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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Looks great Hal, I had created a 100x100 prefab of just terrain in the pains area to mimic the surrounding area. After this update I can now scroll around the map and see in the info box Grass2 Grass3...etc.. Thanks it will make it much easier to see and modify. Big +1
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hal, could you briefly explain how to use the "copy" section of the tool (i know how to use the edit and info section already) as im having trouble figuring it out fully. A method of being able to select a block, AND its properties (direction and meta - especially for placing lights) would save loads of time, it can be quite confusing to choose a block, then its direction and metadata, to place it to then find it hasn't placed in the direction you just selected. the ability to copy/paste a selection within a layer on a prefab would be awesome too Amazing work keep it up dude
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[QUOTE=bigc90210;107878]hal, could you briefly explain how to use the "copy" section of the tool (i know how to use the edit and info section already) as im having trouble figuring it out fully. A method of being able to select a block, AND its properties (direction and meta - especially for placing lights) would save loads of time, it can be quite confusing to choose a block, then its direction and metadata, to place it to then find it hasn't placed in the direction you just selected. the ability to copy/paste a selection within a layer on a prefab would be awesome too Amazing work keep it up dude[/QUOTE] Try looking [URL="http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?10186-Tutorial-Hal-s-Prefab-Editor-Tips-and-tricks&highlight=tips"]here... [/URL] if you have any more questions.. please ask!
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;107888]Try looking [URL="http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?10186-Tutorial-Hal-s-Prefab-Editor-Tips-and-tricks&highlight=tips"]here... [/URL] if you have any more questions.. please ask![/QUOTE] HEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hal, I noticed some strange things going on with the Meta tags. ( all in edit mode ) 1: When you start up the editor the meta tag is set to "0" and not "Zero" as it will when you change it with the drop down. 2: You can not set a Meta Tag and paint a block... it ignores what ever you have the meta tag set to and just set the new block to zero. You have to use the Edit block function. 3: If you copy a block ( right click ) with a meta tag set on it, it copies the meta tag but does not show it in the drop down above. It will paste fine as the copied block. You can not right click on a block, grab all the data and then change the meta tag and paint it ( left click ) with a new meta tag. 4: If you do right click on a block with the meta tag set. ( see above ) That meta tag will always be set to paint with, even when selecting new block and rotations. You have to right click on some other block without the meta being set to reset this on your brush as it ignores the meta setting. ( this one had me scratching my head ) Thanks for the update... still getting used to the new layout Cheers
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Update on the upload/download function. As we're only around 2 weeks off A9 (fingers crossed) and it's going to completely change the way prefabs are added to the world I'm going to hold off updating this area till we know the new system. No point doing the work twice. Hal
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[QUOTE=ottoforumyou;108942]when I download it, it still was for 8.7 not 8.8 in the Assembly-CSharp.dll and in the game, it when back to 8.7... is the available update on page one of this thread still correct?[/QUOTE] Oops, you're absolutely right. The zip still has the old DLL in. I've really got to stop releasing code after having a few drinks... New version released. Hal
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;109068]This may be something you have no control over, Hal, but when you use "regenthis" to a prefab any lights you've switched on with the meta tag won't cast a light map until you restart your current game you're in.[/QUOTE] Ah that's interesting. I'll check it out. But no, I don't think it's something I have control over to change. But it should only be lights that have been destroyed that don't emit. If it's all lights then it might be something I can change. Cheers, Hal
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Now if they were added, then you quit out, log back on, destroy the light that is turned on, and "bbb regen this" it works fine. Newly added lights, turned on, then using "bbb regenthis" causes them to emit no light maps. Want to be precise in the matter =).
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local dedicated server support as well???? So, I tried to also change out the file with my local dedicated server that came out about 30 days ago, and it will not allow me to use the sharp file with this...my other 7daystodie normal directory is fine, just not my C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server it says when I start it on my local computer that it could not connect to the port [attachment=38:name]
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[B][I][SIZE=2]"Another quality of life issue, Hal. When you paint a door down in the editor, the door is starting with a meta tag of 15 instead of zero/closed. If you do not change the meta tag back to zero/closed or one/open, the door will be bugged and unusable in-game."[/SIZE][/I][/B] [SIZE=2]*EDIT Nevermind, doors were bugging for me, but a restart of the editor fixed it... heh.[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=ottoforumyou;109396]So, I tried to also change out the file with my local dedicated server that came out about 30 days ago, and it will not allow me to use the sharp file with this...my other 7daystodie normal directory is fine, just not my C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server it says when I start it on my local computer that it could not connect to the port [ATTACH=CONFIG]3683[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] The DLL doesn't work with the dedicated server version of the game. I'm looking to release a second DLL at somepoint over the weekend.
