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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=HAL9000;115092]Finally figured out how to get world data into the editor... [IMG]http://www.vendocode.com/WorldViewer.png[/IMG] This is the area around diersville. Still some stuff to iron out and it's really slow but at least I know it's possible now! 10 points for the first person who can tell me what's wrong with that picture ^^ And as a side note, I needed some test data for a project I'm doing for work and decided to use the download stats for the editor. [IMG]http://www.vendocode.com/IpMapSmaller.png[/IMG] That's a view of some of the locations round the world that have downloaded the editor. Pretty cool huh?[/QUOTE] wow, that download data is cool, except that im in New Zealand and have downloaded it several times and theres no dots for me :( but I don't think this is an error, we always get forgotten way down here, at least it actually shows that we exist
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[QUOTE=ZombieMan;115899]wow, that download data is cool, except that im in New Zealand and have downloaded it several times and theres no dots for me :( but I don't think this is an error, we always get forgotten way down here, at least it actually shows that we exist[/QUOTE] Ha, sorry Zombie. You weren't forgotten, I just didn't use all the data in the logs. I just took the first big scoop of IPs I could find. If I post another I'll make sure NZ gets its flag ^^ I'd just like to point out that even the Pacific Ocean plays 7DTD (and uses the editor!) :D
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;115848]Just to clarify, when in the minus numbers (-768.3 for example) rounding down would make it -769 not -768 Glad you like the tool. Yes, I enjoy trying to find ways to inject a bit of humour into my work. Hopefully the jokes are good enough (and some are purposefully bad - or that's my excuse ;)) Hal[/QUOTE] Okay Hal, if thats the case then the problem wasn't with me exporting that upper area, burt rather when I exported my pieces for grave town then, as i did the same there (-768.4 as -768) and those ones were spot on, i.e. The elevator shaft inside the building or the exits that come up to the buildings in the corners of the bathrooms. Again it may just be something with the region file itself hickuping, used the same rounding methods on both areas for export. So im abit stumped but yeah i'll just make sure to export a couple extra blocks and trim in the editor itself from now on. The humors great. Better to have some good humor about the mistakes one makes rather then some dialog box that just goes "error. Fix it." Keeps the mood light :)
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;115930]Ha, sorry Zombie. You weren't forgotten, I just didn't use all the data in the logs. I just took the first big scoop of IPs I could find. If I post another I'll make sure NZ gets its flag ^^ I'd just like to point out that even the Pacific Ocean plays 7DTD (and uses the editor!) :D[/QUOTE] haha thanks Hal, but on closer inspection I think I am there, on the left side of the map it shows half of Australia and to the right of that are some flags which must be over New Zealand, but of course the flags are bigger than my country lol. and yeah I see those mermaids in the middle of the pacific ocean have been busy :) love your work Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;115512]Let me put it this way, Mr. Amor. The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.[/QUOTE] Awesome editor, keep up the good work HAL.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;118191]I shall wait patiently, my friend. You know your editor is my life blood. You can't stop playing this game before I do... *smile*.[/QUOTE] Its working for me but I'm getting that dreaded 'black block' when opening them :(
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Until Hal dives into updating his editor for Alpha 9, I have taken the opportunity to revise the decal meta tags until an official update comes about. It seems a few tags have changed with the current editor (been replaced). I sincerely just hope TFP added new decals instead of overwriting some of them (one being a blood decal). Anyways, it isn't the prettiest picture, but until we have an official update here are what the decal meta tags represent: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Warhawk88/media/decalmetatags1.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v661/Warhawk88/decalmetatags1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The only change is the decal meta tags 9 and 10. The new double yellow line decals have replaced two older decals (I hope we find out that the two old decals have just been moved and the editor doesn't see them yet)
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Excuse me for making three posts in a row: Seems the draw distance for the new double lines is very very short as well. I'm only able to go about a good 17 blocks or so before it starts disappearing. The other decals only disappear with the draw distance fog.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;118653]Until Hal dives into updating his editor for Alpha 9, I have taken the opportunity to revise the decal meta tags until an official update comes about. It seems a few tags have changed with the current editor (been replaced). I sincerely just hope TFP added new decals instead of overwriting some of them (one being a blood decal). Anyways, it isn't the prettiest picture, but until we have an official update here are what the decal meta tags represent: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/Warhawk88/media/decalmetatags1.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v661/Warhawk88/decalmetatags1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The only change is the decal meta tags 9 and 10. The new double yellow line decals have replaced two older decals (I hope we find out that the two old decals have just been moved and the editor doesn't see them yet)[/QUOTE] Nice find Warsaken.. I will add the picture to my prefab notes.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;118172]I'll be looking at the code tomorrow. Hopefully not too much has changed. Tonight though is all about random gen... :) Hal[/QUOTE] I can't wait until you update it for A9. I was thinking of starting to make pre-fabs for random gen, as it made more sense to me than on the fixed Navezgane map. It's more seamless that way.
