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Stupid encumberance


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Just did a little testing. (progression.xml)


You can add a Level 0 bonus:


<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="9" level="0"/>


To the perkPackMule and adjust your values from there for the rest of the levels.



In my case, I added a baseline of 9 more slots, then adjust the rest so they open up as I level the skill more.


I imagine if you put in the right values (would think 200-18 = 182 should give you a 'full' from the start as long as you add those values to all the levels (or never unlock one)



Could you hook me up with that 200 inv setup? :D :D



(This is NOT 100% tested... Just know it removed the encumbrance icons form the slots)

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Just did a little testing. (progression.xml)


You can add a Level 0 bonus:


<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="9" level="0"/>


To the perkPackMule and adjust your values from there for the rest of the levels.



In my case, I added a baseline of 9 more slots, then adjust the rest so they open up as I level the skill more.


I imagine if you put in the right values (would think 200-18 = 182 should give you a 'full' from the start as long as you add those values to all the levels (or never unlock one)



Could you hook me up with that 200 inv setup? :D :D



(This is NOT 100% tested... Just know it removed the encumbrance icons form the slots)


Sure can lol once I get the enc icons gone


Edit: that did the trick thank you and shall upload now for you

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Here's the xpath i'm currently using while building my mod if it helps;




<set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class/effect_group/passive_effect[@name=CarryCapacity]/@value">45</set>





<remove xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name=perkPackMule]" />


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This is what I have come up with. Removes the majority of the skill (and even the cost of the one level)



<remove xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name=perkPackMule]" />



<append xpath="/progression/perks" >

<perk name="perkPackMule" parent="skillConstruction" name_key="perkPackMuleName" desc_key="perkPackMuleDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_pack_mule">

<level_requirements level="1"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attStrength" operation="GTE" value="0" desc_key="reqStrengthLevel1"/></level_requirements>



<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="27" level="0"/>

<passive_effect name="CarryCapacity" operation="base_add" value="27" level="1"/>



<effect_description level="1" desc_key="perkPackMuleRank1Desc"/>









Although, I do like your method SurvivalUK to simply adjust the baseline carrycapacity (had not searched for where that would be located yet) and simply remove the skill completley.

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