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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=dantheman;140332] #1 I can create prefabs from scratch, save them and deploy them on a plot @ my local game - working at a glance. #2 Another question: [B]how to obtain the latest version of your editor?[/B] [/QUOTE] Sounds like both problems are related. You need the latest version of the editor for it to work. The link in the first post does get updated from time to time but the main method is by using the manual update button because if there's setup changes that need to happen I can apply them through the program while it's updating. If you have restricted your internet access you can download the editor on a separate machine and copy the editor folder (or just the DLLs) from another machine that has internet access. [QUOTE=nikitis;140347]@HAL9000 New update just came out. 9.3 (x) Replaces your .dll with a new one. Need update for BBB to keep those countries banned. Love ya![/QUOTE] Yeah I saw the release notes. An update should be out over the weekend. You could still run the old version until then as the version number hasn't changed and there's no changes to the asset files. Most of the new stuff in the update is for client side / EAC compatibility. Hal
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[QUOTE=Androktone;140503]Hal, you ignored my post or forgot?[/QUOTE] Ignored... Ha, no - I didn't see you post. That's an odd one. The editor uses the in-game method for obtaining the save location. As far as I know both c# and mono strings use UTF-16 encoding but there may be some extra byte data somewhere in the chain. What regional settings do you use? I've added something that explicitly converts the string in the next release. See if that fixes your issue.
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[QUOTE=Androktone;140553]It happened again: [COLOR="#FFFF00"]褀-Days To Die[/COLOR]. I use Polish regional settings, Windows 7 64 bit. I think -- but I'm not 100% sure -- it happens when I quit the game using Alt+F4.[/QUOTE] Yeah that looks like an encoding issue. See if the next version fixes it. If it doesn't let me know. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;140439][..] You need the latest version of the editor for it to work. The link in the first post does get updated from time to time but the main method is by using the manual update button because if there's setup changes that need to happen I can apply them through the program while it's updating. [..][/QUOTE] [quote] [..] An update should be out over the weekend. [/quote] Ok. Since i'm still running 7d2d V9.1, may i ask you if v9.1 is currently supported and/or is it backward compatible? If your update relate to 9.3, i will update my 7d2d too, and hope this time you update your download link as well, then everything is solved :) Thank you for this editor in any way, because without it, my project would be an impossible mission!
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;140279]When you open the editor there's a button called "Backup Manager". In there you can add and remove claims. You can also set yourself as an admin and that will mean you can save unlimited amounts of claims.[/QUOTE] Yep I know, but I have to remove a claim because my new claim overlaps an old one and it errors.
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Update Time! Added: A9.3x Support for standard clients Added: A9.3x Support for dedicated servers Updated: Copy function drag can now be used with the left and middle mouse buttons Added: Bugs No major changes to give details on, just support for the latest version of the game. As always, report your bugs. [QUOTE=dantheman;140591]Ok. Since i'm still running 7d2d V9.1, may i ask you if v9.1 is currently supported and/or is it backward compatible? If your update relate to 9.3, i will update my 7d2d too, and hope this time you update your download link as well, then everything is solved :) Thank you for this editor in any way, because without it, my project would be an impossible mission![/QUOTE] Only the latest version of the game is supported (or the previous version until I release the update). You should be able to run it on 9.x as there's been no changes to the asset files but I can't guarantee it will work properly. I have enough trouble trying to get it to work properly with the latest version ^^ The links only get updated when something has gone very wrong or I move servers. I do this to help minimise the amount of errors that could occur if the editor needs to make changes before an update. If you're updating to 9.3x then update the editor at the same time and you'll be fine. [QUOTE=DJQuad;140646]Please don't forget the left-click drag. My nuclear power plant awaits. ;)[/QUOTE] It's in the latest download. I've given it a quick test but let me know if there's any issues. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;140817]It's in the latest download. I've given it a quick test but let me know if there's any issues.[/QUOTE] I ran the update but it's not working for me. I even tried left-click-dragging with a regular mouse instead of the emulator (KeyCur).
