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Hal's Prefab Editor


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@HAL9000 Yeah country code still doesn't seem to be working. I've got 6 people from China on server again, causing rucus. They're constanty exploiting using bookbag climbing to get over walls etc, shooting through walls. They got to go. Problem is, if you ban one, 7 billion more come.
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[QUOTE=nikitis;138170]@HAL9000 Yeah country code still doesn't seem to be working. I've got 6 people from China on server again, causing rucus. They're constanty exploiting using bookbag climbing to get over walls etc, shooting through walls. They got to go. Problem is, if you ban one, 7 billion more come.[/QUOTE] I can't replicate the problem. I added the mod to my dedicated server, banned my country code and got kicked. I have just noticed one possible problem. The country code needs to be lower case i.e cn, not CN. I've fixed it in the next version but just double check that it's lower case in the HalGlobal.txt file
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;138176]I can't replicate the problem. I added the mod to my dedicated server, banned my country code and got kicked. I have just noticed one possible problem. The country code needs to be lower case i.e cn, not CN. I've fixed it in the next version but just double check that it's lower case in the HalGlobal.txt file[/QUOTE] That was it. I switched to Lowercase, and a Mass Kicking took place! And almost immediately my server filled up with all kinds of people from the UK, USA, and Austrailia! Just the way I like it! All problems solved here. Just awaiting your amazing World Editor! Don't feel you have to perfect 3D world editing before releasing. World Editing of any kind would be awesome at this point. Thanks for your help today, my server is recovering nicely!
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Does anyone know why the export isn't working? I can claim fine (bbb claim DJQuadRocks) but when I type "bbb ex DJQuadRocks Sandbox" nothing is shown on the screen nor is an export created in C:\%Documents%\7 Days To Die\Saves\Navezgane\Sandbox\BlockBackup\Users\DJQuadRocks. There's just an info.txt in there.
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Are you sure you are using Hals AssemblyC-Sharp.Dll? I have seen this before with people who were using the game's dll thinking it was Hals, you could try to rename the exsisting dll and copy the one from the editor directory. and see if that helps. Note you also have to make sure you run it from steam without EAc enabled.
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Just tried it an it worked ok for me. bbb claim MyClaim bbb ex Hal9000 MyClaim export to %SaveFolder%\RandomGen\WorldName\BlockBackup\Users\Hal9000\MyClaim.ex In the users folder there's a file called Log.txt. Have a look in there to see if there were any errors on the server. Cheers, Hal
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On the server? I'm just running it through Steam. Here's the log.txt - New server started Game Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\ Global Settings: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\HalGlobal.txt BackupPath:C:\Users\DJ\Documents/7 Days To Die/Saves/Navezgane/DJSandbox2/BlockBackup/ UsersPath:C:\Users\DJ\Documents/7 Days To Die/Saves/Navezgane/DJSandbox2/BlockBackup/Users/ SettingsPath:C:\Users\DJ\Documents/7 Days To Die/Saves/Navezgane/DJSandbox2/BlockBackup/Settings.txt Command Path: C:\Users\DJ\Documents/7 Days To Die/Saves/Navezgane/DJSandbox2/BlockBackup/Commands/ Command Processor Start. Command Processor Loaded. Loading Globals Loading Globals finished Saving globals... Manager Pre Server Process message from DJQuad:bbb ex djquadrocks sandbox2 Process message from DJQuad:bbb ex djquadrocks djsandbox2
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Hal, I noticed a following error or maybe a quirk: sometimes -- and I can't pinpoint when -- an additional directory is created in my documents called [COLOR="#FFFF00"]xxDays to Die[/COLOR], where [COLOR="#FFFF00"]xx[/COLOR] stands for some Unicode characters, sometimes displayed as Chinese, sometimes -- unknown. It must be your library because inside there's [COLOR="#FFFF00"]Saves\Random Gen\Alpha[/COLOR][COLOR="#FFD700"]\BlockBackup[/COLOR] directory.
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[quote]Is your claim called sandbox2? so you've done bbb claim sandbox2 bbb ex djquadrocks sandbox2[/quote] Is there a way to unclaim an area just to make sure? I can't remember if I claimed sandbox2 or djsandbox2 (doh). The original claim did work though. I just tried both "bbb ex djquadrocks sandbox2" and "bbb ex djquadrocks djsandbox2" to be sure but still nothing.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;139393]Is your claim called sandbox2? so you've done bbb claim sandbox2 bbb ex djquadrocks sandbox2[/QUOTE] That is his problem... He used this line for the claim. from his above post... (bbb claim DJQuadRocks) he should have used ( bbb claim sandbox2 ) then ( bbb ex djquadrocks sandbox2) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] If you have the claim djquadrocks then try this... ( bbb ex djquadrocks djquadrocks )
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This kinda weird I suppose. Under Players it lists both DJQuad and DJQuadRocks. The latter is my steam name. [attachment=100:name] The only difference between clicking the 2 names is that DJQuad has something in the Areas field, DJQuadRocks does not. I'm not sure why it's picking up DJQuad from but I didn't add it. I only added DJQuadRocks.
