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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Okay, progress, but no success yet... I did this with an older version in single player, but trying to do in latest version with dedicated server... I updated .dlls on both client and server (using dedicate server dll on the server), and I can add myself as an admin, I can run "bbb claim ," and when I run "bbb ex , I get: "2015-05-08T01:39:25 1052.746 INF GMSG: --BBB--: Exporting area. Just a moment..." But I never see the expected .ex file anywhere under BlockBackup or any of the sub-folders. I've waited for quite a while, but don't see anything written there, or any reference to trying to create the the .ex file when watching the process with ProcMon. It feels so close, but no luck ATM...
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Hi Hal I tested it. But i see no change !!! Its still the same Main-Issue - in a wise we got 1 week ago. Now i didn't come to the "Save Player"-Button because errorwarning will block it. If i click on "continue" all boxes/fillings stay gray!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]8614[/ATTACH] Am i right: 1. If i don't wanna use ftp - i don't have to fillout the lower boxes in the settings ! (the network-setinngs) 2. In the editor-settings i fillin my steam-ID (17 numbers) ! 3. In the backupmanager i have to fillin my steam-NAME (=magoli) - and not the steam-ID ??? best wishes and good luck with bughunting - lol Mag out
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[QUOTE=Magoli;254063]Hi Hal I tested it. But i see no change !!! Its still the same Main-Issue - in a wise we got 1 week ago. Now i didn't come to the "Save Player"-Button because errorwarning will block it. If i click on "continue" all boxes/fillings stay gray!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]8614[/ATTACH] Am i right: 1. If i don't wanna use ftp - i don't have to fillout the lower boxes in the settings ! (the network-setinngs) 2. In the editor-settings i fillin my steam-ID (17 numbers) ! 3. In the backupmanager i have to fillin my steam-NAME (=magoli) - and not the steam-ID ??? best wishes and good luck with bughunting - lol Mag out[/QUOTE] I can't replicate that error. Nothing I try brings up that error message. Try this: Download the editor from the first post. Install it into a brand new folder (not the Managed folder in the 7DTD directory). Open the editor and let it update. Replace the DLL files. Start a new world and enter it. Type "bbb rp" and see if you get any messages. Open the backup manager and try to look at the new world save. You shouldn't be seeing any steam IDs where the players are listed. Only their in-game names.
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Yeah - now we talking ;) - IT WORKS NOW !!! It was the "bbb rp" - command - that made the difference !!! All other things i have made 100% as u discribed. (I always reinstall game - and use a fresh new folder for the editor before testing !) Thx for ur help - and thx for the time u spend on updating once again Very good job Mag out
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[QUOTE=DjDave Voom;253920]@ Hal, Thanks for the reply, I got it to work, Is there a New List of Commands? bbb claim works fine, how ever bbb ex don't work for me says Only Admins Can use this command, But I Added My self As a Admin in the backup Manager[/QUOTE] I got past the "Only admins..." problem by exitting out of game, shutting down the server, restarting server, and reconnecting. Once I got past that, then I could run the bbb ex command, and it says it was doing it, but didn't. I'll try the update that Hal9k just mentioned when I get home tonight. :-)
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[QUOTE=Magoli;254115]Yeah - now we talking ;) - IT WORKS NOW !!! It was the "bbb rp" - command - that made the difference !!! All other things i have made 100% as u discribed. (I always reinstall game - and use a fresh new folder for the editor before testing !) Thx for ur help - and thx for the time u spend on updating once again Very good job Mag out[/QUOTE] I don't really know all the bbb commands, is it this post that is the official/consolidated list of bbb commands? [url]http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7669-MOD-Hal-s-land-protection-and-editor-integration-v0-1[/url]
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[QUOTE=Skier;254148]I don't really know all the bbb commands, is it this post that is the official/consolidated list of bbb commands? [url]http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7669-MOD-Hal-s-land-protection-and-editor-integration-v0-1[/url][/QUOTE] Thanks Hal! The latest update you pushed allowed me to backup a building on our dedicated server. It works! :-) Next on the agenda.... Figure out what to do with Prefabs that that I saved a couple. ;-) -Skier
