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Funny Noob Mistakes, Deaths, or Stories

Diamond Dave

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I only started playing this game this year and I got my Brother in-law playing as well (Darrell). Darrell is very new to gaming and against my advised tried to play this game on his own without any explanation. The next day when we were able to play multiplayer together he tells me his character's health is constantly going down. I asked him if there were any notifications for his character. He described them and sure enough his character was both dying of hunger and thirst. I told him to eat some food and drink water. He was completely out of both. I asked him what day he was on. Day 6. I asked what has he been doing all this time with no food or water. He was just sitting in the house he was squatting in hiding from zombies. I told him he was supposed to go out and find these things as well as fortify his base. Needless to say he died.


Second Darrell story (food related)


Darrell tells me his character's health is going down and no matter what he does it just keeps going down. I asked what the symbol was and it was the food poisoning sign. I asked what he had been eating. Snowberries. Come to find out he ate 20-30 snowberries in one sitting and there is no coming back from that. He died again.

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Darrell sounds like a bit of an idiot tbh haha. Should of read stuff i guess learning the hardest way xD


My dumbest fail (kinda) was when i built a second floor of my base once i put a big glass window down one end because of the nice sun view that was there, took me a few days to realise that it wasnt the sun at all but actually the reflection from my miners helmet xD


Another one was when i was doing a kill lumberjacks challenge, i kept killing and killing and didnt realise that id completed the challenge like 10 zombies ago, did rather feel like an idiot haha but it was fun! =)

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