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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Update Time! Added: Re-enabled some DLL commands in A10.1 (SP only) Updated: Backup Manager is now available Manual update to get the latest version. I've got the core hooks back into SP games. So you can now use the backup manager and use claims / export. Some things are still disabled so if you're missing a piece of functionality let me know. It might be disabled or I may have missed adding it back into the DLL. I've noticed the Jet command doesn't work properly any more. It just ignores gravity rather than letting you move around freely. No dedicated server support yet, that's a job for another day. The bad news is the world editor project is going into long-term hibernation. When I tried to plug the code into the new version everything stopped working. To get it back up and running will either mean going through every method to find where the problem is or writing again from scratch. With the likelihood that the code base is going to change again (and again, and again) in the future it takes too much time getting the old code working again. So I've planned out what I need to do and will crack on with it once the game hits beta or we get access to an API so re-writes won't be needed and I can concentrate on adding new features rather than making the old ones work again. Have fun and as always, report your bugs. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=ManiacC;177856]Hi i just have a little question , when i try to backup and save my player , it says ''command folder not found'' , do you know what i need to do please ?[/QUOTE] Hello ManiacC, Are you trying to edit a local player or through the FTP system?
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;177859]Hello ManiacC, Are you trying to edit a local player or through the FTP system?[/QUOTE] I'm trying to follow the BigC tutorial to make a simple prefab and then claim it , so yeah i'm on the local file , sorry for my bad English trying to do my best :)
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Your English is good. It sounds like the DLL hasn't been copied to the game directory. Unfortunately I haven't released the DLL that's compatible with 10.2 yet. Tonight I'm working on the XML Editor and tomorrow I'll hopefully have time to update the Prefab editor to the latest version. So I'd recommend either waiting for the 10.2 version of the editor or trying again with the current one. If you want to try with the 10.1 version then open the editor and click on "Manual Update" and go through the update steps. During the update it should say something like "unmodded DLL detected. Would you like to replace the DLL?" Click on Yes and it will place my DLL in the game directory. I think the 10.1 version is compatible with 10.2 (but you'll lose the fixes done in 10.2). Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;177874]Your English is good. It sounds like the DLL hasn't been copied to the game directory. Unfortunately I haven't released the DLL that's compatible with 10.2 yet. Tonight I'm working on the XML Editor and tomorrow I'll hopefully have time to update the Prefab editor to the latest version. So I'd recommend either waiting for the 10.2 version of the editor or trying again with the current one. If you want to try with the 10.1 version then open the editor and click on "Manual Update" and go through the update steps. During the update it should say something like "unmodded DLL detected. Would you like to replace the DLL?" Click on Yes and it will place my DLL in the game directory. I think the 10.1 version is compatible with 10.2 (but you'll lose the fixes done in 10.2). Hal[/QUOTE] Ok thanks ! and maybe its better to wait the 10.2 in my case ? , it's not a problem for me . Thanks for the awesome fast reply !
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[QUOTE=ManiacC;177884]Ok thanks ! and maybe its better to wait the 10.2 in my case ? , it's not a problem for me . Thanks for the awesome fast reply ![/QUOTE] If you're new to the editor then yes it's probably best to wait until the update so it will be easier. Have fun :) Hal
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Hey Hal, Fantastic job as always with all the tools. Really happy to see TFPs working with you with the prefab converter as well as the other tools. Been using the version 0.36 of the prefab editor and aside from a few errors, I have been able to work on custom prefabs. Are we able to properly add decals to blocks in this version? I noticed all decals except the newspaper one didn't make it through the converter. If decals are suppose to be working, let me know and I will post additional troubleshooting steps. Cheers!
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;178166]Hey Hal, Fantastic job as always with all the tools. Really happy to see TFPs working with you with the prefab converter as well as the other tools. Been using the version 0.36 of the prefab editor and aside from a few errors, I have been able to work on custom prefabs. Are we able to properly add decals to blocks in this version? I noticed all decals except the newspaper one didn't make it through the converter. If decals are suppose to be working, let me know and I will post additional troubleshooting steps. Cheers![/QUOTE] Hey Hal, just read xtend's post about damage editing and info. mode. Will get you some screenshots of the problems/errors for when your ready to look at that part of the editor. Thanks!
