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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Hey Hal awesome tool, so far the most useful one iv used by far, but I am having some issues. Ok, first issue quite literally fixed itself when I was trying to duplicate it to write up the error for you, it was telling me, "Steam Id not found" despite having my exact steam name in the settings", and no, before you ask, I was not using my actual steam id number, just my steam name. Second issue, when you go to the download prefab screen, and near the bottom to the right of the "World:" label there is a drop down menu that allows you to pick "Navezgane" or "Random Gen". If I pick Random Gen I get an unhandled exception error. I'm guessing this is just an incomplete feature of your program though due to random gen just being added, but if it really is a bug let me know and ill send the details of the error. Third issue, not really an issue just an observation and a small criticism. You have a button on the main menu for "World Editor", this button takes you to an obviously unfinished feature that wont allow you to do anything with the program while its doing whatever its doing, it also doesn't always allow me to close it and I sometimes have to end the process through task manager. In my opinion you shouldn't allow access to unfinished content in your programs. I am aware this is a WIP though and it is [I]your[/I] program, you can do whatever you want with it, if you think I'm being an ass or something feel free to ignore this entry. :) And last would be a suggestion. Iv downloaded quite a lot of prefabs, haven't made any myself yet, but some of them are out of date and have the black boxes in them. Would you be able to add a feature that takes those blocks and changes them automatically to the blocks they are meant to be, maybe with the press of a button? I think it could be done if you had a small database of the old block Ids and the new ones and pressing the button would just change the entries that have the "Unknown blocks" or the old block Ids. It would make it quite easy to update ones own edits as well any time they change the Ids. Again, great tool, and thank you for working so hard on it.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;128245]Hal, here's a question for you: Would it be possible to make your editor have the MOTD script handle URLs so when a MOTD pops up you can click on a link to direct someone to a webpage/website? I'd love to have an auto-play message that will direct my server playerbase to check out a webpage with our newest server changes.[/QUOTE] No unfortunately not War, changes like that would require re-writing the chat window which is something quite difficult to do when you don't have access to the source code and Unity. I'm not even sure if Unity lets you load external processes. That may be an interesting experiment! [QUOTE=ottoforumyou;128350]the unload guns does not seem to work....[/QUOTE] It'll be coming back soon [QUOTE=Savage117;128874]Hey Hal awesome tool, so far the most useful one iv used by far, but I am having some issues. Ok, first issue quite literally fixed itself when I was trying to duplicate it to write up the error for you, it was telling me, "Steam Id not found" despite having my exact steam name in the settings", and no, before you ask, I was not using my actual steam id number, just my steam name. Second issue, when you go to the download prefab screen, and near the bottom to the right of the "World:" label there is a drop down menu that allows you to pick "Navezgane" or "Random Gen". If I pick Random Gen I get an unhandled exception error. I'm guessing this is just an incomplete feature of your program though due to random gen just being added, but if it really is a bug let me know and ill send the details of the error. Third issue, not really an issue just an observation and a small criticism. You have a button on the main menu for "World Editor", this button takes you to an obviously unfinished feature that wont allow you to do anything with the program while its doing whatever its doing, it also doesn't always allow me to close it and I sometimes have to end the process through task manager. In my opinion you shouldn't allow access to unfinished content in your programs. I am aware this is a WIP though and it is [I]your[/I] program, you can do whatever you want with it, if you think I'm being an ass or something feel free to ignore this entry. :) And last would be a suggestion. Iv downloaded quite a lot of prefabs, haven't made any myself yet, but some of them are out of date and have the black boxes in them. Would you be able to add a feature that takes those blocks and changes them automatically to the blocks they are meant to be, maybe with the press of a button? I think it could be done if you had a small database of the old block Ids and the new ones and pressing the button would just change the entries that have the "Unknown blocks" or the old block Ids. It would make it quite easy to update ones own edits as well any time they change the Ids. Again, great tool, and thank you for working so hard on it.