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A question about feral/radiated zombies.


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Are the immune to debuffs? For example the shotgun has the winded debuff which afaik is a fairly good movespeed debuff, but it never seems to land on ferals or most radiated zombies, even though it says 100% chance. Even on normal zombies, at night it often fails to stick. Its kinda like the crit from ak/clubs just doesn't seem to do anything to the zombies at all.

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I looked through EntityClasses. XML and Buffs.XML and Items.XML


This is the shotgun buff.


<buff id="shotgunWound" mutex="painkillerBuff" duration="5" stack="reset" type="speedmodifier" icon="ui_game_symbol_brokenbone" name_key="shotgunWound" description_key="shotgunWoundDesc" tooltip_key="shotgunWoundTooltip">
<modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" mulValue="0.4"/>


Doesn't look like there's an exception here.


Nothing for the Radiated Buffs either.


<buff id="zombieRadiatedBuff40" duration="0" icon="ui_game_symbol_fire">
<modify id="0" stat="health" amount="40" rate="3" />

<buff id="zombieRadiatedBuff80" duration="0" icon="ui_game_symbol_fire">
<modify id="0" stat="health" amount="80" rate="3" />



I didn't find anything in EntitytClasses either.


Maybe just bad luck? I dunno.


Unless there's something I missed.

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Well what I mean is I never see the winded debuff from shotguns apply on ferals ever, I can shoot them all day and they just keep running. Same with the crit from blunt weapons which is supposed to do 100 bonus damage, never seen it actually make anything die faster.

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Well what I mean is I never see the winded debuff from shotguns apply on ferals ever, I can shoot them all day and they just keep running. Same with the crit from blunt weapons which is supposed to do 100 bonus damage, never seen it actually make anything die faster.


I know what you mean but what I'm saying is the data doesn't show anything.

There's nothing, at least int he XML's, that provide an exception for ferals for the "winded" buff.

Perhaps hard coded?

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