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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=stallionsden;189362]Ok I know my prefabs work in navesgame. so it has to be something to do with the ran gem input..[/QUOTE] The file that is used in random gen is also the prefab xml not just the spawn file in the random gen folder. So you need to alter 2 files the prefab xml being the biggest file to alter. Examples //lets say this is your building you adding so far you got it added in random gen. But the hotel_new01 does not spawn cause random gen knows not where it goes this is where the prefab Xml comes in. determines placement determines direction it is facing determines which placement it gets thrown under when building determines if it sinks in or hovers above ground determines how many in that section get placed in the hub being generated aka squared section. This is if you have spawner pop when enter area what type coords of spawner radius around the spawner that activates if you enter the radius the higher the soon you hit it and the mobs will spawn hope this helps in nav maps you just add in a coords and model name but in random gen it has to be put under a category that determines what area it will spawn in the above code determines the coords randomly by taking in certain information when it is randomly generation the chunks.
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[QUOTE=Arkonik;189393]The file that is used in random gen is also the prefab xml not just the spawn file in the random gen folder. So you need to alter 2 files the prefab xml being the biggest file to alter. Examples //lets say this is your building you adding so far you got it added in random gen. But the hotel_new01 does not spawn cause random gen knows not where it goes this is where the prefab Xml comes in. determines placement determines direction it is facing determines which placement it gets thrown under when building determines if it sinks in or hovers above ground determines how many in that section get placed in the hub being generated aka squared section. This is if you have spawner pop when enter area what type coords of spawner radius around the spawner that activates if you enter the radius the higher the soon you hit it and the mobs will spawn hope this helps in nav maps you just add in a coords and model name but in random gen it has to be put under a category that determines what area it will spawn in the above code determines the coords randomly by taking in certain information when it is randomly generation the chunks.[/QUOTE] Ok ty it helps immensley. However how did you get the maxperhub bit. the editor i got (has updated) dont have that in there. do I just add it or.
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;189402]Ok ty it helps immensley. However how did you get the maxperhub bit. the editor i got (has updated) dont have that in there. do I just add it or.[/QUOTE] yes you add it in. if you look at certain prefab xml files you can see how they have it some will have it in like cities normal have the max hub cause the hub is the 4 different sections that have the side walks if I understand it correctly. like only prefabs xml that include the offset are ones that have to be lowered in ground like the parking lot and the house with basement. If you want other fun pimp refabs to spawn in rural towns you can just open up there code and add addition information to them so they can spawn out side city. like this piece of code tells the prefab it can spawn out side in these biomes as well you can add 1 biome or several biomes the prefab could spawn in. I don't use the editors xml file on my prefabs i always make fresh new ones out side in notepad. normally i open one of TFP xml's and copy it all over if it matches same characteristics of my building then change what i need to add or take away. But this is my preference how I like to do it.
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;189424]I will try again tomorrow. It works in navesgame fine lol.. I need a how to add ran gen for dummies book lol haha... maybe dong meself over the head with it to while i there...[/QUOTE] You could always watch Bigc90210 he does videos I watched his video on how to use the hal editor to make sure i wasn't missing something someone else knew but I noticed he had other videos this one here was on random gen you can give it a watch [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io6_MhR4oz0&list=PLvIY2OgbUbHB10uMVAX1R3yvt0y2WPY0V&index=4[/url] This should help you.
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[QUOTE=Arkonik;189428]You could always watch Bigc90210 he does videos I watched his video on how to use the hal editor to make sure i wasn't missing something someone else knew but I noticed he had other videos this one here was on random gen you can give it a watch [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io6_MhR4oz0&list=PLvIY2OgbUbHB10uMVAX1R3yvt0y2WPY0V&index=4[/url] This should help you.[/QUOTE] You know I did look for this sort of stuff. The original who taught me to prefab in the first place using Hals great editor lol... Ty alot will watch it in the am. for now I am way tired.. & cranky lol.