[/QUOTE] 1) Was it a new world? I don't think the player file gets saved till you log off. So if the file isn't there the editor can't find out your location. 2) Thanks for the info. I'll remove the random gen from the dropdown. The random world isn't compatible with adding prefabs into the world that way because there's no XML file for the locations. The most you can do is add the RWG meta data in the editor and save the prefab. It should then be added to the list of possible structure spawns. 3) The world viewer is there to show early workings of another project. If it doesn't work for you, don't click it :) 4) If you're willing to create the database, I'll add it in. All I need is a list of old block IDs and which version they belong to and their replacement ID in the latest version. Any conflicts from differing versions and I'll assume it's a prefab using the nearest to latest version. -- Finally started getting somewhere with the world editor. The world is now remotely viewable and cachable. Players are shown on the map and their inventories and stats listed. Containers in the world are viewable and editable. Next up on the agenda is chunk resetting and maybe drag 'n' drop prefabs into the world. Cheers, Hal
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It's not a huge amount of code. But implementing it is quite tricky. You have to amend the input class so it knows about the unload key, the controller so it checks for the key, amend the ItemAction class and it's derivatives with the new unload code, add new methods for the RPC calls, and update the game manager. DNC did a hell of a good job making it in the first place. I had enough trouble when I had his DLL to look at! Gimme a shout if you want to have a go at implementing it. Hal
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How many of you guys are using single player and the mod? I'm just wondering if I can drop the client mod and just release the dedicated server version. It would cut down on the amount of stuff I'd have to do but if people are doing their thing in SP I'll keep both options.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;131860]How many of you guys are using single player and the mod? I'm just wondering if I can drop the client mod and just release the dedicated server version. It would cut down on the amount of stuff I'd have to do but if people are doing their thing in SP I'll keep both options.[/QUOTE] Unfortunately (if you look at it that way), I use it in single-player because it is easier for me to design and make changes/see changes faster in SP. If I'm in the minority... well, I'll "take one for the team".
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Can't get it to accept game location From Hal Program 7DTD Location D:\GAMES\=== STEAM ===\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\ From Windows file explorer D:\GAMES\=== STEAM ===\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\ All I get is. [QUOTE]"I don't seem to have the location for your install. Click OK to open the settings form."[/QUOTE] If I be silly and do D:\GAMES\=== STEAM ===\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\# I get [QUOTE]"That game location doesn't seem to be right. Try again."[/QUOTE] This is my settings file after I try start it. [QUOTE]location=D:\GAMES\=== STEAM ===\STEAM\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\ recent1= recent2= recent3= recent4= recent5= steamid=The_Vulcan deleteonpublish=0 insertprefabmove=-2 ftp=0 ftpserver= ftpport=21 ftpu= ftpp= ftproot=/ ftpsavepath= layoutleft=1 showzombies=1 flicker=1 version=0.30 loginuser= loginpass=[/QUOTE] Any ideas ?
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Hey guys, I've currently the got editor working with the 9.2 dedicated server version. The SP DLL should be done tomorrow. Here's a [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt-oRf_KJwE"]preview [/URL]of what's going to be coming over the next few releases to start replacing the bbb commands Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;133093]Hey guys, I've currently the got editor working with the 9.2 dedicated server version. The SP DLL should be done tomorrow. Here's a [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt-oRf_KJwE"]preview [/URL]of what's going to be coming over the next few releases to start replacing the bbb commands Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] That is impressive, Hal. Looking forward to messing with everything!
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Does the prefab editor still work with 9.2? I downloaded it recently (version 0.32 Xenophobia Zebra) and I'm not having any luck getting the prefab editor nor backup manager to function. In the prefab editor when I hit load into world (I've tried both nav & randomgen) I log in and nothing is there, I've tried matching cords and still nothing. With the back up manager, when I'm filling in all the information I get an error popup that says "Could not find the command folder. Can not auto refresh. Leave the game and re-enter to apply the changes." I'm running on the latest version of 7dtd, windows 7 64bit. I've uninstalled and reinstalled 7dtd, hal's prefab editor, deleted the world tried new ones, and still neither works.