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Hi Guys, i just wanted to continue prefabbing from my yesterday work but i got anytime an error when i try to start HAL's Pefab Editor. something like "'<', hexidezimaler Wert 0x3C, ist ein ungültiges Attributszeichen. Zeile 5, Position 64." Is there a known problem with the editor or is my .NET-framework buggy? btw: THX HAL FOR THIS DAMN EDITOR! ////Edit: i simply reset my local 7days-files and it works now. but this time i didnt replace the .dll. didnt need it anywhere.
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Update Time! Updated: Mods are re-enabled. Torch flicker / Hide Zombies On Map / Weapon Unload Added: 8.8 Dedicated Server support The mods are now back in the game. I've changed how they're enabled in the form. The tick now means "enable this mod" and I've changed the language slightly to tell you what the mod does. I've also added an alias for the RegenThis command. You can now use "bbb rt" to achieve the same results. That's a whole 7 characters saved! The dedicated server version of 8.8 can now run the mod. To do this you'll find another DLL in your editor folder after the update called "Assembly-CSharpDedicated.DLL". You'll need to manually copy this to your dedicated server, rename the original "Assembly-CSharp.DLL" file that's already there as a backup and rename my DLL to "Assembly-CSharp.DLL". Then reboot the server. As always with new stuff, expect possible issues. I've tested all the commands and it seems to work fine but post your bugs. Actually, post your feedback anyway, good or bad. It's informative to know if this is running well with 12 players playing concurrently as well as any issues. [QUOTE=Warsaken;109068]This may be something you have no control over, Hal, but when you use "regenthis" to a prefab any lights you've switched on with the meta tag won't cast a light map until you restart your current game you're in.[/QUOTE] I've had a look at this War and it works ok for me. I made a basic prefab with about a dozen lights. Shot the hell out of them all and ran the RegenThis command. They all popped back up and were emitting light too. No re-log required. Weirdly the first time I tried it crashed my game but not sure if that's related as I've been having a few CTDs recently. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;109815] I've had a look at this War and it works ok for me. I made a basic prefab with about a dozen lights. Shot the hell out of them all and ran the RegenThis command. They all popped back up and were emitting light too. No re-log required. Weirdly the first time I tried it crashed my game but not sure if that's related as I've been having a few CTDs recently. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Try it this way, Hal. Build a basic prefab without lights. While still in game add the light to the prefab in the editor, use the regen command in game so the light fixture is set, then go back to the editor and turn the light on, then use the regen command once again to activate it in-game. When I do it that way, the light will sometimes emit the light map, but the fixture itself never lights up unless I exit my current game and go back into said game. Honestly though, it's not something important. Even then, it may be something out of your control with the engine itself.
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[QUOTE=Warsaken;109828]Try it this way, Hal. Build a basic prefab without lights. While still in game add the light to the prefab in the editor, use the regen command in game so the light fixture is set, then go back to the editor and turn the light on, then use the regen command once again to activate it in-game. When I do it that way, the light will sometimes emit the light map, but the fixture itself never lights up unless I exit my current game and go back into said game. Honestly though, it's not something important. Even then, it may be something out of your control with the engine itself.[/QUOTE] Ah right, that makes sense. Yeah the block would should reload if the meta is changed. If it's not then it's something in the engine and out of my hands. @all New command added for the next release: bbb keykill Removes all keystone blocks in the given radius. Removes both the physical block and the coded protection. Alias of "kk". If no radius is specified the default is 3 (ish). Admin only.
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It seems to be just lights. In the end, it's not a big deal. Also I noticed something kinda funky: if you paint grass with different meta tags in the editor, then use the "regenthis" command, when it reloads the prefab the grass changes textures like it is changing meta-tags! If you exit your current game and delete the region the affected prefab is in, the meta tags appropriately reset upon game re-entry. Crazy part is if you keep using "regenthis", the meta tags will continue randomizing... heh.
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