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;178251]Hey Hal, just read xtend's post about damage editing and info. mode. Will get you some screenshots of the problems/errors for when your ready to look at that part of the editor. Thanks![/QUOTE] Hey Laz, Yes, some screenshots would be good if you're having problems. The decals should have been fixed in 0.36 and the way they work is slightly different. You can now set a decal on any face of a block rather than just the top. There's an additional dropdown to accomplish this. I'm going to see if I have time to update the editor to 10.2 today so if you're having problems let me know and I'll see if I can get them fixed for the next version. Hal
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I'm sure you're used to thanks, but I figure it's the bare minimum that anyone who uses the enormity of work you have put into these tools owes you. Games like 7d are going to live and die by their modding, and the tools you are working on are what keep it living. You put a ton of work into allowing other people to make the changes they want easily and cleanly for no true reward; it's like before mass publishing, if one person writes an awesome book, but only one person could read it at a time. Then you come along and invent the printing press and just hand it over to everyone who comes along saying 'here you go, you can use this if you want' so now anyone and everyone can write awesome books about 1,000,000x easier and suddenly there are awesome books everywhere. Oh, and you don't even charge for it. A bit of a run-on-sentence analogy, but basically that about how much your work is vital to this community. It's monumental and done for no direct reward, and both the community and the actual developers owe you a debt that is difficult to even evaluate let alone pay back. Thanks a ton for all the work, virtually every mod developed before, now, and likely henceforth is only in existence due to your efforts.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;178281]Hey Laz, Yes, some screenshots would be good if you're having problems. The decals should have been fixed in 0.36 and the way they work is slightly different. You can now set a decal on any face of a block rather than just the top. There's an additional dropdown to accomplish this. I'm going to see if I have time to update the editor to 10.2 today so if you're having problems let me know and I'll see if I can get them fixed for the next version. Hal[/QUOTE] Hi Hal, Just downloaded version 0.37. I have noticed the new drop down fields within the Info. box. However, the new selections only appear when viewing a block that already has a decal configured. Viewing a block without decals yields a different selection. See screenshots below. Block with Decal already set (Block converted from A9 using converter): [url]http://imgur.com/3zxZAMe[/url] Block with no Decal: [url]http://imgur.com/CjU0UnN[/url]
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[QUOTE=Vecius;178484]I'm sure you're used to thanks, but I figure it's the bare minimum that anyone who uses the enormity of work you have put into these tools owes you. Games like 7d are going to live and die by their modding, and the tools you are working on are what keep it living. You put a ton of work into allowing other people to make the changes they want easily and cleanly for no true reward; it's like before mass publishing, if one person writes an awesome book, but only one person could read it at a time. Then you come along and invent the printing press and just hand it over to everyone who comes along saying 'here you go, you can use this if you want' so now anyone and everyone can write awesome books about 1,000,000x easier and suddenly there are awesome books everywhere. Oh, and you don't even charge for it. A bit of a run-on-sentence analogy, but basically that about how much your work is vital to this community. It's monumental and done for no direct reward, and both the community and the actual developers owe you a debt that is difficult to even evaluate let alone pay back. Thanks a ton for all the work, virtually every mod developed before, now, and likely henceforth is only in existence due to your efforts.[/QUOTE] Thank you Vecius. A little too kind as there's quite a few of us helping get the modding community active and sharing tools and knowledge but your words are very much appreciated. It's always nice to hear people are getting good use out of the tools :) And the hard work, new ideas and awesome prefabs that have been shared by the community already is fantastic to try out. And there's more to come yet! [QUOTE=Laz Man;178523]Hi Hal, Just downloaded version 0.37. I have noticed the new drop down fields within the Info. box. However, the new selections only appear when viewing a block that already has a decal configured. Viewing a block without decals yields a different selection. See screenshots below. Block with Decal already set (Block converted from A9 using converter): [url]http://imgur.com/3zxZAMe[/url] Block with no Decal: [url]http://imgur.com/CjU0UnN[/url][/QUOTE] Thanks Laz Man, I'm out of juice for tonight and TWD is calling but I'll have a look tomorrow and see if I can beat that dropdown into submission ^^ Cheers, Hal
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Apparently karma has tried to re-balance itself on me for my thank you post; I can't seem to get the new version working. I was having the similar problem last night with the previous version, and I assumed it was because of the problem you stated, but it appears to still be happening: whenever I try to run the program, I get an instant "this program has stopped working" error along with an error code. Here is the code: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: sdtdeditor.exe Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: 54843bd9 Problem Signature 04: mscorlib Problem Signature 05: Problem Signature 06: 53b4fc1e Problem Signature 07: 1205 Problem Signature 08: 9f Problem Signature 09: System.TypeLoadException OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: b957 Additional Information 2: b957cfefd38b0c1570b7c92ba02e6602 Additional Information 3: c513 Additional Information 4: c513feb313dabda1eecb69e62dfd9070 Read our privacy statement online: [url]http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=104288&clcid=0x0409[/url] If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt This happens either upon attempting to start the exe, or, if I install the original version (which works fine) and then try to manually update, this occurs right at the end of the process right as one would expect the program to shut down as the dos popup indicates. Both errors seem to be the same. It's also worth mentioning that something the program modifies in the 7dtd steam folder during manual update causes a strange error crash to occur upon starting the 7DTD; a big flashing error with a teddy bear with an error message of something along the lines of "Incorrect game files, reinstall to fix". Leads me to believe there's something odd with the installation of the newest version not going through correctly. Would love any help you can offer; your xml is working just great for me and this would open up even further possibilities.