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Update Time! Added: A9.0 Support for standard clients Added: A9.0 Support for dedicated servers Added: Access creative mode when disabled in game (admin only) Added: MOTD Added: VAC ban check to admin tools Added: Kill player command Added: Heal player command Added: New user welcome message Added: Returning user welcome message Added: Cooldown on claim load Added: World Viewer Removed: Torch Flicker Mod Removed: Remove zombies from minimap Disabled: Load from disc option for prefab editor Disabled: Weapon unload mod Lots of changes in this build. Any many new bugs I'm sure. Getting the mod working with A9 was pretty painless. Which always worries me. This version is just for getting the editor working again. New features added by A9 will come later. Some features have been disabled until I can figure out the best way to implement them again. All your basic functions should work. And importing into Navezgane should continue to work as it did before. For prefab creation I'd stick to Navezgane for now. Or do all the new XML stuff manually. I need to figure out how to best add the new options into to the GUI. The torch flicker and zombies on map mods have been removed as they're handled by the game now. Thanks to Red Eagle and DerPopo for letting me include them in the editor. New Commands: Access creative mode when disabled in game (admin only) "bbb cc" Brings up the creative mode screen even if the world has the option disabled. Admin only. Kill player command "bbb kill " Kills the selected player. This may or may not be effective against hacked clients. Admin only Heal player command "bbb heal " Heals the selected player to full health. Admin only. New server options: These options can be found in the HalGlobal.txt file in the games root directory (Where the 7DaysToDie.exe file is) MOTD motd= motddelay=10 motddelay is the time in minutes between sending the message Cooldown on claim load delayload=10 delayload is the time in minutes before a player can use the "bbb load" command again. 0 = unlimited use. -1 = Admin only. Time is reset on a server restart. World Viewer: I've also enabled the "World Editor" button on the main menu form. This will show you the layout of the selected world. It reads the regions from the disc like the game does. This is just a test of concept. It doesn't do anything and I'm not sure it ever will. It was just bugging me that I couldn't do it before ^^ IMPORTANT! Do NOT use the world viewer while the game is running on the world you've selected. There's a small chance of loosing chunk data and the area will be regenerated again by the game so all structures will be lost for that chunk. So don't do it! There's LOTS of changes gone on in the background so expect bugs. I've not had time to test every function and option so - Report your bugs people! Cheers, Hal
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I'm guessing we lost two older decals then? I haven't had a chance to figure out if they were moved because I just had a heart attack at all the changes I'm going to have to make to my prefabs to update them unless the update to the editor on my side messed up somehow. I have a LOT of block unknown blocks.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;119193]I'm guessing we lost two older decals then? I haven't had a chance to figure out if they were moved because I just had a heart attack at all the changes I'm going to have to make to my prefabs to update them unless the update to the editor on my side messed up somehow. I have a LOT of block unknown blocks.[/QUOTE] Yeah, you can only have 16 options on the meta tag. Try deleting your BlockData.txt and BlockDataDefault.txt file from the editor directory. It might not have updated correctly. That might sort some of your unknown blocks out.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;119207]Yeah, you can only have 16 options on the meta tag. Try deleting your BlockData.txt and BlockDataDefault.txt file from the editor directory. It might not have updated correctly. That might sort some of your unknown blocks out.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I tried that. I think something changed with the damage tags. The blocks that are showing up as unknown black squares are all my blocks that I painted down with a damage tag... that's unfortunate because my prefabs have A LOT of blocks with pre-made damage...
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I hate this form, you can't edit your posts. Dumbest thing ever. Anyways I got it downloaded, but when I try to edit a prefab and save it it comes back and says application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. I have tried running it as administrator, but no luck. same error
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[QUOTE=randydg;119313]Hey hal, Where do i get your game v9 editor? when i go to the first page the date says last month.[/QUOTE] just download that one, and if you haven't used it before, it will automatically show you a update box, if you want to update your current one, click manual update :)
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;119304]Yeah, I tried that. I think something changed with the damage tags. The blocks that are showing up as unknown black squares are all my blocks that I painted down with a damage tag... that's unfortunate because my prefabs have A LOT of blocks with pre-made damage...[/QUOTE] Send me a link to one of the prefabs with the problem and I'll take a look. Nothing should have changed with the damage tags. If there's an issue it could be a bug. [QUOTE=randydg;119324]I hate this form, you can't edit your posts. Dumbest thing ever. Anyways I got it downloaded, but when I try to edit a prefab and save it it comes back and says application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. I have tried running it as administrator, but no luck. same error[/QUOTE] Is your steam library in Program Files?
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