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...and I'm off! Just a few thoughts/questions. First of all, holy batman this editor is pure genius. Thanks so much Hal! Is there any way to expand the prefab area? I cut my first one down to about 13x13 using F5-F8, but is there a way to add columns/rows? I'm working on some pretty big prefabs but I'm not sure what a safe claim area should be. I'd much rather work with a huge claim size instead of multiple smaller ones and stitching them together in the xml. Is there any way to copy areas without middle-click-drag? I'm disabled and using a mouse isn't viable. I use a mouse emulator that uses the keypad for mouse movements, clicks, etc but unfortunately it doesn't support middle-click-drag. I can left-click-drag, right-click, but that's about it. I'm not sure if there's a way to emulate it with AutoHotKey either. I hope that made sense. Thanks again for such a great tool and thanks to the people that helped me get it working despite my derpyness :)
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[QUOTE=DJQuad;139880]...and I'm off! Just a few thoughts/questions. First of all, holy batman this editor is pure genius. Thanks so much Hal! Is there any way to expand the prefab area? I cut my first one down to about 13x13 using F5-F8, but is there a way to add columns/rows? I'm working on some pretty big prefabs but I'm not sure what a safe claim area should be. I'd much rather work with a huge claim size instead of multiple smaller ones and stitching them together in the xml. Is there any way to copy areas without middle-click-drag? I'm disabled and using a mouse isn't viable. I use a mouse emulator that uses the keypad for mouse movements, clicks, etc but unfortunately it doesn't support middle-click-drag. I can left-click-drag, right-click, but that's about it. I'm not sure if there's a way to emulate it with AutoHotKey either. I hope that made sense. Thanks again for such a great tool and thanks to the people that helped me get it working despite my derpyness :)[/QUOTE] If you look in the editor there's a bunch of menus at the top. Find the one called "Prefab" and the options to add new rows/columns and layers are in there. You can add individuals or there's another option to add multiples. I'll have a look and see how easy it is to combine the copy function with the middle click and the left click dragging. There's nothing assigned to left clicking while copying at the moment so it shouldn't be too difficult. Cheers, Hal
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In the meantime shouldn't this AutoHotKey script work? f1::Click Down MButton ;Press F1 to hold the middle mouse button down f2::Click Up MButton ;F2 to release the middle mouse button It works fine with LButton but not MButton Also, how big can a claim size be?
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I don't use the auto scripting but the website states: [QUOTE] The button to click: Left (default), Right, Middle (or just the first letter of each of these); [/QUOTE] There's no limit set by the editor for claim size but you'll hit a limit on RAM usage and disk space. Not many people want to download a 500MB prefab ^^ it's best to just play around with different sizes until you find the limit your machine can handle.
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Also, do you know why it's detecting multiple player names? I'm running into a lot of conflicts and confusion when claiming, exporting, importing, etc. I posted a screenshot earlier about what's happening. I'm only using my steam name (DJQuadRocks) for everything, I have no idea how it's picking up DJQuad. I'm also not sure how to unclaim an area after a claim so I can claim a new area.
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What name does it use in the chat window when you type in the game? You should use whatever that is. If you're using the name displayed in the chat area post some screenshots of you typing in the commands and I'll have a look. When you open the editor there's a button called "Backup Manager". In there you can add and remove claims. You can also set yourself as an admin and that will mean you can save unlimited amounts of claims. There's a video in the first post showing a lot of the controls. There's also tutorials and videos that have been made by community members (Ekk0, Wseigel and BigC90210 are the ones that come to mind but there may be others) posted in the forum that can show you how to use the editor.
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Hello Hal9000, as much as i appreciate your editor, as much i'm confused about how to get the bbb ex command to work. #1 I can create prefabs from scratch, save them and deploy them on a plot @ my local game - working at a glance. - but i fail to use it with my local dedicated server (v9.1), since it either crash or i run into version mismatches: my [B]local dedicated server (v9.1) say it's v8.8[/B], when i overwrite the "Assembly-CSharpDedicated.dll" -> "CSharpDedicated.dll". #2 Another question: [B]how to obtain the latest version of your editor?[/B] - It say, it's v0.30 and I disabled outer communication, but allow lan traffic, for the editor (as i do with most applications @home). Therefore i cannot use the manual update button. Is it necessary, to retrieve the update that way, or will you upload/update your download link, here in the forum from time to time? Thank your very much, in advance. Cheers, Dan
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