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Are soldiers bugged?


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I like a challenge and all, but a bakery FULL of ferals, GREEN RADIOACTIVE FERALS, and Exploding cop ferals all at once is a little much. PLUS, I think the soldier zombies are bugged maybe? Couldn't kill a feral one so I cheated and spawned all the high level weapons (sniper rifle, AK-47, SMG, etc along with a ton of bullets and it would never go down. Only thing I didn't try was a rocket launcher.


Also, when you die now, the zombies that were attacking you return to their original staged locations AT FULL HEALTH. Ideally, they would need to stay where you died, AT THE HEALTH THEY WERE WHEN YOU DIED. But if there is a programming need to return them to their original locations, at least let the accumulated health damage done to them stay.


Otherwise, loving the new build. I like a challenge and it's so far proving to be just that. Just might wanna look at soldiers, not sticking 6 ferals in the same place at once, and the return to position things.


Birds could be toned down, but I can live with them if you can adjust the other things :cocksure:

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Ran into a hazmat zombie that just...wouldn't...die. It was nighttime when I ran across it in a POI, it was running, but when the sun came up and it started walking in the daylight, I started wondering if it was a bug. Dang thing seemed to have as many HP as a bear. Finally killed it. Ran into another hazmat zombie shortly after, took it out no problem. Used the same weapon and ammo on both, but there was a HUGE difference in HP between them.

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I also encountered a feral soldier in a bakery on day 3 last night.

Well, when I say "I" there were actually 3 of us, armed with an assortment of weapons, some firearms but not a lot of ammo.

We unloaded everything we had into it, yet it still kept on coming.

We spent the next hour of so trying to kill it. The thing looked like a porcupine with all the arrows sticking out of it, yet still it charged and killed us over, and over again.

In the end we gave up. Fun for a while but in the end very frustrating.

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