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;133803]Wow Hal... that looks amazing... Now I want to set up a server just to use this great tool that's coming. :) You are always on the cutting edge of things. All hail Hal !![/QUOTE] Thanks mate! Eventually there won't be a need for a server, it'll be built into the SP DLL as well. Just a flag and a port in the global file to enable it. [QUOTE=nikitis;133876]@HAL9000 That is brilliant! Now all someone has to do to get creative back is build a prefab shack with all the items in the game and pop it into existance, grab what you need and them remove it! :) Hope it is released soon, I cannot wait![/QUOTE] It should be easier than that. Just find any container in the world and you can add what you want into it. Any trashpile, chest etc will do. I've looked at spawning the items directly onto the server. I can hear the sounds of them spawning but can't see any blocks. So more to do on that one! [QUOTE=IceJudge;134012]Does the prefab editor still work with 9.2? I downloaded it recently (version 0.32 Xenophobia Zebra) and I'm not having any luck getting the prefab editor nor backup manager to function. In the prefab editor when I hit load into world (I've tried both nav & randomgen) I log in and nothing is there, I've tried matching cords and still nothing. With the back up manager, when I'm filling in all the information I get an error popup that says "Could not find the command folder. Can not auto refresh. Leave the game and re-enter to apply the changes." I'm running on the latest version of 7dtd, windows 7 64bit. I've uninstalled and reinstalled 7dtd, hal's prefab editor, deleted the world tried new ones, and still neither works.[/QUOTE] The version for 9.2 hasn't been released yet. There's a patch coming tomorrow so to save doing the work twice I'll be releasing after that. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;133093]Hey guys, I've currently the got editor working with the 9.2 dedicated server version. The SP DLL should be done tomorrow. Here's a [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt-oRf_KJwE"]preview [/URL]of what's going to be coming over the next few releases to start replacing the bbb commands Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Mind = Blown. FML dude i cant WAIT to get my hands on this!!!!! one thing to ask, is it possible to create region files with this that can then be exported? I'm thinking it would be possible to export say a large square portion of a randomgen map, surround it with radioactive material a-la navezgane, then drop POI's in to make your own world complete with regions and fixed pointed POI's, can this be done? :D AMAZING work, absolutely cannot wait to try this!
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Hi, can't see this issue being raised anywhere else... In the backup manager what is causing the following error "Could not find the command folder. Can not auto refresh. Leave the game and re-enter to apply the changes" I've tried reloading 7dtd and the hal editor but I'm still getting this each time. I've set my location as my 7dtd folder in steam. I'm on Windows 7 64bit, The problem happens on both Navezgane and Randomgen, the editor is version 0.32 Xenophobia Zebra, 7dtd is patched up to date. Any idea as to why I'm getting this message?
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[QUOTE=kinklade;134903]Hi, can't see this issue being raised anywhere else... In the backup manager what is causing the following error "Could not find the command folder. Can not auto refresh. Leave the game and re-enter to apply the changes" I've tried reloading 7dtd and the hal editor but I'm still getting this each time. I've set my location as my 7dtd folder in steam. I'm on Windows 7 64bit, The problem happens on both Navezgane and Randomgen, the editor is version 0.32 Xenophobia Zebra, 7dtd is patched up to date. Any idea as to why I'm getting this message?[/QUOTE] That's just a warning message that the game won't auto-update its settings. You have to restart the server to apply the changes. Next time the server boots it should create the command folder. 0.32 isn't compatible with anything other than 9.1. I'll be releasing the 9.3 version in a few minutes. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;134926]That's just a warning message that the game won't auto-update its settings. You have to restart the server to apply the changes. Next time the server boots it should create the command folder. 0.32 isn't compatible with anything other than 9.1. I'll be releasing the 9.3 version in a few minutes. Hal[/QUOTE] Couldn't play this game without your editor, Hal. Been looking forward to this for a few days now!
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