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[QUOTE=Vecius;178572]Apparently karma has tried to re-balance itself [/QUOTE] Ahh that's more like it. My screw ups and bug reports. Back to normal ^^ That's an interesting one. And I can't replicate it. What happens if you download the editor [URL="www.vendocode.com/SDTD/SDTD.asmx/GetEditor"]here [/URL]and just copy the ZIP into the editor folder? Also, where have you put the editor? Anywhere that's not the Managed folder in the 7DTD directory should be fine but if you've put it where the Assembly-CSharp.DLL file is you'll need to restore the game files and move the editor somewhere else. The teddy bear is because you're running 7DTD with EAC enabled. You need to run it without EAC because my DLL overwrites the original (and the game thinks you're a hacker so won't load).
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It was originally on my desktop but I've tried extracting into the game directory, as well as a couple of the .net framework different version folders, as one of the causes of this error can apparently be mismatched .net versions, and I still get the error no matter what with any of the new versions. The version in the original post will run fine and attempt to update but again, as soon as it hits the newest version the whole thing goes kaput immediately and won't run.
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Your desktop is a safe place to install it. You installed it into a framework directory? As in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\? That could cause problems if you've overwritten the default mscorlib dll. If that's happened any .net program would fail to load and would need the framework re-installing. Try this for the mod 1) Use steam to verify the game files (warning: this will reset any custom recipes / blocks / items you've modded so take backups if that's the case) 2) Use [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/SDTD/SDTD.asmx/GetEditor"]this [/URL] link. That's version 0.37 so no update should be required. 3) Extract the files to your desktop 4) Run the editor If it works then you can click the "Manual Update" button and it'll re-download 0.37 but it will offer to replace the DLL file for you. Click yes. Then it should all work. If not, let me know.
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Well thanks for the post, but I seem to have figured out the problem, and as things usually go with computers, it was a lot simpler a problem than I was making it. My problem appeared to be from an improper version of microsoft.net; apparently the version that comes with windows 7 (I think it was 4.0 something) was working with the first versions, but some of the library things were moved from a different file into mscorlib in version 4.5... I figured I had the most up to date version since I used microsoft's web update and it gave me 4.0 (and afterwards the updated version still wouldn't run). I did further googling and found that there indeed was a version 4.5 with a few things moved from different files into the newer mscorlib.dll which would cause some programs compiled in 4.5 to not run at all in 4.0. I had to manually download the installation of 4.5 and not use the auto-web updater service and now everything runs smoothly. Sorry for the confusion. Partially my fault and partially microsoft's stupid automatic updating.
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Glad you got it sorted :) That's strange because I've been using 4.5 to run the editor for a long time now (somewhere around 0.10 I think). There must be something in the latest version that's using 4.5 only stuff but I can't think what it is. Good one to know for future problems though. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HydroXTV;178980]Hey Hal could u add me to steam? would be nice :) [URL="steamcommunity.com/id/HydroxTV/"]Steamlink[/URL][/QUOTE] Sure, I can add you. I don't use the community section on Steam though really so you probably won't see me around.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;179164]Mini Update Time! Updated: Fixed issue where entities weren't loading properly Updated: (Hopefully) Fixed issue where decal options weren't displayed properly. Manual update to get it. As usual, report your bugs! Hal[/QUOTE] Hi Hal! Thank you for the update. I am now able to configure decals! I did however observe a couple of issues. #1 While in edit mode, if you scroll over a block that previously had a decal set before the conversion to A10, an error message is generated. The only exception to this rule is the first decal (NewsFlu) which also happens to be the only decal that successfully transitioned over after the A10 conversion. The workaround to this problem is to overwrite the erroneous block with another block. See screenshot below for error message. [url]http://imgur.com/wx9ctRe[/url] #2 Are the decal names your own naming convention or the TFPs? Reason I ask is because some of the names don't seem to match what the decal actually is. This doesn't prevent a user from using the decal but may cause some confusion. See screenshot below as reference. [url]http://imgur.com/jr6F4Vo[/url]
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;179535]Hi Hal! Thank you for the update. I am now able to configure decals! I did however observe a couple of issues. #1 While in edit mode, if you scroll over a block that previously had a decal set before the conversion to A10, an error message is generated. The only exception to this rule is the first decal (NewsFlu) which also happens to be the only decal that successfully transitioned over after the A10 conversion. The workaround to this problem is to overwrite the erroneous block with another block. See screenshot below for error message. [url]http://imgur.com/wx9ctRe[/url] #2 Are the decal names your own naming convention or the TFPs? Reason I ask is because some of the names don't seem to match what the decal actually is. This doesn't prevent a user from using the decal but may cause some confusion. See screenshot below as reference. [url]http://imgur.com/jr6F4Vo[/url][/QUOTE] Thanks Laz Man, I'll have a look at the converted prefabs. The decal names are mine, and they were done before I really understood how the new decal system works. That explains why I was confused about there being two NewsFlu decals. I'll amend the list to show the proper decal name. If you can think of better names suggestions are welcome.
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