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;189772]well I watched the vid. removed all of the other city prefabs. ANd still my courthouse (which should fit in the road side hub) doesnt spawn. :-(. idk what i done wrong I copied the police station xml and changed the things i needed to and still didnt work.[/QUOTE] Zip up your prefab and it's xml and post a link for me to download i will find out whats going on almost narrowed down the frame rate issue on to some thing huge but soon as i get this done for the fun pimps i will find out why your prefab isn't working
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[QUOTE=Arkonik;189812]Zip up your prefab and it's xml and post a link for me to download i will find out whats going on almost narrowed down the frame rate issue on to some thing huge but soon as i get this done for the fun pimps i will find out why your prefab isn't working[/QUOTE] Ty heaps. And yeh i was reading well done :-). [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/p6ucv2dtb9przl6/Ran%20Gen%20A10%20compatable.rar?dl=0[/url] And if you can let me know where exactly i went wrong be appreciated I am trying to learn to mod. I done skyrim easily enough. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=Arkonik;189812]Zip up your prefab and it's xml and post a link for me to download i will find out whats going on almost narrowed down the frame rate issue on to some thing huge but soon as i get this done for the fun pimps i will find out why your prefab isn't working[/QUOTE] Also can add to steam if you wish lemme know :-)
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;190525]Hi Hal9000 I think maybe My editor is the wrong version possibly.. what version should it read up top. to me it reads 0.38.. just wondering if this could be the reason why my prefabs didnt fit maybe.. Most likely something i have done tho lol[/QUOTE] 0.38 is the latest version. I haven't updated the code for the hotfix yet as RL is keeping me busy. Should have some free time tonight or maybe tomorrow before I consume too much alcohol. I skimmed through the release notes for the hotfix and didn't see anything that would break the editor but I'll know more after I've completed the update. If you're still getting the "Empty string is not considered a valid value" error that means either one of the XML properties doesn't have a value or you're missing a property so it's defaulting to a blank string. Try using a vanilla prefab, remove all other prefabs and get it to load in game. If that happens you know that XML is right. Use that as the base for your XML. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;190527]0.38 is the latest version. I haven't updated the code for the hotfix yet as RL is keeping me busy. Should have some free time tonight or maybe tomorrow before I consume too much alcohol. I skimmed through the release notes for the hotfix and didn't see anything that would break the editor but I'll know more after I've completed the update. If you're still getting the "Empty string is not considered a valid value" error that means either one of the XML properties doesn't have a value or you're missing a property so it's defaulting to a blank string. Try using a vanilla prefab, remove all other prefabs and get it to load in game. If that happens you know that XML is right. Use that as the base for your XML. Hal[/QUOTE] ok ty for the reply Hal9000 :-). [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=HAL9000;190527]0.38 is the latest version. I haven't updated the code for the hotfix yet as RL is keeping me busy. Should have some free time tonight or maybe tomorrow before I consume too much alcohol. I skimmed through the release notes for the hotfix and didn't see anything that would break the editor but I'll know more after I've completed the update. If you're still getting the "Empty string is not considered a valid value" error that means either one of the XML properties doesn't have a value or you're missing a property so it's defaulting to a blank string. Try using a vanilla prefab, remove all other prefabs and get it to load in game. If that happens you know that XML is right. Use that as the base for your XML. Hal[/QUOTE] ok ty for the reply Hal9000 :-).
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Sorry if this has been answered before, but I haven't been able to find it... How can I get older versions of the pre-fab editor? I would like to export some things from a 9.3 game which looks like I need .35 (I think). Doing a manual update when the editor is pointed to a 9.3 client install takes it to .38 and appears to put the latest 10.4 .dll in, breaking the install. Thank you for your time.
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;189851]Ty heaps. And yeh i was reading well done :-). [URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/p6ucv2dtb9przl6/Ran%20Gen%20A10%20compatable.rar?dl=0[/URL] And if you can let me know where exactly i went wrong be appreciated I am trying to learn to mod. I done skyrim easily enough. [COLOR=silver][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Also can add to steam if you wish lemme know :-)[/QUOTE] What Ive found out so far is your prefabs are to massive your trying to import giant chunks of land. This can work in the nav map but not in random gen. Reason why is every thing in the random gen code is pre set with a exact width and length of each prefab so when it randomly generates towns cities etc.. it places them as they can fit. Your prefabs are to huge to fit in any of the dimensions. example city. The rg_city_waste_t etc.. are pre set width and length each prefab that set in side have to be within a pre set length and width as well max would be like 46x46 otherwise the generator says it's to big and will never place it. Same goes for small towns out in forest and such. Best way to go about doing this is open a pre existing prefab and then count the blocks for width and length then make your prefabs to match. there is a limit in random gen how wide and long they can be height doesn't matter but width and height are very important. 1 other thing some of your prefabs went under ground all the way to bedrock. When random gen places it you need to count on hills and such so try not to go all the way to bed rock not all land is set to water level so it would make it even rarer for your prefab to spawn. You also need to add code when you set them below ground which is and set the neg of how deep the prefab goes below the ground level other wise it will place this all above ground as if it was a skyscraper in a city. Hope this helps you out some.
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[QUOTE=Arkonik;191061]What Ive found out so far is your prefabs are to massive your trying to import giant chunks of land. This can work in the nav map but not in random gen. Reason why is every thing in the random gen code is pre set with a exact width and length of each prefab so when it randomly generates towns cities etc.. it places them as they can fit. Your prefabs are to huge to fit in any of the dimensions. example city. The rg_city_waste_t etc.. are pre set width and length each prefab that set in side have to be within a pre set length and width as well max would be like 46x46 otherwise the generator says it's to big and will never place it. Same goes for small towns out in forest and such. Best way to go about doing this is open a pre existing prefab and then count the blocks for width and length then make your prefabs to match. there is a limit in random gen how wide and long they can be height doesn't matter but width and height are very important. 1 other thing some of your prefabs went under ground all the way to bedrock. When random gen places it you need to count on hills and such so try not to go all the way to bed rock not all land is set to water level so it would make it even rarer for your prefab to spawn. You also need to add code when you set them below ground which is and set the neg of how deep the prefab goes below the ground level other wise it will place this all above ground as if it was a skyscraper in a city. Hope this helps you out some.[/QUOTE] It does. I know my military bases (goes underground, not to bed rock) and ranch(no basement at all) are the big ones. I thought the courthouse tho wasnt to big altho it was under ground. The courthouse should have fitted in the roadside wasteland and goes down a fair bit tho. I most likely wrong tho. But ty alot I do appreciate the help.. .. I do start of small lol then they balloon haha with the ideas that pop into me head...