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;140867]I ran the update but it's not working for me. I even tried left-click-dragging with a regular mouse instead of the emulator (KeyCur).[/QUOTE] I've just downloaded the update from the site to check and it's working as intended. Make sure you have the latest version (0.34). Open the prefab editor, click on the "copy" radio button (the furthest on the right of the 3) and left click, hold and drag. Right click to paste.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;141177]With the middle button, yes. Left can't be assigned to fill as it's already doing the single block add.[/QUOTE] Then I'm kinda screwed :/ Can't you differentiate between a single click for the single block add and a drag for fill?
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;141180]Then I'm kinda screwed :/ Can't you differentiate between a single click for the single block add and a drag for fill?[/QUOTE] Maybe such a function as Hold CTRL or SHIFT or ALT during left click, or drag, to switch between Edit-Mode, or Copy-Mode, or..Entity-Mode, could give some comfort in editing? I know there's like Windows or Adobe Standards, which could relate to somewhat same. Edit: while it then should auto-switch back to Edit-Mode per default, to not mess up anything by accident ;) Edit²: I made the bbb claim command happen first time now, after finally got the manual update to work. Excited Xantis Version. bbb ex i've not yet done^^ Thank you for this tool, HAL9000
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[QUOTE=dantheman;141201]Maybe such a function as Hold CTRL or SHIFT or ALT during left click, or drag, to switch between Edit-Mode, or Copy-Mode, or..Entity-Mode, could give some comfort in editing? I know there's like Windows or Adobe Standards, which could relate to somewhat same. Edit: while it then should auto-switch back to Edit-Mode per default, to not mess up anything by accident ;) Edit²: I made the bbb claim command happen first time now, after finally got the manual update to work. Excited Xantis Version. bbb ex i've not yet done^^ Thank you for this tool, HAL9000[/QUOTE] Not to derail this thread too much but I'm disabled and can't hit more than 2 keys at once. This relates to a bigger discussion about general accessibility to any software but I don't wanna junk up this thread to ask for support for it.
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;141180]Then I'm kinda screwed :/ Can't you differentiate between a single click for the single block add and a drag for fill?[/QUOTE] Not without making the user click for each block they want to add in that mode. The left click is meant to be a free draw style thing like you find in the paint application. I think the nearest thing to a solution would be to have the mouse buttons assignable in the settings. So you can set Fill and the other functions to left, middle or right. Then you can swap the settings as your needs require. I'll add it to the ToDo list but I can't give a timeframe on when it will be done. [QUOTE=dantheman;141201] Edit²: I made the bbb claim command happen first time now, after finally got the manual update to work. Excited Xantis Version. bbb ex i've not yet done^^ Thank you for this tool, HAL9000[/QUOTE] Glad you got it working - remember to post your prefabs ^^ [QUOTE=Curbolt;141218]plainsGround 273 Block is missing in the Editor[/QUOTE] Hmm yeah I can't find the entry in the editors XML. Does anyone know when it was first added to the game? Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;141284]Not without making the user click for each block they want to add in that mode. The left click is meant to be a free draw style thing like you find in the paint application. I think the nearest thing to a solution would be to have the mouse buttons assignable in the settings. So you can set Fill and the other functions to left, middle or right. Then you can swap the settings as your needs require. I'll add it to the ToDo list but I can't give a timeframe on when it will be done. [/QUOTE] Would ctrl (or shift or alt) + left click dragging be easier? If not, what you suggested would be great.
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;141313]Hey Hal, It isn't in my 9.3 but it is in the 9.3.x update... I don't remember seeing a blocks added to the update. But I guess they keep us on our toes. Correction--- it is in 9.2 just not in numeric order.. It is between block ID #249 and #252[/QUOTE] Thanks Wseigel, yeah I don't remember seeing a note about new blocks either. I'll do a proper rip for the next version but if people want to include it in the current editor add this [code] 2730000plainsGround18112896 [/code] To somewhere in the middle of BlockData.txt and it'll be in the drop down next time you load the editor. [QUOTE=DJQuad;141402]Would ctrl (or shift or alt) + left click dragging be easier? If not, what you suggested would be great.[/QUOTE] Either way is about as much work as the other so I don't mind. Having the controls bindable to different buttons would require less things to be pressed simultaneously but having the bindable controls would require you to swap them in the settings panel every time you wanted to change from one to the other. Whichever is easiest for you I'll do.
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