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Adding particle effects to a zombie

Guest Nyteshade12134

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Guest Nyteshade12134

For Alpha 16.4 b8:


Can some smart modder tell me how to add the BurningMolotov particle effect permanently to a zombie to make a "Flaming aura?"


I have created a custom zombie, the Hellfire Zombie, and would like him to have a flaming aura.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


I am ALMOST certain it has something to do with these two lines in the entityclasses.xml:


<property name="ParticleOnSpawn" value="ParticleEffects/RadiatedParticlesOnMesh" param1="SetShapeToMesh0"/>

<property name="ReplaceMaterial0" value="entities/zombies/materials/feral_rad"/>


In the Buffs.xml, you have the following on the BurningMolotov buff:


attach(ParticleEffects/p_onFire, @impact)


I would like to add THAT effect "p_onFire" permanently to a zombie.


Anyone know how to properly code this?

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One way to do what your after is to attach the particle effect directly to the custom entity in Unity. In the dopesheet, turn the particle on at the beginning of the idle animation, and leave it on until the end of the death animation. If you want to attach a particle directly to the entity in game, try a buff something like <buff id="Stomp" duration="5" ffcheck="true" actions="attach(#DustStorm?DustStorm, Graphics, 5)" icon="ui_game_symbol_fire" name_key="BossRegen" description_key="electricalShockDesc" /> in this case it's attaching a custom particle but you could use an vanilla particle. If the particleonspawn xml doesnt work, you probably would need to trigger that buff somehow, as it's not an impact buff. You could do that on spawn with code. The Unity way is way simpler if you are making your own entities.

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Guest Nyteshade12134
One way to do what your after is to attach the particle effect directly to the custom entity in Unity. In the dopesheet, turn the particle on at the beginning of the idle animation, and leave it on until the end of the death animation. If you want to attach a particle directly to the entity in game, try a buff something like <buff id="Stomp" duration="5" ffcheck="true" actions="attach(#DustStorm?DustStorm, Graphics, 5)" icon="ui_game_symbol_fire" name_key="BossRegen" description_key="electricalShockDesc" /> in this case it's attaching a custom particle but you could use an vanilla particle. If the particleonspawn xml doesnt work, you probably would need to trigger that buff somehow, as it's not an impact buff. You could do that on spawn with code. The Unity way is way simpler if you are making your own entities.


Can you show me how to do that on a wight? I want the "aura" to be permanent.


In the game they put the rad effect on a wight with "ParticleOnSpawn"


The actual coding? I am not an XML coder. What is the syntax etc....

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There is a way to apply a buff to a zombie when they see you. You can make it so that a zombie, who sees you, is set on fire, without the fire doing any damage. Zombies won't walk around burning before, though. If you're interested, I can tell you more.

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Guest Nyteshade12134
There is a way to apply a buff to a zombie when they see you. You can make it so that a zombie, who sees you, is set on fire, without the fire doing any damage. Zombies won't walk around burning before, though. If you're interested, I can tell you more.


That would work too, by all means explain away... I just want him to be on fire when the players fight him. Just so you know I am using the Cop puke alternate attack on this guy if your buff is triggered by that.





<property class="Action1"> <!-- UseAction -->

<property name="Class" value="Vomit" />

<property name="Delay" value="0.53" />

<property name="Range" value="125" />

<property name="Auto_fire" value="true" />

<property name="Infinite_ammo" value="true" />

<property name="Magazine_items" value="HellfireZombieProjectile" />

<property name="Rays_spread" value="0.5" />

<!-- to be made redundant by the more flexible <property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0.5" /> ... when it works -->

<property name="Reload_time" value="3" />




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That would work too, by all means explain away... I just want him to be on fire when the players fight him. Just so you know I am using the Cop puke alternate attack on this guy if your buff is triggered by that.





<property class="Action1"> <!-- UseAction -->

<property name="Class" value="Vomit" />

<property name="Delay" value="0.53" />

<property name="Range" value="125" />

<property name="Auto_fire" value="true" />

<property name="Infinite_ammo" value="true" />

<property name="Magazine_items" value="HellfireZombieProjectile" />

<property name="Rays_spread" value="0.5" />

<!-- to be made redundant by the more flexible <property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0.5" /> ... when it works -->

<property name="Reload_time" value="3" />




Yeah, that's exactly how it works. You use the Action1 like so:


<property class="Action1">
<property name="Class" value="Eat" />
<property name="Delay" value="10" />
<property name="Use_time" value="..." />
<property name="Gain_health" value="0" />
<property name="Gain_food" value="0" />
<property name="Gain_water" value="0" />
<property name="Gain_wellness" value="0" />
<property name="Consume" value="false" />
<property name="Buff" value="visualburn" />

And then set up a buff that sets the zombie on fire, but doesn't hurt it.


Alternatively - this is something I use in the burnt forest - you can apply a buff when zombies walk over a certain block. For example the burntForestGround.

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Guest Nyteshade12134

Yeah I found a work around that uses that idea, I just have to sacrifice its ability to spit fire. Shame you cant do both.

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Yeah I found a work around that uses that idea, I just have to sacrifice its ability to spit fire. Shame you cant do both.
Maybe the new buff system will allow it, I would then try to apply a buff to all zombies when they walk over a block, so basically all zombies would burn. But if you can exclude some with some setting from that buff, that might work. Maybe it will even work to apply a buff to an individual entity in A17. I heard the system would be "robust" or so..
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Guest Nyteshade12134

Would be easier if the would just let us apply buffs to entities without having to resort to work-arounds. Or to be able to change its skin texture without having to resort to external programs, but who am I to complain.

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