 and 12 hour nights.

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Guest Nyteshade12134

How about just adding a DAWN TIME and NIGHT TIME and let the players (or hosts for Multi-player) pick the times. Like "Hey, I want the sun to rise at 5:00 AM, and go down at 8:00 PM."

Let it be customizable.

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