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Okay... Things are working pretty good, but I'm having a hard time figuring out whether I can do what I want to do... Here's the scenario: The guys on my server made a pretty big building on Navezgane, but we want to copy it to a new random gen map. So far, I've been able to backup the building to a prefab (thanks to Hal's latest update), and now I'm trying to place it. Here's what I DESIRE to do. I'd like to place just one of these big buildings about 20km from the map center, for example, place one of these at 20000, 20000 (i.e. 20km NE of map center 0,0), and then not tell the guys who built it where it is or have it show up on the map (we use [url]https://github.com/nicolas-f/7DTD-leaflet[/url] to have an online web map for where everyone has been). I created a random gen map, and tried a couple things to place it -I tried adding it to the prefabs.xml file and setting it to a specific location, but I've also read that you can't do that with Random Gens. -I've tried using the "bbb InsertPrefab EW height NS" and I can insert it somewhere near where I'm standing (a part of the map that's been generated). This works okay, but since I've been to this location, it shows up on our web map. I could use this option as a last resort, if there's no way to tell it "place just one of these, and place it at this location, without me going there first). It would just show up on our web map, and I thought it would be more fun to have them search for their big building as a "sanctuary." :-) -I've tried using the "bbb InsertPrefab ... " command to insert it at a location on the map that I haven't been. e.g. let's say I spawn at 0,0, and I tell it bbb insertprefab Our_Prefab 10000 56 10000 (where the map is still hidden from me, and from that point of view, presumably not generated yet), and then I go there. I don't see the prefab, even though the bbb command returns the same type of info as when I spawned it near me in the previous bullet). -I also tried what someone else suggested to open the prefab into memory, then world, map, save, place at player location, but it didn't show that option for this map, though it did for navezgane. Still though, my player has to go to a location to do this, while I just want to "start a new map, place the prefab at some specific location that hasn't even been generated, and allow the rest of the world to generate around it" essentially. So, that's my first question... If there a way to do what I'm trying to accomplish (put it where I want, without going there first, or another cool option might be "place it anywhere within 20km of 0,0 and only place 1, never place it again)? I was going to write a 2nd questions, but I'll save that for another post, so it might be easier to quote/reply to. :-) -Skier
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[QUOTE=Skier;254300]Okay... Things are working pretty good, but I'm having a hard time figuring out whether I can do what I want to do... Here's the scenario: The guys on my server made a pretty big building on Navezgane, but we want to copy it to a new random gen map. So far, I've been able to backup the building to a prefab (thanks to Hal's latest update), and now I'm trying to place it. Here's what I DESIRE to do. I'd like to place just one of these big buildings about 20km from the map center, for example, place one of these at 20000, 20000 (i.e. 20km NE of map center 0,0), and then not tell the guys who built it where it is or have it show up on the map (we use [url]https://github.com/nicolas-f/7DTD-leaflet[/url] to have an online web map for where everyone has been). I created a random gen map, and tried a couple things to place it -I tried adding it to the prefabs.xml file and setting it to a specific location, but I've also read that you can't do that with Random Gens. -I've tried using the "bbb InsertPrefab EW height NS" and I can insert it somewhere near where I'm standing (a part of the map that's been generated). This works okay, but since I've been to this location, it shows up on our web map. I could use this option as a last resort, if there's no way to tell it "place just one of these, and place it at this location, without me going there first). It would just show up on our web map, and I thought it would be more fun to have them search for their big building as a "sanctuary." :-) -I've tried using the "bbb InsertPrefab ... " command to insert it at a location on the map that I haven't been. e.g. let's say I spawn at 0,0, and I tell it bbb insertprefab Our_Prefab 10000 56 10000 (where the map is still hidden from me, and from that point of view, presumably not generated yet), and then I go there. I don't see the prefab, even though the bbb command returns the same type of info as when I spawned it near me in the previous bullet). -I also tried what someone else suggested to open the prefab into memory, then world, map, save, place at player location, but it didn't show that option for this map, though it did for navezgane. Still though, my player has to go to a location to do this, while I just want to "start a new map, place the prefab at some specific location that hasn't even been generated, and allow the rest of the world to generate around it" essentially. So, that's my first question... If there a way to do what I'm trying to accomplish (put it where I want, without going there first, or another cool option might be "place it anywhere within 20km of 0,0 and only place 1, never place it again)? I was going to write a 2nd questions, but I'll save that for another post, so it might be easier to quote/reply to. :-) -Skier[/QUOTE] I think that mod uses the player's map to build it's data so you could bbb ip it when you're in the area and then delete your player's map file so it doesn't appear in the mod. You'll lose your map data but if you have the mod it doesn't really matter.