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[QUOTE=sb1134;191041]Sorry if this has been answered before, but I haven't been able to find it... How can I get older versions of the pre-fab editor? I would like to export some things from a 9.3 game which looks like I need .35 (I think). Doing a manual update when the editor is pointed to a 9.3 client install takes it to .38 and appears to put the latest 10.4 .dll in, breaking the install. Thank you for your time.[/QUOTE] The 9.3 version can be found [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/SDTD9.3x.zip"]here[/URL]
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;191062]It does. I know my military bases (goes underground, not to bed rock) and ranch(no basement at all) are the big ones. I thought the courthouse tho wasnt to big altho it was under ground. The courthouse should have fitted in the roadside wasteland and goes down a fair bit tho. I most likely wrong tho. But ty alot I do appreciate the help.. .. I do start of small lol then they balloon haha with the ideas that pop into me head...[/QUOTE] Yea your court house was 58 blocks in 1 directions which is why it would be ultra rare for it to spawn. I took it all the way out trying to spawn in in the open areas where the code is more friendlier but apparently it has a cap cause I never could find one generated. Just try to make them 46X46 max and you shouldn't have any issues getting them to spawn any where.
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[QUOTE=Arkonik;191108]Yea your court house was 58 blocks in 1 directions which is why it would be ultra rare for it to spawn. I took it all the way out trying to spawn in in the open areas where the code is more friendlier but apparently it has a cap cause I never could find one generated. Just try to make them 46X46 max and you shouldn't have any issues getting them to spawn any where.[/QUOTE] Ok will do from now on ty so much for your assistance :-). Is there any way tho that I could possibly edit this so they can allow larger prefabs. or in the future of ran gen would TFP be allowing bigger prefabs to go into the wilderness. etc.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Could anyone please tell me why this didnt work in the city hub..or anywhere in Random Gen. It is 44 x 44 as in the video. did what it said & it still didnt spawn :-(... [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/1u5apd4tcztcsqj/castle.tts?dl=0[/url] [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qn3hiehj9bt23e/castle.xml?dl=0[/url] TIA
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[QUOTE=stallionsden;196931]Could anyone please tell me why this didnt work in the city hub..or anywhere in Random Gen. It is 44 x 44 as in the video. did what it said & it still didnt spawn :-(... [URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/1u5apd4tcztcsqj/castle.tts?dl=0[/URL] [URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/2qn3hiehj9bt23e/castle.xml?dl=0[/URL] TIA[/QUOTE] Ok I looked into your castle and found some issues with your castle it's self. What version of 7 days was you using? What version of the editor was you using? I can get your buildings to go in random gen with your prefab but there some blocks that are causing bad issues inside it. Hals editor said there was issues with like 8 blocks or so so i had it air block them and now I don't get the issues with your prefab. Your prefab was causing major lag with these odd blocks in it and was causing crashes so not sure if it is a version issue or not. I redone your XML and added a line of code so it could spawn not sure why this line had to be in there but it was needed. [url]http://www.mediafire.com/download/fhvk08tibumcarn/castle.rar[/url] You can try this prefab of your castle if you have issues with yours like i was this one has them 8 or so blocks removed. in this rar is the xml file as well you can compare it with yours and see the extra line of code. But it spawning in real well.
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[QUOTE=Arkonik;197021]Ok I looked into your castle and found some issues with your castle it's self. What version of 7 days was you using? What version of the editor was you using? I can get your buildings to go in random gen with your prefab but there some blocks that are causing bad issues inside it. Hals editor said there was issues with like 8 blocks or so so i had it air block them and now I don't get the issues with your prefab. Your prefab was causing major lag with these odd blocks in it and was causing crashes so not sure if it is a version issue or not. I redone your XML and added a line of code so it could spawn not sure why this line had to be in there but it was needed. [url]http://www.mediafire.com/download/fhvk08tibumcarn/castle.rar[/url] You can try this prefab of your castle if you have issues with yours like i was this one has them 8 or so blocks removed. in this rar is the xml file as well you can compare it with yours and see the extra line of code. But it spawning in real well.[/QUOTE] Totally appreciate the asistance Arkonik. I have a mod (paintimes mod) that has added some new blocks which Hals editor didnt pick up and put them as black blocks. I didnt think it be an issue but obviously it was.. Ty heaps tho for the help I am looking at it now :-)
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