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Out of my element


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Been playing 7 Days since the zombies practically looked like cardboard cutouts. Like many other 1000+ hrs players, I've developed a rhythm and know exactly what to go for. Now all that's gone with alpha 17. I feel like a first timer. I can't even calculate completely right when to back up and move in on a zombie anymore with melee. The old frustration of when I used to play is setting in again.


I'm loving the experience. For starters, I'm reserving some of the things I don't like about the new system until I reach a higher level and get a better macro view of the player growth in more its entirety. It's easy for me to kind of freak out with the idea of having to wait until level 20 is it? To make a forge?


Yet the loot system seems to be more forgiving in giving you something to work with. Day 1 I already found a machete and an AK. Yes, crappy quality, but still doing the trick! The combat is much improved so far. The zombies feel more real, more third dimensional if that makes any sense at all.


The POIs are more puzzling too. They take some thinking and building to get to certain places ala that skyscraper with all the glowy zombies.


Water is still a bit of a mess. It still feels like you jumped into a tub of KY or jello. Doesn't feel like you're swimming, rather you are oozing. Also I fell through some loose floor panels down into a basement full of water with my torch. The torch stayed lit.


What do you guys think of the zombies no longer giving loot? Or leaving parts behind to get meat and bones from?

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I am so glad zombies don't drop loot -- I am looooooveing^2 it. I absolutely hated looting every single gore block and then removing them. Sure, I could not loot and clean up but they clogged up the grounds and added extra memory. plus half of them exploded in horde nights. My favorite patch ever, lol.

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I've actually noticed the regular and power attacks can combo! So yes I usually send a few arrows in their head and then finish them off with a power attack when they're getting up. Same double tap method I used in the past, only this time you have to definitely be quicker. But there were a couple of times that I threw attacks by accident and I actually saw how the normal attack and really blend with the power.


More testing is needed...


And yeah, I usually do Warrior on a new alpha start. I dropped it to nomad lol.

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A17 btings a new understanding of fighting. I'm sure most of us didn't even see the new additions is use (like spiked knuckles, usage of guns with advanced mods, etc).


Came up also with the tactic of making the zombie flinch with an arrow to the head to hit with the club heavy attack next. It works wonders. Additionally, if you down the zombie considerably (that he stays for a second, not simply starts standing up), an additional arrow to the head can be aimed easier.


This is ofcourse harder for tougher zombies, but for example the biker does not bob his head left and right like many smaller ones, the same goes for fat guy. The main problem i have is with lumberjacks - lots of hp, lots of strength and bobbing head.


Still, i can't imagine the first horde night... It will be rough...

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