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So, my 2nd questions.... If I place my prefab somewhere specific, is there an option to move everthing else out of the way, and automatically have the ground level line up with surrounding ground level? Here a little detail about the prefab I saved . It's a large building that has a large concrete base 48x48, then the building is centered and 38x38 (i.e. 5 blocks in, on all sides, from the concrete base), and this bottom layer is supposed to be roughly 10 layers below the surface of the surrounding area, as the 5 block width outside surrounding the 38x38 walls is all water. The the walls continue 14 blocks high from ground level (so the walls are ~24 blocks tall from the concrete base at the bottom, and the lower 10 are surrounded by water... In short, a large castle-like building with a 5x5 mote around it). So, as I mentioned in my previous post, I tried placing this prefab and the only way I've been able to place it so far is to have my player character walk somewhere and do the "bbb insertprefab EW NS" command. When I did this, I tried specifying a couple different heights and my results were kind of mixed... -I tried a height that was a bit high... I have about 7 blocks of water protruding up from the ground level (a magical wall of water). While this was kind of neat/interesting, it's not what I was looking for. -I tried a lower height, and actually place it about where I wanted it, but then I didn't have any water (all the water was replaced by ground. Interestingly enough, there was some dirt and stuff inside that you'd have to dig out of the way to continue down, for example, a stairwell. That was actually kind of cool, but I also think maybe some blocks from the prefab were occupying the same space of some block that might have been there before the prefab was placed, as I had quit a bit of flickering textures. Suggestions on trying to place a prefab like this (i.e. one that's partly underground and with the underground part surrounded by water)? -Skier
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[QUOTE=Skier;254311]So, my 2nd questions.... If I place my prefab somewhere specific, is there an option to move everthing else out of the way, and automatically have the ground level line up with surrounding ground level? Here a little detail about the prefab I saved . It's a large building that has a large concrete base 48x48, then the building is centered and 38x38 (i.e. 5 blocks in, on all sides, from the concrete base), and this bottom layer is supposed to be roughly 10 layers below the surface of the surrounding area, as the 5 block width outside surrounding the 38x38 walls is all water. The the walls continue 14 blocks high from ground level (so the walls are ~24 blocks tall from the concrete base at the bottom, and the lower 10 are surrounded by water... In short, a large castle-like building with a 5x5 mote around it). So, as I mentioned in my previous post, I tried placing this prefab and the only way I've been able to place it so far is to have my player character walk somewhere and do the "bbb insertprefab EW NS" command. When I did this, I tried specifying a couple different heights and my results were kind of mixed... -I tried a height that was a bit high... I have about 7 blocks of water protruding up from the ground level (a magical wall of water). While this was kind of neat/interesting, it's not what I was looking for. -I tried a lower height, and actually place it about where I wanted it, but then I didn't have any water (all the water was replaced by ground. Interestingly enough, there was some dirt and stuff inside that you'd have to dig out of the way to continue down, for example, a stairwell. That was actually kind of cool, but I also think maybe some blocks from the prefab were occupying the same space of some block that might have been there before the prefab was placed, as I had quit a bit of flickering textures. Suggestions on trying to place a prefab like this (i.e. one that's partly underground and with the underground part surrounded by water)? -Skier[/QUOTE] Not sure why the water wouldn't appear but the dirt inside the prefab can be stopped by opening the prefab in the editor and making sure the "Air Blocks" checkbox has a tick in it. Re-save the prefab and try again.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;254305]I think that mod uses the player's map to build it's data so you could bbb ip it when you're in the area and then delete your player's map file so it doesn't appear in the mod. You'll lose your map data but if you have the mod it doesn't really matter.[/QUOTE] What does "bbb ip" do? The only list of bbb commands I've seen were listed here: [url]http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7669-MOD-Hal-s-land-protection-and-editor-integration-v0-1[/url] Is there a more up-to-date list? Ooops, I suppose that's probably short for InsertPrefab. :-) Still, if there IS an up-to-date list... :-)
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[QUOTE=Skier;254316]What does "bbb ip" do? The only list of bbb commands I've seen were listed here: [url]http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?7669-MOD-Hal-s-land-protection-and-editor-integration-v0-1[/url] Is there a more up-to-date list?[/QUOTE] It's an alias for Insert Prefab. Type "bbb ?" into the chat window for a list of functions. You can then query each command the same way. e.g. "bbb InsertPrefab ?"
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;254318]It's an alias for Insert Prefab. Type "bbb ?" into the chat window for a list of functions. You can then query each command the same way. e.g. "bbb InsertPrefab ?"[/QUOTE] To quote Mr. Burns: "Exxxxxxxxxxcellent." Thanks! :-) So, you're saying that if I delete my players map files the server will still remember what was placed there? If so, that would work great. It would still be cool, if I could just specify where to put it, even on a random gen, but if that's not available, then what you've suggested will accomplish what I want. :-) ... [Testing] Hey, it looks like that worked! I deleted my player files (without even restarting the servers), then connected to the server, I had no map, I set my position to where I placed the prefab earlier today, and it was still there. Nice! Thanks again. It looks like I can make a new random gen map, place the prefab, then logoff, delete my map files, and I'll be good to go to "start the game". :-) Now, if I can figure out the "keeping the water" part, I'll be good to go. I'll try a few more placement to see if maybe it was just the area I placed it or something.
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Okay, I figured out why I don't see the water... It's there, but undergound... The strange thing though, I thought maybe I could dig through the dirt and find the water, but the dirt/sand over the water seemed indestructible. Weird. [attachment=315:name] I think I've attached a picture of what it looks like, side by side. The left side of the pic is look at it from above ground, and the right pic is underground in the same area.
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Trying to use bbb teleport x y z and not working... I created new random gen server Joined server gave the dm command tried to set my location to -20000 20000, but it only accepts 5 digits and the "-" counts as a digit, so I figured I'd try the bbb tp command G for god mode bbb teleport -20000 85 20000 Server console says "--BBB--: teleport [ngd] skier -20000 85 20000" But nothing happens... Tried it again with god mode off, but same result, didn't go anywhere.
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[QUOTE=Skier;254331]Okay, I figured out why I don't see the water... It's there, but undergound... The strange thing though, I thought maybe I could dig through the dirt and find the water, but the dirt/sand over the water seemed indestructible. Weird. [ATTACH=CONFIG]8622[/ATTACH] I think I've attached a picture of what it looks like, side by side. The left side of the pic is look at it from above ground, and the right pic is underground in the same area.[/QUOTE] I've looked at making the prefabs spawn on chunks that haven't been already loaded but the server throws a wobbler when I do. The new chunk loading mechanism I made will probably help but I haven't had to time to look into the issue again. For the water, try using the overload of bbb ip. It's "bbb ip true". This makes the server wipe the area that the prefab is going to be inserted to by making it all air before adding the prefab. Something in TFPs new terrain generator doesn't play well with the editor and leaves terrain data in the world but no block attached to it.
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[QUOTE=Skier;254338]Trying to use bbb teleport x y z and not working... I created new random gen server Joined server gave the dm command tried to set my location to -20000 20000, but it only accepts 5 digits and the "-" counts as a digit, so I figured I'd try the bbb tp command G for god mode bbb teleport -20000 85 20000 Server console says "--BBB--: teleport [ngd] skier -20000 85 20000" But nothing happens... Tried it again with god mode off, but same result, didn't go anywhere.[/QUOTE] Remove any colours from your name. The editor has trouble parsing it.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;254344]Remove any colours from your name. The editor has trouble parsing it.[/QUOTE] I don't have any colors in my name. It's listed as "[NGD] Skier" and does have a space, but no colors. -Skier
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BTW, I also tried teleporting someone else that didn't have colors or spaces in his name, and that didn't seem to work either. He was stuck in a hole with no way to get out, so I did an "lp" to get his current position, which was: 1638.2 58.1 1280.5 (the home he was stuck in wasn't very deep, but he had no tools or wood or anything to get out) , so I tried just moving him up a few blocks and over a few blocks: bbb tp darvader01 1640 62 1285 But it didn't do anything. -Skier
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[QUOTE=Skier;254438]BTW, I also tried teleporting someone else that didn't have colors or spaces in his name, and that didn't seem to work either. He was stuck in a hole with no way to get out, so I did an "lp" to get his current position, which was: 1638.2 58.1 1280.5 (the home he was stuck in wasn't very deep, but he had no tools or wood or anything to get out) , so I tried just moving him up a few blocks and over a few blocks: bbb tp darvader01 1640 62 1285 But it didn't do anything. -Skier[/QUOTE] The editor can't handle spaces in the name as it parses using spaces as delimiters. Try it with an "_" instead of a space but I have a sneaking suspicion that I removed that hack because it was causing other problems. Teleport is also a client-side mod so anyone you teleport would also need the DLL installed on their local machine.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;254460]The editor can't handle spaces in the name as it parses using spaces as delimiters. Try it with an "_" instead of a space but I have a sneaking suspicion that I removed that hack because it was causing other problems. Teleport is also a client-side mod so anyone you teleport would also need the DLL installed on their local machine.[/QUOTE] Ah, I'll try that. Maybe it didn't work for me because of the space in my name, and maybe it didn't work for the other guy because he doesn't have the DLL (and I'm 100% sure he doesn't... I'm probably the only one in my group with it). Thanks. I'll try those options as soon as I play again. :-)
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I see the editor link on the first page, but it looks like the files were last updated in July of 2014. I haven't been able to find a more recent link in the pages of this post. Would someone please provide a link to the current version of Hal's prefab editor? Thanks.
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